08 siječnja 2011

Senzomotorika / Sensorial

Ovo je kreacija koju su dva dječaka sama osmislila kombinirajući kocke iz ružičastog tornja i kvadre iz smeđih stepenica. Rekli su da ih podsjeća na raketu.*
This is a creation that two boys were independently developed by combining the cubes of pink tower and the cuboids of the brown stairs. They said it reminds them on a rocket. *

Post o ružičastom tornju i smeđim stepenicama možete pročitati OVDJE.
HERE is my post about the pink tower and brown stairs. 

Jedan dječak je ovako složio valjke u boji:*
One boy set up knobless cylinders as follows:*

Kartice s fotografijama pribora iz senzomotorike (besplatan download na Montessori for Everyone)
Nomenclature cards with photographs of sensorial material (free download at Montessori for Everyone) 

Kontrola pogreške / Control of error:

* moram napomenuti da djeca nauče osnovni način rada s priborom prije nego što počnu isprobavati razne kombinacije slaganja.
I should note that children learn the basic mode of working with material before they start trying out various combinations and extensions. 

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