As it usually happens, at the end of the year comes statistics. Here are statistical data related to my blog:
3 najčitanija posta u 2010. godini:
Most popular posts in 2010:
1. Božićne aktivnosti: što se u vrtiću radi / Christmas activities: what are we doing in kindergarten
2. Valentinovo - aktivnosti u vrtiću / Valentine's Day - activities
3. Jabuke (20.10. - Dan jabuka) / Apples (20th October - International day of apples)
Najviše ljudi je posjetilo moj blog preko linkova na ovim blogovima:
Most people have visited my blog through links on these blogs:
1. Mamma Felice - Grazie Barbara
2. What DID we do all day? (click on Linky Tools) - Thank you My Boys' Teacher
3. No Time For Flash Cards - Thank you Allison
4. Förskoleburken - Tack Maria
5. Dálle un colino - Gracias Meni
Most visitors come from these countries:
1. Hrvatska / Croatia
2. Sjedinjene Američke Države / USA
3. Srbija / Serbia
4. Bosna i Hercegovina / Bosnia and Herzegovina
5. Francuska / France
6. Italija / Italy
7. Kanada / Canada
8. Španjolska / Spain
9. Slovenija / Slovenia
10. Njemačka / Germany
Slijedi popis MENI NAJDRAŽIH postova:
The following is a list of MY FAVORITE posts:
1. Agregatna stanja vode / Aggregate states of water
2. Još zimskih aktivnosti... / More winter activities...
3. Valentinovo - aktivnosti u vrtiću / Valentines' Day activities in kindergarten
4. Valentinovo - aktivnosti u vrtiću 2 / Valentines' Day activities in kindergarten 2
5. Valentinovo - aktivnosti u vrtiću 3 / Valentines' Day activities in kindergarten 3
6. Planeta Zemlja / Planet Earth
7. Sortiranje životinja po kontinentima / Sorting animals by continent
8. Uskrs - aktivnosti iz vrtića / Easter activities in kindergarten
9. Europa / Europe
10. Ružičasti toranj i smeđe stepenice / Pink tower and brown stairs
11. Crvene gredice / The red rods
12. Brojevne gredice i brojke / Number rods and numerals
13. Grad mladih I. / The City of Youth I.
14. Bundeve, duhovi, pauci, vještice, šišmiši...Noć vještica / Pumpkins, ghosts, spiders, witches, bats...Halloween
15. Orašasto voće / Nut fruit
16. Citrusi / Citrus
Wordarts about happiness are from Word Art World and Create with TLC.
Thanks to you Natasa, I'm soo glad if my readers are yours too :)
OdgovoriIzbrišian award waiting for you on my blog!
OdgovoriIzbrišiSve najbolje draga Natasa, veselim se tvojim 2011 postovima unaprijed!!! pusa
OdgovoriIzbrišiMerci la fée papillion écolo! You're so kind!
OdgovoriIzbrišiTea, i ja tebi i tvojoj obitelji želim uspješnu i veselu Novu 2011! Samo naprijed sa svojim projektima - prekrasni su sve do jednog :-)
Hvala na posjeti i komentaru, i tebi sve najbolje želim, unaprijed se veselim čitanju tvog bloga. Loredana.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala Loredana :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks, great that my readers find you! I think you apple-post is one of my absolute favorites!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks Maria!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI love your blog I hope to find time this week so look at all of your posts:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiAndrea, welcome to my blog! I'm glad you like it :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for the links, you're sweet! But I purposely left out Pluto because I know it's no longer a regular planet - it's now a dwarf planet. :) I just felt badly in a funny way because Pluto was always considered a planet while I was growing up and now I miss hearing about it! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiYes, I'm used to count Pluto in the planets and I miss it in the end of the solar system. Many parents of children from kindergarten did not know that Pluto is no longer a planet, and they were surprised by the childrens information.