22 kolovoza 2010

Nagrade / Awards: The Versatile Blogger, One Little Sparkling Blog

Pravila nagrade  /  Rules:
Za Versatile Blogger Award se trebam zahvaliti bloggeru koji mi je dao nagradu, napisati 7 stvari o sebi i proslijediti nagradu 10-20 bloggera čije sam blogove nedavno otkrila, a mislim da su fantastični.
For the Versatile Blogger Award, I’m supposed to say thanks to the person who gave me the award, share 7 things about myself, and pass on the award to 10-20 bloggers who I have recently discovered and think are fantastic.

Zahvaljujem se Deb (Living Montessori Now) koja mi je proslijedila ovu sjajnu nagradu. Ako još niste, skočite do njenog bloga i pročitajte zanimljive postove o Montessori pedagogiji i priboru.
I thank Deb (Living Montessori Now) for this great award. If you have not already, jump to her blog and read interesting posts about the Montessori pedagogy and material.

  1. Volim čitati beletristiku. / I love to read.
  2. Ne volim kuhanje. / I don't like cooking.
  3. Nedavno sam se zainteresirala za digitalni scrapbook. / I recently became interested in digital scrapbook.
  4. Volim poklanjati sitnice članovima obitelji i prijateljima i bez povoda. / I like to give small gifts to family members and friends without cause.
  5. Volim raditi decoupage i izrađivati nakit. / I love to do decoupage and create jewelery.
  6. Volim pisati postove i čitati druge blogove. / I like to write posts and read other blogs.
  7. Željela bih naučiti više o Photoshopu. / I would like to learn more about Photoshop.
Nagradu dajem ovim blogovima: / The Award goes to:


Ovu nagradu sam dobila od LadyA (Škrinja kreativnosti). Ako slučajno niste naišli na ovaj blog, kliknite ovdje i naići ćete na puno kreativnih ideja. LadyA, puno ti hvala! 
I received this award from LadyA (Chest of creativity). If you accidentally have not stumbled upon her blog, click here and you will find lots of creative ideas. LadyA, thank you very much!

Pravila nagrade  /  Rules:
1. Napisati što vam se najviše sviđa kod pisanja bloga.
2. Što vam je najdraže na vašem blogu?
3. Dodjeliti nagradu drugim bloggericama.

1. Write what you like the most when writing a blog.
2. What is your favorite on your blog?
3. Give the award to other bloggers.

1. Pisanje bloga me opušta; također volim komunikaciju koju sam ostvarila s bloggerima širom svijeta. / Write a blog relaxes me; I like to communicate with readers [ I communicate with bloggers around the world and I'm very proud ;-) ]
2. Na svom blogu najviše volim čitati komentare posjetitelja. Oni mi daju potvrdu da radim zanimljive aktivnosti za djecu i cijene moj trud. Hvala svim posjetiteljima :-) / I love the most to read the comments of visitors. They confirmed that I do interesting activities for children and appreciate my efforts. Thanks to all visitors :-)
3. Nagradu dajem ovim blogovima: / The Award goes to:

Broj komentara: 25:

  1. Zahvaljujem na nagradama, spremljene su u poseban post gdje su sve moje nagrade.

  2. Thank you so much for the award! I love your bird tracks activity and know if I ever got up enough energy to make one my daughter would totally love it!

  3. I was trying to post a comment to say thank you for your help about math activities when I find out this award. Thank you!

  4. Girls, you're welcome!

    Montessori Beginnings, doing several identical bird tracks is truly hard and demanding work.

  5. Your are just too sweet! Thanks for thinking of us. Your blog is very inspiring. Thanks for taking your time in sharing with us your knowledge and experiences.
    Blessings and hugs from PR,

  6. Thank you so much for the award :) I will post it tomorrow!

  7. Congratulations on your awards - you deserve them! Thank you so much for passing one on to me, too!


  8. Thanks you very much for the award!! It is nice to get awards from other bloggers with awesome ideas and creativity like you. And thank you for your lovely comments in my blog. I will like to learn more about photoshop too! I just need time..please enjoy nature! Regards Patty

  9. Hvala draga,
    Cestitam na nagradama!
    I hvala sto si nagradu prosledila meni. izuzetno sam se prijatno iznenadila kad sam otkrila ime svog bloga u ovom divnom drustvu :).

  10. Thank you so much! I am glad you enjoy my blog, and yours is so pretty!

  11. thank you! I am truly truly humbled. :)

  12. I am very touched by this attention, thank you !
    Your blog is so rich, I'm always inspired when I come here. :-)

  13. Thank you my bloggy friend. XX
    sunbeams and sanity.(: (aka Making of a Montessori Mum)

  14. Thank you for the award! I posted yesterday in my blog!
    Merci pour cet award. Et merci pour ton blog, source d'inspiration!

  15. Cure, nema na čemu, zaslužile ste nagradu! Hvala na inspiraciji :-)

    Girls, you're welcome, you deserve a reward! Thank you for the inspiration :-)

  16. Hvala, Leptir! Thank you so much for this award!

  17. Congratulations with your awards!!! You absolutly deserved!! You doing an amazing job!!! love your blog, your ideas and you're an Inspiration for me!! Congrats!!! and THANK YOU for passed one to me!!! I'm honored! Thanks for the math class!!! lol

    Big hugs my sweety friend!!

  18. Hi Karen! Thank you for such a nice words about my activities!
