As I already said, I spent last week in September in The City of Youth. I took preschoolers from my Montessori group (13) and 5 children from other mixed groups. Colleague with whom I should go there couldn't go, so at the last moment intern jumped in. I must admit that it was interesting, though it was exhausting (I returned chronically sleepy), it was nicer then I expected: all the children were better than I expected, and the staff of the City of Youth is always ready for cooperation and assistance if the needed. Since most of the days was cloudy and rainy and the mud was all around our house, we spent part of the time in The Old School where are cabinets that are well equipped (better than any other city kindergarten in Zagreb - at least as far as I know). Given the many attractions in The Old School and an interesting forest and park around the houses in which children are, it was too little time to explore everything. All in all, the children have good time and returned home full of impressions.
Naša kućica i oko nje
Our cottage and around
U kućici se nalaze soba za igranje, dječja spavaonica, hodnik s garderobom, muški i ženski WC za djecu i soba za odgajatelja s kupaonicom.
In the cottage is one room for play, children's bedroom, hall with wardrobe, bathroom for boys and one for girls and teachers room with little bathroom.
Soba za igranje:
Room for play:

Jabuka ispred našeg prozora.
Apple tree in front of our window.
Noćno istraživanje oko kućice s baterijama.
Night survey around our cottage with torches.
Ispred naše kućice.
In front of our cottage.
U restoranu smo jeli doručak, ručak i večeru. Jutarnju i popodnevnu užinu su nam u kutijama dovozili u kućicu.
We ate breakfast, lunch and dinner in the restaurant. Morning and afternoon snacks are brought to us in the box.
Stara škola
The Old School
Predvorje s akvarijem.
The lobby with an aquarium.

Tradicionalni predmeti iz Zagreba i okolice.
Traditional items from Zagreb and its surroundings.
Hodnik s izložbom dječjih radova.
Hallway with an exhibition of children's works.
Neobično ogledalo u hodniku. Moj odraz je u manjoj sličici.
Unusual mirror in the hallway. My reflection is in the thumbnail.
Pozornica za društveno-zabavna događanja. Na njoj su sva djeca koja su boravila u Gradu mladih predstavljala svoj vrtić.
The stage for social and entertainment events. All the children who stayed in The City of Youth represented their kindergarten on it.
Kornjačnjak s 8 kornjača.
Pool for turtles with 8 turtles.
Kabinet za istraživanje
Cabinet for research
Sve kosti su od filca i lijepe se na čičak.
All bones are made of felt and stick with the velcro.
Svi organi su od filca i lijepe se na čičak.
All organs are made of felt and stick with the velcro.
Terarij / Terrarium
Kabinet za senzomotoriku
Cabinet for sensorial activities
Pogled u staklenu prizmu (možete ju vidjeti na gornjim fotografijama). Izgleda pomalo zastrašujuće.
Look into the glass prism (you can view it in the photos above). Seems a bit daunting.
Klasična glazba za djecu. / Classical music for children.
Ogledalo u kojem izgledamo debelo.
Mirror in which we look fat.
Ogledalo u kojem izgledamo mršavo.
Mirror in which we look skinny.
Stolarska radionica
Carpentry workshop
Likovni kabinet
Art cabinet
Napravili smo hrast na tkanini. Djeca su oslikala tkaninu u jesenskim bojama, izrezali smo listove od hrasta (u Gradu mladih ima najviše hrastova), opcrtali dvije dječje ruke za deblo i grane i zaljepili ponovno na tkaninu.
We made oak on the fabric. Children are painted fabric in the colors of autumn, we cut the leaves of oak (in The City of Youth has the most oaks), from childrens handprints we made the trunk and branches and glued on the fabric.
Room for telling stories
Musical instruments
Soba za projekcije
Room for projections
U ovoj maloj sobi je vrlo mračno, iako tako ne izgleda na fotografijama. U njoj djeca sjede ili leže na jastučićima i gledaju edukativne filmove prilagođene predškolskom uzrastu. Mi smo gledali dokumentarni film o životinjama koje žive na stablu.
In this small room is very dark, though it doesn't look like it on the photos. Children sit or lie on cushions and watch educational films adapted for preschoolers. We watched a documentary about animals that live in a tree.
Kućica Ivice i Marice
House of Hansel and Gretel
Dječja meteorološka stanica
Children's weather station
Voćnjak / Orchard
Djeca su u šumi tražila biljke i predmete sa sličica te su križićem obilježavala što su pronašla.
The children were in the woods looking for plants and objects and put a little cross on the photo when they found it.
Posjet jezeru s patkama
A visit to a lake with ducks
Ovaj plakat su djeca izradila za branitelje koji održavaju jezero
This poster children prepared for war veterans who maintain lake
Posjet seoskom domaćinstvu s kozama
Visit a homestead with goats
I'm linking up to:
THE PLAY ACADEMY (Nurture Store)
Fantastično, ne mogu vjerovati da ovo kod nas postoji!!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiDivno, ja sam uživala.
A ti se odmori i skupljaj snagu za nove i uvijek prekrasne tekstove, fotografije, teme...
Veliki pozdrav,
Zondra Art
Hvala Zondra :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiWow! What an amazing looking place! Hope you get some rest - sounds like you had a wonderful, but busy time.
OdgovoriIzbrišiYes, it's amazing, beautiful nature... And yes, I need rest because I went to next excursion in Germany last week too, only with adults (and I didn't sleep there either).
OdgovoriIzbrišiVery cool!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks Big girl :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a beautiful place Natasa, I love it!! :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHugs :*
What a visit, I understand you were exhausted! So nice that you give us a tour with all the photos, thanks!
OdgovoriIzbrišiPrvi put te čitam i moram ti reći da sam otkrila svoj novi omiljeni blog!
OdgovoriIzbrišiA što se tiče Grada mladit,tamo sam provela mjesec dana još dok se zvao Pionirski grad,'86 ili '87,ne sjećam se točno.Ok je bilo i onda,za ondašnje pojmove udobnosti,paviljoni smo mi onda zvali kućice,restoran također s tri obroka,stara škola,sve što i sada postoji.Imam nekoliko prijateljica, čija su djeca provela po tjedan dana u Gradu,al ni jedna mi nije pričala,a kamo li pokazala ovako zanimljive fotografije,čak ni prijateljica, koja je odgajateljica i bila je tamo s djecom.Oduševljena sam što su napravili od onog šturog Pionirca.Naime,i onda je trebao služiti edukaciji djece,koja su onamo dolazila,međutim,nisam to doživjela.Ovo je super primjer prenamjene komunističkog objekta u nešto korisno,a ne da samo propada,dok se ne dovede u stanje da mu više nema pomoći.Zbog ovakve divote vjerujem da ti nije žao umora!
Meni, yes it's beautiful. Kids were thrilled!
OdgovoriIzbrišiMaria, you're welcome :-)
hanci06, baš mi je drago da ti se sviđa moj blog, i ja sam sljedbenik tvog bloga :-)
Nije mi žao umora, prvi put sam s djecom otišla u takvu avanturu i bilo mi je to lijepo iskustvo.
Draga teta Natasa,
OdgovoriIzbrišiFran je odusevljen slikama i pricom o Gradu mladih.
Jedva ceka da slijedece jeseni posjeti Grad mladih sa svojom grupom Leptir i svojim naj naj naj tetama.
Upravo mu je napomenuo da mu je sve najbolje, a posebno list, stablo i cvijet.
Vidi se da uziva u ucenju u Leptiru :)
Fran i mama
Već se vide rezultati novog projekta ;-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiDrago mi je da nailazim na ovakve pozitivne reakcije i na ovom blogu gdje roditelji i ostali zainteresirani mogu vidjeti dio onoga što se kod nas radi. Pozdrav obitelji K. :-)
Lovely, Natasa!
OdgovoriIzbrišiUnder the sensory section, is that a light table that had some leaves on it?
Thanks for sharing this wonderful adventure with us.
Hi Leann! Yes, it's light table with leaves. Light is not lit on the photo. Children love to study all kinds of stuff on that table.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHow wonderful to take the children away on an adventure.
OdgovoriIzbrišiYes, Cathy :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiChildren had a great time!
woow stvarno prekrasne slike !!
OdgovoriIzbrišiTečaj za Ugradnju Noktiju