31 prosinca 2010

Award: Your blog is fabulous!

Dobila sam nagradu Your blog is fabulous! To je kao šećer na kraju ove kalendarske godine.
Zahvaljujem kreativnoj LadyA (Škrinja kreativnosti) koja mi je dala ovu zgodnu nagradu. Ako još niste, zavirite na ovaj kreativan blog!
Ova nagrada ima samo jedno pravilo: trebate navesti tri destinacije na koje želite otputovati i napisati zašto.

Edit (2.1.2011.): Blogerica la fée papillion écolo! (čiji sam blog nedavno otkrila) mi je također dala ovu nagradu. Merci la fée papillion écolo! Posjetite njen blog Butterfly au soleil i sigurno ćete naići na nešto zanimljivo za sebe.

I won an award - Your blog is fabulous! It's like sugar on the end of this calendar year. 
Thank you to creative LadyA (Chest of creativity), who gave me this nice award. If you have not already, take a look at her creative blog
This award has only one rule: you must specify three destinations to which you want to travel and say why. 

Edit (02/01/2011): Blogger la fée papillion écolo! (whose blog I recently discovered) also gave me this award. Merci la fée papillion écolo! Please visit her blog Butterfly au soleil and you will surely find something interesting for yourself.

Egipat / Egypt - željela bih vidjeti tajanstvene drevne piramide i hramove moćnih faraona. / I would like to see a mysterious ancient pyramids and temples of the mighty Pharaohs.

Toskana / Tuscany - željela bih upoznati dio talijanske ljepote i umjetnosti koji se nalazi u gradovima poput Firenze,  Pise, Lucce, San Giminiana ili Siene. / I would like to see part of Italian beauty and art that are located in cities such as Florence, Pisa, Lucca, Siena or San Giminiano. 

Prag / Prague - predivan grad koji sam posjetila već dva puta, a voljela bih opet jer me jednostavno očarao. / beautiful city I have visited twice already, and I would like again because I'm simply captivated. 

Nagradu prosljeđujem ovim blogovima (budući da nema ograničenja, dala sam si oduška / since there are no restrictions, gave vent to myself):
...tres chic!, 2 Pequenos Traviesos, 5 Orange Potatoes, A Day of Wonders, A la douce, A Munchkin's World, about a girl, All Things Beautiful, Au fil des jours, BuntblumeChurumbea que algo queda!, Con la cabeza en las nubes, Counting Coconuts, Crafty Chic Mommy, Create with TLC, creatissimo, Crunchy and Green, Cvjetna vila, Descobrim el món, Dálle un colino, Ekin ve biz, Elle Belle's BowsFantastic hobby, Frugal Family Fun Blog, Förskoleburken, handmade beginnings, Homeschool@SG I can teach my child!, Izzy creations, Jada Roo Can Do, Joyful Learner, kao igra, kind over matter, L'écol'logis, LivingMontessoriNow, MAG Design, Mama Jenn, maman kangourou, Mame ne rade na "repeat", Mamma Felice, Mens Sana, Mi escuelita Montessori, Moj decoupage svijet, Moj svet, moj svijet salveta i cvijeća, Mommy Moment, Mondorfment, montessori and t, Montessori Candy, Montessori en el hogar, Montessori For Learning, Montessori Matters, Montessori Print Shop BlogMontessori Spanish, Montessori Tidbits,  Más allá del infinito, Mädchen für alles, OGGY design, Olives and Pickles, One Hook Wonder, Paper Glitter, Peas & Thank You's, PINK SANDRA, Plavo Nebo Žuti Kamen, Real Life Montessori, Royal Baloo, Somos una familia, nos queremos mucho..., Strašilo, Suncokret, Sunrise Learning Lab, The Education Of Ours, The Homeschool Den, The Learning Ark, The Wonder Years, The Work Plan, This and that about kids..., Trillustrations, Un desert a casa, Un petit coin de ciel bleu, Walk Beside Me, Word Art World, Zondra ArtЦветна градина

Broj komentara: 60:

  1. draga natasa hvala ti najljepsa na nagradi!!..sve najbolje u novoj godini i lijep provod veceras, od srca ti zelim!!!

  2. Hvala, za nagrado, Nataša! In srečno še naprej!

  3. Thank you so much dear leptir, those places are beautiful, I would love to one day see them too :)

  4. Thank-you so much for this award. Happy new year, may it bless you with much health & happiness!

  5. Thank you! I have always thought your blog was fabulous. You deserve this award with your great works you share!


  6. Thank You for including my blog! Thank you most of all for all the hard work and dedication that you place into your blog and for sharing this magnificent list of blogs. Some are old favorites but I will enjoy going through the list to find new favorites too!

    I agree! Prague is enchanting. It is one of my favorite cities. I hope one day to return. I have not been to Egypt yet either, but it is on our list to visit!

    Happy New Year!

  7. Congratulations on your award.
    Would like to visit the places you mention too.
    Thank you for the lovely award.
    You are always so thoughtful.
    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  8. Thanks to everyone for their support and wonderful comments! You deserve an award!

  9. Thank you so much for this New Year's Eve blessing! What fun!

  10. Thank you and Happy New Year! Prague is also on my list, as well as the Cinque Terre and Paris. All the best to you.

  11. Thank you so much for this award dear Leptir :))
    And happy new year :))

  12. Thank you Phyllis, T. and Berna!

  13. Draga Nataša, razveselila si me zadnjeg dana u godini! Hvala ti na nagradi, ali i tebi sve čestitke na istoj.
    Uživaj u dočeku Nove i sve najbolje ti želim.
    Lijep pozdrav :))

  14. Thank you very mch for including my blog:)
    Happy New Year to you as well!

  15. Thank you for including my blog Leptir! You are fabulous and many wishes to you for a blessed New Year!!

  16. Hvala cure! I ja vama želim sve najbolje u 2011!

    Thanks girls! I wish you all the best in 2011!

  17. Hvala što si se i mene sjetila!Sretna ti Nova!

  18. Thank you Natasha for the award! All three of those places look lovely and now Prague is on my list too! Happy 2011!

  19. Congratulations on your well-deserved award, Natasa! And thank you SO MUCH for including my blog! What a great, unique award! I hope you have an awesome 2011!

  20. Thank you! You are so sweet, and your blog IS fabulous!

  21. Thanks, Natasa! You chose all of my favorite blogs :) I love the new look on yours! Happy New Year!!!!

  22. Thanks for your award, I'm very pleased to received it... Have a good, nice and joyfull year !

  23. Želim vam jako sretna nova godina 2011!

  24. Girls, don't mention it, you deserve an award! I wish you all happy and succesful 2011 year!

  25. Thank you, and happy new year!

  26. You are so sweet and thoughtful! Thank you for sharing love through your blog and so many great ideas. {{{Big hugs}}}

  27. zahvaljujem se za nagradu, baš si me obradovala.

  28. Thank you for including my blog! I am flattered. I have a lot to learn yet:) Have a wonderful year!

  29. Evelyn, thanks :-) And you're welcome!

    Biljana, drago mi je da sam ti uljepšala dan :-)

  30. Hvala na lijepoj nagradi,želim ti sve najbolje u Novoj godini!
    Pusa, Zondra Art

  31. Thanks dear, you are very kind, I wish you and the whole family a good 2011

  32. Happy New Years!! I am very thankful for this award you passed on to me,it was a great surprise to find. Thank you soooo much for sharing this!

  33. Thank you very much sweet Natasa,

    Have a happy and wonderful new year.

    A big hug from Spain
    meni :*

  34. Thank you Natasa ! I'm so proud you think about my blog ! :-)

  35. Hvala vam svima na lijepim riječima! Zaslužili ste nagradu :-)

    Thank you all for leaving kind comments! You deserve the award :-)

  36. Hvala za nagradu! Želim ti ove godine puno uspeha i nagrada, mnogo divnih i zaniimljivih postova. Sve najbolje!

  37. Thank you so much for the award! I hope you are enjoying a wonderful New Year!!

  38. Hvala ti na nagradi, baš si me obradovala. I ovim putem ti želim sve najbolje u novoj godini. Pusa.

  39. Ninočka i cleo, hvala na lijepim željama :-)

    Mama Jenn, you deserve the award! Thanks for sharing great activities :-)

  40. Congratulations on your award, Natasa! And thank you for giving it to me, too - I really appreciate it!

    I too would love to visit all three of the cities you mentioned and I think I'd add Nepal, Barcelona, and Kyoto.

    Wishing you all the best in 2011! *hugs*

  41. Thank you so much Natasa for this lovely award Ü
    Happy new year to you !!

  42. Thank you for the compliment!

  43. Thank you for such a beautiful blog and taking the time to share with us what you do in your classroom! Wishing you all of the best!

  44. Ah Prague, effectivement à ajouter sur ma liste de villes à visiter. :)

  45. Gigi thanks so much for kind words :-)

    Lysalys, I'm glad we like the same cities :-)

  46. Congratulations for this fabulous blog! I love reading it...

  47. Thanks Natym and welcome to my blog :-)
    I'm your new follower!

  48. Thank you so much! You are so kind! I greatly appreciate it!

  49. Baš sam se vratila i odmah svratila na tvoj blogič po nagradu. Zlatna si :). Hvala ti i sve najbolje u novoj godini.

  50. Nema na čemu! Tebi i tvojima također sve najbolje u 2011!

  51. Congratulations!!!
    Thank you my blogger friend for another kind gesture from you!!
    I will love to visit Spain,Egypt and New Zealand some day (I hope soon : )

  52. Draga moja, hvala ti za ovu predivnu nagradicu.
    Oprosti što kasnim.

  53. Muchas gracias por el premio, disculpa por la demora para mi respuesta

  54. Thank you for the blog award!
