Kada smo najavile novu temu koju ćemo s djecom raditi u sklopu projekta o voću, roditelji su se zaista lijepo odazvali i donijeli nam razne vrste citrusa. Iskoristili smo priliku i napravili nekoliko vježbi iz praktičnog života:
When we announce a new theme in our fruit project, the parents have really responded well and brought us various kinds of citrus. We used this opportunity and made a couple of exercises in practical life area:
Cijeđenje limuna / Squeezing lemons

Nakon cijeđenja limuna (ova vježba je oduševila djecu) smo napravili limunadu koju smo popili poslije ručka.
After juicing a lemon we made lemonade, which we drank after lunch.
Cijeđenje naranče / Squeezing Oranges
Nakon cijeđenja naranče, djeca su pila svježi, nerazrijeđeni sok od naranče. Bila su oduševljena.
After juicing oranges, kids drank a fresh, undiluted orange juice. They were thrilled.
Guljenje mandarine / Peeling mandarin
Zanimljiva aktivnost koju smo imali i prošle godine:
An interesting activity that we had last year:
Predvježba za šivanje: naranča (ova naranča je zapravo podmetač za čaše, Pack shop)
Introduction to sewing: Orange (the orange is actually a coaster, Pack Shop)
Kartice za bogaćenje rječnika
(imenovanje citrusa na karticama i učenje nadređenog pojma: citrusi)
Enrichment of vocabulary
(appointment of citrus on the cards and learning the superior concept: Citrus)
Kartice za čitanje i klasificiranje / 3 part cards
Slikanje s vodenim bojama: Naranče i limuni
Painting with watercolors: Oranges and lemons
I na kraju brojalica:
And in the end, nursery rhyme about the value of lemons and oranges for our health:
Naranča i limun dobri su za nas
kada dođe zima oni su nam spas.
Osim svega navedenog, razgovarali smo o citrusima, imenovali smo vrste citrusa, na karti smo tražili u kojim krajevima rastu - u Hrvatskoj i u svijetu, koja se jela i pića od njih spravljaju, igrali smo igre pogađanja po opipu, mirisu, tražili smo podatke o citrusima u dječjim enciklopedijama i knjigama o voću... Sve u svemu, djeca su se dobro zabavila.
Besides all this, we talked about the citrus, we named citrus species, we looked at the map for information in which regions citrus grow - in Croatia and worldwide, which foods and beverages can be prepared from citrus, we played guessing games by touch, smell, we searched for information about citrus in the children's encyclopedias and books about the fruit ... All in all, the kids were well entertained.
I'm linking up to:
What a great theme, I understand that the children were entertained! Where did you get the beatiful citrus cards I wonder?
Thanks girls :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiMaria, I made cards by myself - searching nice pictures one by one on the Internet.
Nice!! You guys did some amazing works with theme. Very creative. Thank you for sharing.
OdgovoriIzbrišiGreat theme! Love your cards and works. Such nice ideas. Since we live in Florida, we live fairly close to orange groves and strawberry fields.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWe are getting very cold temperatures at the moment, so many of the farmers have to cover their crops so that the fruit is not ruined. They will spray the strawberry plants and encase them in ice to protect them. Not sure what they are going to do for the oranges, or other citrus, but will have to find out and see if I can find some photos to share with you and your students.
Hope that you are having a nice week. Your new blog header looks nice. Like the winter themed items on your blog wallpaper too.
Have a happy week,
I love the idea of squeezing the citrus. I may try it with Ella. Thanks for sharing. Also, I like the new header of your blog. I think it is new or maybe I just had not noticed it before. Thanks for sharing all that you do! Kerri
OdgovoriIzbrišiSo lovely paintings, so living colors! Great!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a fun unit to explore! We may have to try this next summer. Wonderful job creating all the works!
OdgovoriIzbrišiDiscovering Montessori, thanks :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiColleen, thank you for your support, you are so kind :-)
Kerri, I hope Ella will like it :-)
Sybille, thanks! I'm glad you like it :-)
Mari-Ann, thanks for compliments :-)
What a nice theme, easy, rewarding, and so complete as always! great!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks Féepoussière :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a cool theme - my boys would love squeezing lemons and oranges. Thanks for linking to Montessori Monday! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks Nicole :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI wanted to let you know that we did the juicing activity and Ella loved it. It was not only a good activity but we had a great deal to talk about while doing it and to do some role playing too. Thanks so much for the inspiration. Kerri
OdgovoriIzbrišiI'm so glad Kerri :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you very much for your feedback!
Thank you!!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat wonderful activities - as usual, Natasa! I love that you even included peeling tangerines. It's so helpful for young children to have that isolated in an activity. And your extensions are all great! I featured your post and peeling tangerines photo in my Montessori-inspired food preparation post at http://livingmontessorinow.com/2011/11/08/montessori-inspired-food-preparation-for-preschoolers/
OdgovoriIzbrišiPalmy, no, thank you for invitation :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiDeb, thank you for support :) You're always so kind!