29 svibnja 2011

Pluta-tone / Sink-Float

Eksperiment Pluta/tone je djeci jedan od omiljenih!
Evo kako pribor za ovu interesantnu vježbicu izgleda u "mojoj" sobi:
Experiment Sink/Float is one of our favorites! 
Here's how this interesting material looks like in "my" classroom: 

Razvrstavanje u posudice: U tamnoplavoj posudici se nalaze različiti predmeti. Dijete ih stavlja u posudu s vodom, a kad vidi plutaju li ili tonu, stavlja ih u odgovarajuću svjetloplavu posudicu (ispred su natpisi PLUTA i TONE):
The classification in little pots: In a dark blue pot are different items. The child puts them in a pot with water, and when she see if they float or sink, she puts them in the appropriate light blue pot (in front are the labels FLOAT and SINK): 

Drvena perlica pluta / Wooden bead float

Šiljilo tone / Sharpener sink

Na posljetku su svi predmeti razvrstani, ovisno o tome plutaju li na vodi ili ne:
Finally, all objects are classified, depending on if they float on the water or not:

Umjesto razvrstavanja predmeta u posudice, djeca mogu razvrstavati predmete i u tablicu sa stupcima PLUTA i TONE. Papir s tablicom sam plastificirala kako bi se mogao upotrijebiti mnogo puta.
Tablice na nekoliko jezika sam izradila sama, možda se sjećate posta s linkovima za besplatan download, a besplatno ih možete skinuti među mojim Scribd dokumentima:
Instead of sorting items into little pots, children can sort items in a table with columns SINK and FLOAT. I laminated paper with table, so it could be used many times. 
I created tables in several languages, perhaps you remember the post with a link for free download, but you can download them for free among my Scribd documents
Pluta/tone (hrvatski / Croatian)
Sink/Float (engleski / English)
Flota/Se hunde (španjolski / Spanish)
Flotte/Coule (francuski / French)


Djeca su i sama počela raditi svoje bilješke. Djeca koja znaju pisati, pisala su nazive predmeta, a djeca koja ne znaju pisati, su crtala predmete koji plutaju, odnosno tonu:
Children have started doing their own notes. Children who know how to write, write the names of objects, and children who do not know how to write, drew objects that float or sink: 

Kad završe vježbu, djeca sav pribor obrišu suhom krpom koju zatim stave na sušenje.
When children finish the exercise, they wipe all the material with a cloth which is then placed on radiator or some sunny spot in the classroom.

I'm linking up to:
SCIENCE SUNDAY (Adventures in Mommydom)
SHARING TIME (Raising Memories)
THE PLAY ACADEMY (Nurture Store)
PRESCHOOL CORNER (Homeschool Creations)
LINK & LEARN (No Time For Flash Cards)


24 svibnja 2011

No Child is Born to Die - Campaign & Petition

Save the Children

Ovom prilikom bih zahvalila Michelle (Best Toys for Toddlers, This and that about kids...) koja me uključila u kampanju No Child Born To Die (koju organizira Save the Children). 
Vrlo je važno djeci osvjestiti važnost pomaganja drugima, upoznati ih s nezavidnom situacijom u kojoj se nalaze siromašna djeca koja se bore za život... Najžalosnije od svega je da se mnoga djeca bore za život, a njihova bolest može biti sprječena ako se cijepe. Save the Children se zalaže da sva djeca svijeta dobiju svoje cijepivo.
I would like to thank Michelle (Best Toys for Toddlers, This and that about kids ...) because she tagged me for the campaign No Child Born To Die (organized by Save the Children). 
It is very important to get aware of the importance of helping others, familiarize our children with an unenviable situation in which are other children around the world, who are fighting for their lives ... The saddest thing of all is that many children fighting for their lives and their disease can be prevented if they get their vaccine. Save the Children is committed to all children of the world get their vaccine. 

Evo o čemu se konkretno radi:

In January, Save the Children launched its most ambitious campaign to date, No Child Born to Die. Every year 8 million children under five die from illnesses we know how to treat or prevent, such as pneumonia, measles...
Save The Children is focusing on the provision of vaccinations and healthcare workers. In June there is a meeting in London hosted by David Cameron and attended by other world leaders. Save The Children aims to make as much noise as possible to ensure the funding shortfall for vaccinations (4.7 billion) is met by all the donor countries…to fully fund vaccines for every child in the world.
"U siječnju je organizacija Save the Children pokrenula svoju najambiciozniju kampanju do sada, Nijedno dijete nije rođeno da umre. Svake godine 8 milijuna djece mlađe od pet godina umire od bolesti za koje znamo kako liječiti ili spriječiti, kao što su upala pluća, ospice...
Save the Children se fokusira na pružanje cijepljenja i dovoljnog broja zdravstvenih djelatnika. U lipnju će se održati konferencija u Londonu čiji će domaćin biti David Cameron (premijer), a prisustvovat će i drugi svjetski lideri. Save the Children ima cilj: napraviti što više buke kako bi se osiguralo financiranje cjepiva (4,7 milijardi)... kako bi se financiralo cjepivo za svako dijete u svijetu."

Što možete učiniti?
What can you do?
  1. Potpišite PETICIJU i obavijestite prijatelje o peticiji. / Sign the PETITION and pass it onto your friends.
  2. Zamolite dijete/djecu da nacrtaju sebe - sada ili u budućnosti. Ask you child/children to draw a picture of themselves either now or in the future.
  3. Napišite post o ovoj kampanji i uključite link s peticijom. Bitno je da što više ljudi potpiše peticiju do nedjelje, 29. svibnja 2011.Write a blog post about it, including info about Save the Children and the petition. We want as many people linked up and signed up the petition by Sunday 29th May 2011 
  4. Uključite u ovu kampanju 8 blogera. / Tag 8 fellow blogger friends.
  5. Ako želite, idite OVDJE i linkajte svoj post o kampanji. / If you want link up your post HERE.
Uključujem u kampanju ove bloggere:
I'm tagging the following:
Izzy@Izzy Creations
Ticia@Adventures in Mommydom
Željka@Nasmijano nebo
Leann@Montessori Tidbits
Jedda@This Little Project
Patty@Olives and Pickles

Ako Vas nisam taggirala, slobodno se uključite ako želite! Što nas je više to bolje :-)
If I have not tagged you, feel free to join if you want! The more the merrier :-) 

Ovako su neka djeca iz moje grupe nacrtala sebe:
Thus some children from my classroom drew themselves: 

I'm linking up to Red Ted Art's Blog.

23 svibnja 2011

I Tweet :-)

Ako ste zainteresirani, možete me pronaći i OVDJE! Widget se nalazi i na sidebaru.
If you are interested, you can find me HERE too! Widget is on the sidebar. 

22 svibnja 2011

Ljetovanje s vrtićkom djecom / Summer vacation with kids from kindergarten

Od 11.-18. lipnja ću biti u Crikvenici s djecom iz vrtića. Boravit ćemo u hostelu Stoimena. Baš me zanima kako će sve izgledati budući da prvi put idem na more s djecom iz vrtića. Iako moram priznati da sam opuštenija nakon boravka u Gradu mladih jer u Crikvenicu idu uglavnom ista djeca.
From June 11th to 18th I will be in Crikvenica with children from kindergarten. We are staying at the Stoimena hostel. I wonder how it will all look like since it is the first time I go to summer vacation with the kids from kindergarten. Although I must admit that I am more relaxed after staying in the City of Youth because the same children are going to Crikvenica. 

Kako smo se proveli u Crikvenici pročitajte OVDJE.
How we spent our vacation in Crikvenica? Click HERE.

21 svibnja 2011

Nagrade / Awards

Feliz Mamá mi je dala novu nagradu: Tu blog me encanta! Otiđite na njen blog Somos una familia, nos queremos mucho... i pronaći ćete mnogo aktivnosti koje radi sa svojom Princesitom, a koje će vam biti zanimljive.
Feliz Mamá gave me a new award: Tu blog me encanta! Go to her blog Somos una familia, nos queremos mucho ... and you will find many activities that she is doing with her Princesita, which will be interesting for you.

Nagradu treba proslijediti deset blogova (nagradu sam proslijedila onim blogovima kojima do sad još nisam proslijedila niti jednu nagradu i onima kojima sam rijetko proslijeđivala nagrade, a smatram da su izvrsni):
The award will be forwarded to ten blogs (I forwarded an award to those blogs which so far have not forwarded any prize by me, and those whom I rarely forwarded awards, but think are excellent): 

* * *

Saray mi je dala nagradu Your blog is fabulous! Ako još niste, skoknite do njenog bloga "Ayúdame a que lo haga solo" i pogledajte čime se bave Saray i njena djeca.
Budući da sam o ovoj nagradi već pisala u ovom postu, sada to neću učiniti. Ako ju još nemate, slobodno ju preuzmite od mene.
Saray gave me Your blog is fabulous award! If you have not, pop over to her blog "Ayúdame a que lo haga solo" and see what Saray and her children are doing. 
I already wrote in this post about Your blog is fabulous award, so I will not do it now. If you do not already have it, feel free to take it from me. 

Feliz Mamá i Saray, hvala :-)
Feliz Mamá i Saray, thanks :-)

15 svibnja 2011

Europa I / Europe I

O aktivnostima vezanim uz temu Europa sam pisala davno, u jednom starom postu. U ovom postu ću opisati koje smo još aktivnosti proveli u vrtiću, učeći o našem kontinentu - Europi.
I wrote about the activities related to the topic of Europe, in an old post, long ago. In this post, I will describe the activities that we have done in the kindergarten, learning about our continent - Europe. 

Zastave / Flags:
Pridruživanje zastave pripadajućoj europskoj državi iz puzzla Europe (za ovu vježbu sam pripremila i nazive Europskih država koje ne možete vidjeti na fotografijama, ali ih besplatno možete skinuti u mojim Scribd dokumentima):
Joining the flag to the European country from the puzzle map of Europe (for this exercise, I prepared the labels with names of European countries that you can not see the photos, but you can download them for free at my Scribd documents - only in Croatian language)

Djeci sam ponudila i ploče s "pikicama" ili "čavlićima" koje sam preuzela iz redovnog programa. Ovu igračku za razvoj fine motorike sam pretvorila u Montessori pribor. Svaku boju sam stavila u posebnu posudu i zajedno s pločom za slaganje stavila na pladanj. Taj pribor nam služi isključivo za slaganje zastava. Djeca ga  o b o ž a v a j u :-)
I offered to children mosaic peg board which I took from the regular kindergarten classroom. This toy is great for developing fine motor skills and I've turned it into a Montessori material. I placed pegs (every color in a separate box) and board on a tray. We use this material solely for creating the flag. Kids  l o v e  this activity :-) They even created flags that doesn't exist in the real world and came up with the names of the countries. 

Puzzle: Europske države / Puzzle map of Europe
Budući da je mlađoj djeci teško složiti puzzle s europskim državama, odlučila sam napraviti kontrolnu kartu: fotografirala sam puzzle i isprintala. Plastificirala sam zbog izdržljivosti.
Since younger children find it difficult to work with puzzle map of European countries (soooo many countries), I decided to make a control chart: I photographed the puzzle and printed it. I laminated it for endurance. 

Djeca vole opcrtavati države na papiru.
Children also love drawing an outline of European countries on paper.

Suradnja s roditeljima / Cooperation with parents:
Roditelji su nam donosili mnoge predmete, suvenire i časopise pa su djeca mogla zorno vidjeti karakteristične predmete za razne Europske države.
Parents have brought us many things, souvenirs and magazines, so the children could clearly see the specific items from various European countries. 

Kastanjete su nam posudili roditelji koji su bili u Španjolskoj.
Parents who were in Spain lent us castanets.

Tulipane smo dobili kad smo učili o Nizozemskoj.
When we learned about the Netherlands, the parents have donated tulips. 

Kartice / 3 Part Cards:
Izradila sam kartice sa poznatim građevinama iz Europe,...
I made cards with famous buildings in Europe,...

..., kartice s hranom karakterističnom za pojedine europske države...
..., cards with food typical of some European countries... 

...i kartice sa životinjama Europe:
...and cards with European animals:

Glazba / Music:
Do sad smo obilježili mnoge obljetnice raznih europskih glazbenika. Čitajući blog Counting Coconuts, dobila sam ideju da sliku svakog glazbenika stavim u okvir. Okvire s portretom glazbenika i s njegovim imenom i potpisom stavljam uz kazetofon. Djeca tako uočavaju izgled i lakše povezuju glazbenika s djelom koje slušamo. Kao primjer fotografirala sam Mozarta i Vivaldija:
Until now, we celebrated many anniversaries of various European musicians. While I was reading Counting Coconuts (one of my favorite blogs), I got the idea to put a picture of each musician in the frame. Frame with a portrait of musician and his name and signature we put next to the CD player. Children also perceive the look and it is easier to connect the musician with the music that we listen. As an example, I photographed Mozart and Vivaldi:

Knjige / Books:
Kada smo učili o Hrvatskoj, čitali smo poetske tekstove Zvonimira Baloga iz zbirke Veseli zemljopis:
When we learned about Croatia, we read poetic texts from the collection of Zvonimir Balog, Veseli zemljopis (Happy geography):

Upoznali smo europske gradove:
We learned about European cities:

Fauna Europe je stara knjiga ali ima vrlo dobro razrađenu podjelu životinja:
Fauna of Europe is an old book but has very well described the animal kingdom:

Koristili smo i turističke vodiče / Tourist guides:

Ruske narodne priče sam dobila za rođendanski poklon dok sam bila klinka, a za vrijeme učenja o Rusiji sam ju donijela u vrtić:
Russian folk tales I've got for a birthday gift when I was a kid, and while learning about Russia, I brought this book in kindergarten:

Za vrijeme posjeta knjižnici djeca su odabrala knjigu s bajkama braće Grimm.
During our visit to the library the children chose a book with the fairy tales of brothers Grimm.

Pročitali smo bajku o Matovilki, a djeca su nacrtala crteže od kojih smo napravili slikovnicu. Kad su djeca prepričavala priču, bilježila sam tekst koji sam pisala ispod odgovarajućih crteža.
When we read a fairy tale about Rapunzel, children were drawing, so we made a picture book. When the children retold the story, I noted down the text that I wrote under their drawings.

Postovi o ostalim kontinentima / Posts about other continents:

I'm linking up to:

08 svibnja 2011

New World Wide Montessori On-line Class

Već neko vrijeme pohađam Montessori tečaj koji vodi Karen Tyler (World Wide Montessori On-line), a koji sam dobila od Colleen (Sunrise Learning Lab). Hvala Colleen - jako sam zadovoljna :-)
Tečaj će trajati još dugo vremena jer idem na Standard Track, tj. dulju verziju edukacije, ali sve zainteresirane obavještavam da nova edukacija počinje 1. lipnja 2011. Ako ste zainteresirani, možete se prijaviti na ovu adresu: karen@amontessorimarketplace.com
I attend Montessori course by Karen Tyler (World Wide Montessori On-Line) for some time now. I got it from Colleen (Sunrise Learning Lab). Thanks Colleen - I am very pleased with the course, I'm so happy :-)
The course will last for a long time since I go to the Standard Track course, but to inform all interested - the new class begins on June 1st 2011.  You can contact Karen using this address: karen@amontessorimarketplace.com