Linum (HSLinum) i Szczesliwa Mama (Madre Dziecko) su mi proslijedile One Lovely Blog Award. Želim im dobrodošlicu na moj blog i preporučujem svima da posjete ove zanimljive blogove iz Poljske, a za koje do sad nisam znala.
Cure, hvala!
Edit (8.8.2011.) - Ewa (Wczesna Edukacja czyli Antka i Kuby swiata odkrywanie) hvala i tebi na dodjeli ove nagradice :-)
Edit (22.2.2012.) - Amina (montessorimaterial) - hvala na još jednoj One lovely blog award :)
Edit (8.8.2011.) - Ewa (Wczesna Edukacja czyli Antka i Kuby swiata odkrywanie) hvala i tebi na dodjeli ove nagradice :-)
Edit (22.2.2012.) - Amina (montessorimaterial) - hvala na još jednoj One lovely blog award :)
Linum (HSLinum) and Szczesliwa Mama (Madre dziecko) were forwarded to me One Lovely Blog Award. I want warmly welcome to my blog and I recommend everyone to visit these interesting blogs from Poland, for which I did not know until now.
Girls, thank you!
Edit (8.8.2011.) - Ewa (Wczesna Edukacja czyli Antka i Kuby swiata odkrywanie), thanks for nominating my blog for One Lovely Blog Award, too :-)
Edit (8.8.2011.) - Ewa (Wczesna Edukacja czyli Antka i Kuby swiata odkrywanie), thanks for nominating my blog for One Lovely Blog Award, too :-)
Edit (22.2.2012) - Amina (montessorimaterial), thanks for giving me another One lovely blog award :)
Pravila ove nagrade su / The rules are:
- Zahvalite osobi koja vam je dala nagradu i stavite njen link. / Thank the person that gave you the award, and link back.
- Napišite sedam stvari o sebi. / Post seven things about yourself.
- Proslijedite nagradu drugim blogerima. / Pass the love to other bloggers.
- Obavijestite ih o nagradi. / Let them know they received an award.
Sedam stvari o meni / Seven things about me:
Pokušat ću nabrojiti stvari koje do sad nisam spominjala u sličnim "zadacima".
I'll try to enumerate the things that I have not mentioned in similar "tasks" so far.
ove godine sam na moru bila najdulje u životu - 4 tjedna, postala sam ovisnik o Pinterestu, volim putovati i čitati, mnoge stvari radim ili završavam u zadnji trenutak - ali sve je uvijek gotovo na vrijeme :-), volim fotografirati, prije početka svake pedagoške godine hvata me lagana trema koja nestaje u toku prvog radnog dana, ne volim jesti morske plodove (osim, tu i tamo, ribe).
This year I was on my beach holidays the longest in my life - 4 weeks, I've become addicted to Pinterest, I like to travel and to read, many things I do or end up in the last minute - but everything is always done on time :-), I love to photograph, before the very start of each school year jitters caught me which disappears during the first day, I do not like to eat seafood (except, here and there, the fish).
Nagradu prosljeđujem ovim blogovima:
Zondra Art, The Work Plan, The Learning Ark, The Homeschool Den, The Adventures of Bear, Sunrise Learning Lab, Strašilo, Rastemo, Peas and Thank You's, One Hook Wonder, Olives and Pickles, My Montessori, My Little Princess World, Montessori Candy, The Education Of Ours, Mi Escuelita Montessori, Mame ne rade na "repeat", Living Montessori Now, Joyful Learner, Förskoleburken, Discovery Days and Montessori Moments, Montessori Print Shop Blog
Thanks SO MUCH for the very lovely award, Natasa ... I really appreciate it! What a great design! Like you, I've become addicted to Pinterest, like to travel and read, and many things end up last minute but always done on time! Deb @ LivingMontessoriNow.com
OdgovoriIzbrišiCongratulations on your award....you really deserve it...Your blog is so helpful and inspirational for our little homeschool. Also, Thank you so very much for thinking about us. I am also addicted to Pinterest.....love to pin everything..lol
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you Natasa, You are Lovely!!! Cheers Maria
OdgovoriIzbrišiDeb, I'm glad that we have so many things in common!
OdgovoriIzbrišiAiramty & Maria, thanks for leaving lovely comments ♥
Congratulations Leptir!! You definetly have a lovely blog. I am always stalking your blog for wonderful activities.I always love learning more about you.Your Montessori Journey post is really inspiring. Thank you for sharing this award with me.
OdgovoriIzbrišiDiscovering Montessori
Congrats and thanks for the award!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou all deserve the award! Thanks for lovely comments :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI found your blog very inspiring therefore I decided to leave you an award on my blog http://www.wczesnaedukacjaantkaikuby.blogspot.com/2011/08/9-x-one-lovely-blog-award.html
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you for sharing your great ideas with us
Thanks Ewa :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala draga na prelijepoj nagradi i što me se uvijek sjetiš, kiss:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiCestitam na nagradi i hvala na prosledjivanju :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiZondra & 3xmama, nema na čemu, zaslužile ste :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you so much for the award, Natasa. It's such an honor coming from you. I get so much out of your blog -- you keep generating such wonderful activities week after week. It's so inspiring! Thank you for sharing all that with us. ~Liesl
OdgovoriIzbrišiLiesl, thanks for always encouraging comments!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis award is a great way to find each other!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYour blog is so wonderful!
Thank you so much Natasa! I truly appreciate it!
OdgovoriIzbrišiNatasa, Thank you so much for passing it to me!! I'm very impress with all the great work you do at the school..your students are so lucky to have you as a teacher.
Inspired Montessori, thanks for stopping by :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiAnd for lovely comment!
Susana & Patty, you deserve the awards!