I spent most of the holidays in beautiful Mali Lošinj (on the island Lošinj). Here is just a (small) part of the photos that I shot there and on short trips during the summer.
Mali Lošinj
pogled prema sjevernom dijelu Lošinja i otoku Cresu s Monte Bastona (62 m)
wiew of the northern part of island Lošinj and island Cres from Monte Baston (62m)
Riva lošinjskih kapetana u Malom Lošinju
Promenade of the Lošinj captains
šetnja prema gradu...
walk towards the city...
grad Mali Lošinj
city of Mali Lošinj
predivne plaže i uvale
beautiful beaches and bays
na ovoj plaži smo se kupali:
we swam here:
Crkva navještenja Blažene Djevice Marije (Annunziata) - ovdje su se u stara vremena ispraćali i dočekivali lošinjski moreplovci i kapetani
Church of the annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Annunziata) - local sailing ships were once seen off and awaited here
ovakve šetnice su gotovo oko cijelog Malog i Velog Lošinja
these paths are almost around the whole Mali and Veli Lošinj
jedna od starih austrijskih vila na Čikatu (Mali Lošinj)
one of the many old Austrian villas on Čikat (Mali Lošinj)
Sunčana uvala
Sunny cove beach
plaža Borik
beach Borik
oko plaže Borik more je toliko slano da se nataložilo na stijenama na plaži (sol možete vidjeti golim okom - čak i zagrabiti!)
around the beach Borik sea is so salty that salt is accumulated on the rocks on the beach (here is clearly visible salt!)
Veli Lošinj
barokna župna crkva Sv. Antuna Opata Pustinjaka na ulazu u grad Veli Lošinj
baroque parish church of St. Anthony the Hermit at the entrance to the city of Veli Lošinj
Lošinjski edukacijski centar o moru Plavi svijet
Lošinj marine education centre Blue World
Kapela navještenja Marijina, pomorcima služila kao orijentir u navigaciji
Chapel of Annunciation of Mary, which seamen used as orientation while navigating
Njivice (otok Krk)
Njivice (island Krk)
u Njivicama sam prvi put u životu vidjela plavi krov:
I saw the blue roof first time in my life in Njivice:
spomenik starom ribaru (Njivice su nekada bile malo ribarsko mjesto)
the old fishermen's monument (Njivice was once a small fishing village)
jednodnevni izlet u Samobor, šetalište Vugrinščak
day trip to Samobor, promenade Vugrinščak
potok Gradna
stream Gradna
Beautiful pictures..nice vacations!! I need some... thanks for sharing!
OdgovoriIzbrišiKrasne fotke, Lošinj je divan, aaa!
OdgovoriIzbrišiLijep pozdrav:)
Oh my goodness what a BEAUTIFUL trip you had! Love all the photos - thanks for sharing them! The flowers, the beetle, the tree - all so lovely. :)
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh you were in the paradise!! what a beautiful and sunny place :D
OdgovoriIzbrišilooks like you had a wonderful time. Your photos are just beautiful.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for sharing all of the lovely pictures of your trip.
Thanks everyone, I'm glad you like my photos! The holidays were wonderful!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for sharing! I fell in love with it .. maybe one day I can take my family .. I know they would love it there!
OdgovoriIzbrišiAlison (Itsy Bitsy Learners)
Alison, I'm addicted too. I go there every summer !
OdgovoriIzbrišiWow! This is paradise! What a wonderful holiday!
OdgovoriIzbrišiWhat a beautiful place to spend your summer!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks girls, island Lošinj really looks fascinating and I enjoyed every day I spent there.
OdgovoriIzbrišiPrekrasno nema šta,nadam se da cu dogodine posjetit Lošinji,prekrasno je.ove godine morao sam ostati na kontinentu!odmor za dvoje
OdgovoriIzbrišiOdličan prijedlog za odmor u prirodi
Pozdrav! Prekrasne slike, obožavam Lošinj i često ga posjećujem! Volim ići na kampiranje tamo.