25 travnja 2011

New award - Adorable blog

Adorable blog award sam preuzela od drage Jasminke koja opisuje svoje superkreativne ideje na blogu Suncokret. Nagradu je proslijedila svima na njenom popisu blogova, u kojem se nalazi i moj blog.
Hvala Jasminka!
I've taken Adorable blog award from Jasminka. She is describing her ideas on supercreative blog called Sunflower. The award was forwarded to everyone on her list of blogs, and my blog is on it. 
Thanks Jasminka! 

* Što te inspirira za naslov posta? / What inspires you when you write the title of your posts?
Moji postovi dobivaju naziv ovisno o temi ili događaju koje opisujem u postu.
My posts get a name depending on the theme or event I describe in a specific post.

* Opiši se u četiri riječi. / Describe yourself in four words.
Savjesna, kreativna, odana, realna.
I'm conscientious, creative, loyal, realistic.

* Najdraži citat. / Favorite quote.
Ima mnogo citata koje volim, a ovom prigodom izdvajam citat Jeana Piageta: "Ali za mene obrazovanje znači stvaranje kreatora... Morate stvoriti izumitelje, inovatore, ne konformiste."
There are many quotes that I like, on this occasion here is a quote by Jean Piaget: "But for me, education means making creators. . . You have to make inventors, innovators, not conformists." 

* Nominiraj deset blogova. / Forward the award to 10 blogs.
Sunrise Learning Lab, Mi escuelita Montessori, The Work Plan, The Best Toys For Toddlers, Förskoleburken, LivingMontessoriNow, One Hook Wonder, Montessori Spanish, Montessori en el hogar, The Broad Stair

Broj komentara: 8:

  1. Thanks for the lovely award! Hope that you had a happy Easter weekend with your family!
    Happy Spring!

  2. Congratulations on the award!!I totally agree your blog is lovely!!

  3. Natasa, thank you so much! Hope you have gotten som rest and sun this Easter! Cheers!

  4. Olives and Pickles, thanks :-)

    Colleen & Maria, you're welcome!

  5. Thanks SO MUCH, Natasa! That award is just too cute - I love it! :) Deb @ LivingMontessoriNow.com

  6. Your blog is Adorable!! You are so kind to pass this award to me. You definetly set the standards in my opinion in what makes a excellent blogger. Your blog inspires me everyday! Keep up the good work, and please don't stop blogging!! Thank you so much for sharing.

  7. Michelle, nema na čemu :-)

    Deb, you're welcome :-)

    Discovering Montessori, thanks for compliments, I'm so happy when I hear somebody can benefit from my ideas :-)
