07 studenoga 2010

Orašasto voće / Nut fruit

U prethodnom razdoblju smo radili vježbe s orasima, lješnjacima, kestenima, bademima, kikirikijem i pistacijama. Preskočili smo makadamijski orah, brazilski orah, indijski orah i japanski orah jer ne rastu u našim krajevima.
Djeci se od svih vježbica najviše svidjelo drobljenje i mljevenje oraha i lješnjaka :-)
In the previous period we have been doing exercises with walnuts, hazelnuts, chestnuts, almonds, pistachios and peanuts. We skipped macadamia nut, Brazil nut, cashew nut and Japanese walnut because they do not grow in our region. 
Children like the most crushing and grinding walnuts and hazelnuts of all exercises :-) 

Orasi / Walnuts:

Lješnjaci / Hazelnuts

Pitomi kesteni / Chestnut:

Divlji kesteni / Horse chestnut:

Bademi / Almonds:

Kikiriki / Peanuts:

Pistacije / Pistachios:

Predvježba za šivanje - kesten:
Introduction to sewing - I downloaded chestnut and other fruit from the Internet, cut, laminated and punched holes:

Drobljenje oraha (drobilicu je posudila kolegica iz vrtića):
Walnuts cracking (colleague from kindergarten has borrowed the crusher): 

Mljevenje oraha (stroj za mljevenje oraha nam je posudila mama od jednog dječaka iz grupe):
Grinding walnuts (we borrowed walnuts grinder from mom of one boy from our class): 

Mljeveni orasi: / Ground walnuts:

Drobljenje lješnjaka:
Cracking hazelnuts:

Mljevenje lješnjaka: proces je isti kao kod oraha. Ovo je rezultat.
Grinding hazelnuts: the process is the same as with walnuts. This is the result.

Razvrstavanje orašastog voća: badem, lješnjak, kesten i orah
Sorting nuts: almond, hazelnut, chestnut and walnut 

Razvrstavanje plastičnog orašastog voća:
Sorting plastic nuts:


Razvrstavanje pitomih i divljih kestena:
Sorting chestnuts and horse chestnuts: 

Slaganje sličica kestena po veličini (besplatan download kod Sarah Sellers):
Sorting chestnuts by size (free download at Sarah Sellers):

Brojke i žetoni (umjesto žetona trenutno imamo lješnjake):
Numerals and counters (we currently have hazelnuts instead of counters): 

Uparivanje fotografije i pravog orašastog voća:
Pairing the photos and the real nuts: 

Djeca koja znaju čitati mogu ispod kartica staviti natpis. Na poleđini kartica s fotografijom i natpisom su kontrolne točke.
Children who can read can put a label under the card. On the back of the cards with photo and on the back of the labels are checkpoints. 

Osim svega navedenog puno smo razgovarali o orašastim plodovima - zašto se tako zovu, kako i gdje rastu, zašto su važni i zdravi... Sva djeca (koja su željela) su jela lješnjake, orahe, pistacije, bademe i kikiriki. Većini se okus svidio. Mljevene orahe smo odnijeli u vrtićku kuhinju gdje će kuharice nešto pripremiti i donijeti nam u sobu dnevnog boravka.
Besides all this, we talked a lot about the nuts - why they call it that way, where and how they grow, why they are important and healthy ... All children (who wanted) were eating nuts, walnuts, pistachios, almonds and peanuts. Most of them liked the taste. Ground walnuts are taken in the kindergarten kitchen where cooks will prepare something to bring us in our classroom. 

Ako vas zanima, prošle godine sam OVDJE spomenula kestene a lješnjake OVDJE.
If you are interested, last year I mentioned chestnuts HERE and hazelnuts HERE.

I'm linking up to:
SUNDAY BEST LINK UP! (No Time For Flashcards)
WHAT'S OUT WEDNESDAY (Little Hands, Big Work)
PRESCHOOL CORNER (Homeschool Creations)

22 komentara:

  1. I want to go to your school!!

  2. Hi eLza, welcome to my blog :-)
    I'm glad you like my activities :-)

  3. Very interesting. We have recently planted about 150 cashew trees, we have 4 pecans and of course the biggest nuts of all are the coconuts and we have many of them. Sweet little blog and very informative.

  4. Your pictures of the nut cracking reminded me of my childhood. I grew up with a very large extended family and we all always got together on Christmas Eve. There were always two large bowls of nuts and all of us children would line up to take turns cracking the nuts. I think we enjoyed it more than St. Nick visiting!!! I really like your matching card for the nuts too! Thanks for sharing!! Kerri

  5. These are really nice activities. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Wow, great Nuts-activities! And in the end there maybe will be a big nut-cake? :) have a nice week!

  7. Girls, thank you all for sooooo nice comments :-)

    It's great to read a confirmation that what I'm doing in kindergarten is good.

    Sybille, these days I'll post a picture of our sweet nut surprise :-)

  8. I just wanted to let you know I have an award for you at my blog.

  9. Thanks Phyllis! It's an honour :-)
    I'll post about it later this week.

  10. I love these ideas! I'll keep that in the back of my mind to do with my kids!

  11. Hi Natase...
    is there a download for the pix
    to make all the nutty cards for
    the activities?

  12. Kathy, I searched the images on the internet and downloaded one by one. There is no ready-made cards. Unfortunately photos are not my property - only for personal use.

  13. Uvijek si interesantna i posebna!

  14. My son loves acorns and nuts! I may borrow your ideas and put out some of these out on the shelves!

  15. Thanks Leann! I'm glad you find something for your son here :-)

  16. I like your blog a lot. Thanks for sharing your ideas with us. Thanks for following my page as well. MY grandfather is from Zagreb. I still have cousins there. Lisa

  17. Lisa, WELCOME to my blog. You have great ideas and materials on your blog too :-)
    I'm glad to hear you have cousins here. The world is really small!

  18. Wow! What great activities using nuts, Natasa! I love the variety. I featured your hazelnut cards and counters activity and photo at http://livingmontessorinow.com/2011/10/10/montessori-monday-diy-cards-and-counters/
