03 kolovoza 2010

The Versatile Blogger Award

N (The Learning Ark) mi je dala nekoliko nagrada. Budući da sam o Sweet Blog Award i o Outstanding Blogger Award već pisala, ovaj put pišem post o The Versatile Blogger Award za svestrane bloggere.
N, puno ti hvala za ove lijepe nagrade! Uživam čitajući tvoj zanimljiv i inspirativan blog. Svima koji još nisu, preporučujem da svrate na blog The Learning Ark jer je pun zanimljivih Montessori aktivnosti.
N (The Learning Ark) gave me some awards. Since I already wrote about the Sweet Blog Award and Outstanding Blogger Award, this time I write a post about The Versatile Blogger Award. 
N, thank you very much for these beautiful awards! I enjoy reading your interesting and inspiring blog. For all those who have not yet, I recommend you stop by the blog The Learning Ark because it is full of interesting Montessori activities. 

Pravila nagrade su / The rules are:
- Give this award to 10 sweet bloggers.
- Make a post about the award including the picture and mention the person who gave it to you.
- Put the award on your blog.

- Let your nominated 10 know you’ve awarded them by leaving a comment on their blog.

The Versatile Blogger Award dajem ovim blogovima (trudila sam se izabrati one koji još nemaju ovu nagradu):
The Versatile Blogger Award I give these blogs (I tried to choose those who do not already have this award): 

Edit (9.8.2010.): Zahvaljujem i Alison (Itsy Bitsy Learners) na The Versatile Blogger Award. Ako još niste, pogledajte njen blog - pun je zanimljivih aktivnosti i korisnih savjeta.
I thank Alison (Itsy Bitsy Learners) on The Versatile Blogger Award, too. If you have not already, check her blog - full of interesting activities and useful tips. 

Broj komentara: 12:

  1. Féepoussiere & SandraZ, thanks!

  2. Čestitam i od srca zahvaljujem na divnoj nagradi :)

  3. Nema na čemu ;-) Zaista si svestrana i uživam čitajući o raznim temama o kojima pišeš na svom blogu - od free printablesa do tutoriala...

  4. Thanks for this lovely award.
    I am going to do a post about it over the weekend. I put the award up and said a little thank you under the award to you...you are so nice to give me this award.
    Have a nice week,

  5. Thanks a lot! You're always so gentle with me.

  6. Thanks for this award..I'm pleased to receive it...I'll put in my blog when I'm arrived in Africa... I'm happy to share this great adeventure on my blog. Good vacations :)

  7. Colleen, mammafelice and Muriel, you deseve this award! Thank you for leaving me nice comments ;-)

  8. Hvala, Leptir!! Hvala vam za ovu nagradu!

  9. Nema na čemu! [You're welcome!] ;-)
    Thanks for your effort to write in Croatian!
