12 kolovoza 2011

Još malo o cvijeću... / More about the flowers...

Drago mi je da je prethodni post o aktivnostima na temu Cvijeće izazvao mnogo pozitivnih reakcija :-)
Pa, evo još malo aktivnosti s istom temom. Neke od ovih aktivnosti sam već opisivala, ali budući da sam ih ponovo provodila s djecom, spomenula sam ih i u ovom postu.
I am glad that the previous post about the activities on the subject of flowers caused a lot of positive feedback :-) 
Well, here's a little more activities on the same topic. Some of these activities I have described before, but since I did the same activities again, I mentioned them in this post too. 

Plakati: dijelovi biljke, dijelovi korijena, kako raste sjeme (životni ciklus biljke), zaštićene biljke i od lukovice do biljke.
Posters: parts of plant, parts of the root, how to grow seeds (life cycle of the plant), endangereded plants and cycle - from bulb to plant. 

Kartice: zaštićene biljke u Republici Hrvatskoj (planinski jaglac, hrvatska perunika, gospina papučica, velebitska degenija, runolist, višecvjetni sunovrat, kockavica, primorski slak, kranjski ljiljan i kitajbelov jaglac)
3 part cards: endangered plants in Croatia

Djeca su crtala zaštićene biljke, od crteža smo napravili plakat.
Children drew endangered plants and we made a poster of children's drawings.

Pridruživanje naziva cvijetu na slici (kontrolni naziv cvijeta se nalazi pored fotografije, a kontrola su i kvadratići unutar kojih djeca stavljaju pločice sa slovima)
Matching photo and name of the flower (control of error is the name of a flower next to the pictures, and squares within the children put the tablets with letters) 

Za stariju djecu sam pripremila ploču bez kontrolnih naziva, samo s kvadratićima u koje se umeću slova.
For older children: I prepared a board without name of the flower, only the squares for inserting tablets with letters.

Djeca su i sama osmislila slične aktivnosti / vježbe - na primjer, slaganje naziva cvijeta na plakate s fotografijama (fotografije cvijeća su iz raznih kalendara)
Children are readjusted activities / exercises - for example, they put names of flowers on posters with photographs of flowers (photos are from different calendars) 

Zatim su na papir pisali slova i izrezivali ih:
Then they wrote letters on paper and cut them out: 

Kartice za bogaćenje rječnika: Cvijeće (visibaba, ruža, narcisa, maćuhica, karanfil, gladiola, ljiljan i dalija)
Vocabulary enrichment cards: Flowers (snowdrop, rose, narcissus, pansy, carnation, gladiolus, lily, and dahlia)

Kartice za uparivanje: cvijet i sjemenka. Sjemenke se nalaze u prozirnim vrećicama koje na poleđini imaju kontrolnu točku. Djeca ih mogu pridruživati karticama koje sadrže fotografiju i naziv (starija djeca koja su već dobro naučila razlikovati sjemenke i koja znaju čitati, mogu raditi bez kartica s fotografijama).
Cards: flower and seed. Seeds are in a plastic bags with control dots on the back. Children can match them with cards containing a photo and name (older children who have learned to distinguish seeds and can read, can work without the cards with photos). 

Kontrola pogreške / Control of error:

Razvrstavanje cvijeća po mjestu staništa (šuma, močvara, livada). Post o tome.
Classification of flowers in the place of habitats (forest, wetland, meadow). Old post about it.

Kontrola pogreške: na pozadini svake kartice i u gornjem desnom uglu ploče nalazi se točka iste boje.

Control of error: on the back of each card and in the top right corner of the board is a dot of the same color. 

Uzgojeno i samoniklo cvijeće. Parovi se sastoje od samoniklog i uzgojenog cvijeta (budući da je vježba zahtjevnija, radila su ju djeca od 4,5 godine na dalje).
Na karticama su: narcisa, maćuhica, jaglac, ruža, ciklama, ljiljan, perunika, karanfil, ljubičica, orhideja
Cultivated and wild flowers. Pairs consisting of wild and cultivated flower (since the exercise is challenging, it is for children from 4,5 onwards). 
On the cards are: daffodil, pansie, primrose, rose, cyclamen, lily, iris, carnation, violet, orchid 

Čitanje uz predmete. Ovaj put sam se orijentirala na različite vrste (umjetnog) cvijeća umjesto nepovezane predmete (kala, ljiljan, orhideja, ivančica, karanfil, ruža).
Reading with objects. This time I prepaired a different kind of (artificial) flowers instead of unrelated items (calla, lily, orchid, daisy, carnation, rose).

Također smo razvrstavali umjetno cvijeće po boji. O tome pročitajete OVDJE.
We also sorted the artificial flowers by color. You can read about it HERE. 

I'm linking up to:
MONTESSORI MONDAY (One Hook Wonder, Living Montessori Now)
SHARING TIME (Raising Memories)
SHOW & TELL (ABC & 123)
PRESCHOOL CORNER (Homeschool Creations)
LINK & LEARN (No Time For Flash Cards)

Broj komentara: 11:

  1. WOW! You have so many flower materials prepared. I especially love the flower & seeds work you have done. Very nice! Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  2. Lori, thanks for stopping by and leaving sweet comment :-)

  3. I really love how you showed that the activities can be adjusted for different ages/abilities. Way to go! Thanks for linking to Montessori Monday. :)

  4. Wonderful ideas once again, Natasa!! You are a fabulous teacher! ~Liesl

  5. Wow! So many more great flower activities! I especially love the matching flower pictures with letter tablets, matching flowers with seeds, and matching artificial flowers and names. I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/LivingMontessoriNow

  6. Fantasticno, Natasa!
    Pretpostavljam da si opet sama pravila kartice?

  7. Hvala Sandra :-)
    Jesam, all by myself :-)
