18 prosinca 2010

Uspješni ljudi i njihova povezanost s Montessori pedagogijom / Montessori famous

U predvorje "svoje" sobe sam (uz malu pomoć domara) stavila plakat s fotografijama uspješnih ljudi koji su na neki način povezani s Montessori pedagogijom. Podijeljeni su u tri kategorije: 
I have made a poster with pictures of successful people who are somehow connected with the Montessori pedagogy (it is in the lobby of "my" classroom) . They were divided into three categories: 
Uspješni ljudi koji su polazili Montessori vrtiće ili škole:
Some famous people who attended Montessori school as children are:
  • Larry Page i Sergey Brin, suosnivači Googlea / Co-Founders of Google
  • Friedensreich Hundertwasser, slikar i arhitekt / Austrian painter and architect
  • prinčevi od Walesa William i Harry / Prince William, Prince Harry English royal family
  • Thomas Berry Brazelton, pedijatar, pisac / noted paediatrician and author
  • Anne Frank, autorica Dnevnika Anne Frank / famous diarist from World War II
  • Jeff Bezos, osnivač Amazon.com-a / founder of Amazon.com 
  • Jimmy Wales, osnivač i predsjednik Wikimedije / founder of Wikimedia
  • Helen Hunt, glumica / Academy Award-winning actress
  • George Clooney, glumac / Academy Award-winning actor
  • Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis, bivša američka prva dama / former first lady of USA
  • John i Joan Cusack, glumci / actors
  • Joshua Bell, violinist, dobitnik nagrade Grammy / American violinist, owner of Stradivarius violin
  • Katherine Graham, predsjednica Washington Posta / former owner-editor of the Washington Post
  • Dakota Fanning, glumica / actress
  • Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs, producent, reper, modni dizajner, poduzetnik / American record producer, rapper, fashion designer
  • Gabriel García Márquez, dobitnik Nobelove nagrade za književnost / Nobel Prize winner for Literature
Uspješni ljudi koji su upisali svoju djecu u Montessori vrtiće ili škole:
Famous people who chose Montessori schools for their own children:
  • Cher, pjevačica i glumica / singer and actress
  • Yul Brynner, glumac / actor
  • Michael Douglas, glumac / actor
  • Patty Duke Austin, glumica / actress
  • John Bradshaw, psiholog i pisac / psychologist and author
  • Shari Lewis, lutkarica / puppeteer
  • Bill i Hilary Clinton, bivši američki predsjednik i aktualna američka državna tajnica / Former U.S. President and actual Secretary of U.S.
Uspješni ljudi koji su na neki drugi način povezani s Montessori pedagogijom:
Other famous people with a Montessori connection:
  • Jean Piaget, psiholog; svoja prva istraživanja napravio je na djeci u Montessori školi. Također je niz godina bio jedan od glavnih članova Švicarskog Montessori društva. / psychologist; made his first observations of children in a Montessori school. He was also head of the Swiss Montessori Society for many years.
  • Erik Erikson, psiholog; imao je certifikat za Montessori učitelja / psychologist/author, had a Montessori teaching certificate
  • Margaret Woodrow Wilson, kći bivšeg američkog predsjednika; bila je educirana za Montessori odgojiteljicu/učiteljicu. U podrumu Bijele kuće, za vrijeme mandata predsjednika Wilsona, bila je uređena Montessori soba. / President Wilson’s daughter trained as a Montessori teacher. There was a Montessori classroom in the basement of the White House during Wilson’s presidency.
  • Bruno Bettelheim, psihoanalitičar, dječji psiholog i pisac, bio je oženjen za Montessori učiteljicu/odgajateljicunoted psychologist/author, was married to a Montessori teacher
  • Alexander Graham Bell, fizičar i izumitelj; sa suprugom osnovao Montessori Education Association 1913. godine. Također su financijski podupirali ideje Marije Montessori i pomogli osnovati prvi Montessori razred u Kanadi i jedan od prvih u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama / inventor; A. Graham Bell  and his wife founded the Montessori Education Association in 1913. They also provided financial support directly to Dr. Maria Montessori and helped establish the first Montessori class in Canada and one of the first in the United States.
  • Thomas Alva Edison, izumitelj; pomagao u osnivanju Montessori škola / inventor; helped found a Montessori school
"I do not believe there is a method better than Montessori for making children sensitive to the beauties of the world and awakening their curiosity regarding the secrets of life." 
Gabriel García Márquez (quotation from LivingMontessoriNow.com)

Popis uspješnih ljudi povezanih s Montessori pedagogijom sam pronašla ovdje i ovdje.  I found lists of famous Montessorians here and here.
Font u kojem sam pisala imena poznatih Montessorijanaca (na plakatu) je Rickles.  Font in which I wrote the names of famous Montessorians (the poster) was Rickles.

Broj komentara: 11:

  1. Fantastično i jako edukativno kao i uvijek kad svratim na tvoj blog!
    Pusa i ugodan vikend ti želim.

  2. Great idea to add a poster of successful people connected with Montessori to the lobby of your classroom. Your families should really enjoy that! And thanks for linking to my blog!
    Deb @ LivingMontessoriNow.com

  3. Bravo za post! Vedno me je zanimalo, kakšno življenje si izberejo tisti, ki so obiskovali Montessori programe! Poučno!

  4. Dear friend,

    I appreciate your company and friendship and wish you and your family a Merry Christmas filled with blessings, and a New Year filled with love, health and peace.


  5. Hvala Jožica!

    Thanks Cidinha :-) I wish merry Christmas and so so so happy New year to you and to your family!

  6. Intéressant. Lou lit justement le journal d'Anne Franck, mais nous ignorions qu'elle avait fréquenté une école Montessori.
    Bonnes fêtes de fin d'année !

  7. Excellent idea! I'm a Montessori teacher in Mexico and the school where I work is passing through a crisis, some parents are not relly sure if the method satisfies the "academic contents"due mainly to the deficient education program we have in our country and the stantarized obligatory tests that our students have to take each year. However, I'd like to work this kind of poster with the children (9-12) and make a presentation to parents and a poster for the whole comunity, I hope it help us a little bit to get more confidence in the method . Thank you so much and greetings from Mexico!

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