30 travnja 2011

Stanja tvari / States Of Matter (review)

Jennifer (Montessori Print Shop) je ljubazno ponudila priliku za recenziju svojih materijala. Ako netko od vas još nije naišao na njen blog i web stranicu, obavezno svratite tamo i provjerite kvalitetne materijale po povoljnim cijenama ili besplatne materijale kojih je također mnogo..
Imala sam priliku odabrati tri materijala, od kojih ću jedan recenzirati a ostala dva su poklon :-) Hvala!
Jennifer (Montessori Print Shop), has kindly offered the opportunity to review her materials. If anyone of you has not yet encountered on her blog and website, be sure to stop by there and check the quality materials at affordable prices or great free materials
I had the opportunity to select three materials, I will review one and the other two were a gift :-) Thanks! 

Za recenziju sam odabrala kartice za upoznavanje stanja tvari. Smatram da je ta tema djeci vrlo apstraktna, ali i interesantna.
U priboru koji sam dobila za recenziju se nalazi kontrolna stranica, kartice s definicijama stanja tvari (sa sličicama i bez njih), nomenklaturne kartice, kartice s nazivima stanja tvari (sa sličicama i bez njih), kartice s fotografijama za razvrstavanje krutina, tekućina i plinova (s nazivima i bez njih). Sve navedeno sam prevela na hrvatski jezik, isprintala, izrezala, plastificirala i opet izrezala.
Ono što mi se svidjelo kod ovog materijala je: 
-  da se može prilagođavati potrebama svakog djeteta - od 3 godine nadalje. Djeca koja nisu naučila čitati mogu raditi sa slikovnim karticama, djeca koja znaju čitati mogu raditi s nazivima i sličicama, a najstarija djeca samo s nazivima (potpuna apstrakcija).
-  materijal je jednostavan za upotrebu - isprintajte sve ili stranice koje želite i spremni ste za rad.
-  djeca ga vole.
I chose the cards for exploring states of matter for the review. I believe that this topic is very abstract to children, but also interesting. 
The materials that I got for review is a control chart, the cards with the definitions (informations) of states of matter (with pictures and without them), 3-part cards, classification title cards with names of states of matter (with pictures and without them), sorting cards with photographs to classify solids, liquids and gases (with labels and without them). All of the above I have translated into Croatian language, printed out, cut, laminated and cut again. 
What I liked in this material is: 
- it can be customized for the needs of each child - from 3 years onwards. Children who have not learned to read can work with picture cards, children who can read can work with labels and pictures, and the oldest children only with labels (abstract). 
- the material is easy to use - print all or only the pages you want and you're ready to work. 
- kids love it. 

Kako su djeca radila s ovim priborom?
How are the kids from my classroom worked with this material?

Kartice za razvrstavanje smo slagali ovako (odabrala sam sličice bez naziva):
Sorting cards (I chose the pictures without names):

Ispravnost rada smo provjerili putem kontrolne stranice ili pomoću kontrolnih točaka koje se nalaze na poleđini svake kartice:
We check the correctness with the control chart or by using control points that are on the back of each card: 

Kartice s definicijama smo kombinirali s nomenklaturnim karticama:
Cards with the informations and definitions are combined with 3-part cards: 

Djeca su čak predložila izradu knjižice za čitanje, koju još nismo izradili.
Children have even suggested the creation of booklet, but we haven't made it yet. 

Djeci sam prikazala na konkretnom primjeru, sa staklenim kuglicama, kako su povezane čestice tvari u čvrstom, tekućem i plinovitom stanju:
I showed the children on a concrete example, with glass beads, how particles of matter are related in solid, liquid and gaseous state: 

U Velikoj knjizi znanja, zanimljivom izvoru informacija, sam pronašla zgodan prikaz stanja tvari. Pomislila sam kako bi bilo zgodno da djeca, po uzoru na primjer iz knjige, svojim tijelima pokažu kako su čestice tvari povezane.
In Velika knjiga znanja (The Great Book of Knowledge), interesting source of information, I found a nice view of the states of matter. I thought it would be nice to children, as in the example from the book, show with their bodies how particles of matter are linked together:

Različita hrana koju su djeca upoznala u određenom obliku može prijeći u drugo stanje tvari. Ako se sjećate, davno sam opisala kako smo radili pokus s agregatnim stanjima vode i naučili kako se mijenjaju.
Different foods that children met in a certain form can change into different state of matter. If you remember, I described long ago how we were doing experiment - the aggregate states of water

Pokus kako se sladoled mijenja dok se topi - iz čvrstog u tekuće stanje:
Ice cream - from solid to liquid state:

Djeci je bilo zanimljivo saznati da je jaje jedina namirnica koja zagrijavanjem, tj. kuhanjem postaje tvrđa a ne mekša.
Children find it interesting to learn that the egg is the only food that is becoming harder, not softer during warming / cooking. 

Za kraj: na stranici TLC možete pronaći još zanimljivih pokusa o ovoj temi.
Finally: on TLC site you can find even more interesting experiments on this topic

Napomena: kartice sam dobila besplatno u svrhu recenzije. Sva mišljenja i razmišljanja koja sam ovdje iznijela su isključivo moja i nitko mi za njih nije platio.
Disclaimer: The Montessori material (cards) I got for free for the purpose of review. All opinions and thoughts that I presented here are only mine and I wasn't paid for this review. 

I'm linking up to:
SHARING TIME (Raising Memories)
SHOW & TELL (ABC & 123)
THE PLAY ACADEMY (Nurture Store)
PRESCHOOL CORNER (Homeschool Creations)
SCIENCE SUNDAY (Adventures in Mommydom)
LINK & LEARN (No Time For Flash Cards)
Moja recenzija je također navedena OVDJE!
My review is also listed HERE!

25 travnja 2011

New award - Adorable blog

Adorable blog award sam preuzela od drage Jasminke koja opisuje svoje superkreativne ideje na blogu Suncokret. Nagradu je proslijedila svima na njenom popisu blogova, u kojem se nalazi i moj blog.
Hvala Jasminka!
I've taken Adorable blog award from Jasminka. She is describing her ideas on supercreative blog called Sunflower. The award was forwarded to everyone on her list of blogs, and my blog is on it. 
Thanks Jasminka! 

* Što te inspirira za naslov posta? / What inspires you when you write the title of your posts?
Moji postovi dobivaju naziv ovisno o temi ili događaju koje opisujem u postu.
My posts get a name depending on the theme or event I describe in a specific post.

* Opiši se u četiri riječi. / Describe yourself in four words.
Savjesna, kreativna, odana, realna.
I'm conscientious, creative, loyal, realistic.

* Najdraži citat. / Favorite quote.
Ima mnogo citata koje volim, a ovom prigodom izdvajam citat Jeana Piageta: "Ali za mene obrazovanje znači stvaranje kreatora... Morate stvoriti izumitelje, inovatore, ne konformiste."
There are many quotes that I like, on this occasion here is a quote by Jean Piaget: "But for me, education means making creators. . . You have to make inventors, innovators, not conformists." 

* Nominiraj deset blogova. / Forward the award to 10 blogs.
Sunrise Learning Lab, Mi escuelita Montessori, The Work Plan, The Best Toys For Toddlers, Förskoleburken, LivingMontessoriNow, One Hook Wonder, Montessori Spanish, Montessori en el hogar, The Broad Stair

23 travnja 2011

Uskrs - aktivnosti iz vrtića / Easter activities

U ovom postu je dio aktivnosti koje su bile na policama moje sobe proteklih nekoliko tjedana:
In this post I'll describe some activities that were on the shelves of my classroom the past few weeks: 

Presipavanje malih jaja / Dry pouring - small eggs:

 Prenošenje s vrhovima prstiju / Transferring with fingertips:

Prenošenje drvenih pisanica s pincetom / Tweezing wooden Easter eggs:

 Prenošenje maslinovog lišća s pincetom / Transferring olive leaves with tweezers:

 Grabljenje malih jaja sa žlicom / Scooping - small eggs:

 Prenošenje s prstima / Transferring with fingers:

 Predvježba za šivanje / Lacing:

Prenošenje narančaste vode s kapaljkom (ovo je vježba koja zahtijeva puno koncentracije, preciznosti i okulomotorne koordinacije ali je djeca svejedno  o b o ž a v a j u :-) )
Matea, hvala za plastične kapaljke ;-) (jer su mi djeca razbila sve staklene)
Transferring orange water with dropper (this is an exercise that requires a lot of concentration, precision and coordination of ocular misalignment but the children still   l o v e  this activity :-)) 
Matea, thanks for the plastic dropper ;-) (because children broke all droppers made of glass) 

Igra pamćenja s perjem (brojke možete besplatno skinuti među mojim Scribd dokumentima)
Memory game with numbers and feathers (you can download numbers from my Scribd documents):

Brojke i žetoni (umjesto žetona sam stavila perje) / Counters and numerals (I put feathers instead of counters):

 Pisanje slova u pijesku / Writing in sand:

Video o ovoj aktivnosti možete pogledati ovdje. Umjesto klasične vježbe koja je djeci poznata, napravila sam slova na pisanicama kako bi djeci vježba bila zanimljivija. Besplatan download pisanica sa slovima ćete pronaći na SparkleBoxu. Napravila sam i pisanice s hrvatskim slovima.
Video of this activity can be seen here. Instead of the traditional exercise that is known to children, I made the letters on the Easter eggs, because I wanted to make this exercise more interesting for the children. You can download Easter eggs with letters on SparkleBox for free. I made the eggs with Croatian letters too.

Puzzle u obliku jaja: veliko i malo tiskano slovo su par. Kontrola pogreške je oblik pukotine od jajeta. Besplatan download sam pronašla na Kizclub. Priložili su i nekoliko "praznih" jaja, pa sam s crnim flomasterom napisala i ostala slova iz hrvatskog jezika: č, ć, dž, đ, lj, nj, š i ž.
Egg-shaped letter puzzles: lower case and upper case are match. The control of error is a form of egg cracks. I found a free download on Kizclub. They made also a few "empty" eggs, so I wrote other letters from the Croatian language (č, ć, dž, đ, lj, nj, š, ž) with a black marker, too.

Prošlogodišnje uskršnje aktivnosti možete pronaći OVDJE.
Last year's Easter activities can be found HERE.

Sretan Uskrs svim čitateljima i sljedbenicima bloga!
Happy Easter to all readers and followers of the blog! 

I'm linking up to:
SHARING TIME (Raising Memories)
PLAY ACADEMY (Nurture Store)
PRESCHOOL CORNER (Homeschool Creations)
LINK & LEARN (No Time For Flash Cards)

Living Montessori Now

22 travnja 2011

Dan planeta Zemlje / Earth Day

Danas je Međunarodni dan planeta Zemlje.

Kliknite OVDJE za postove pod oznakom "planet Zemlja". Možda ćete naći neku korisnu ideju ;-)
Today is Earth Day. 
Click HERE for posts under the label "planet Earth". You might find some useful ideas ;-) 

Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realize we cannot eat money. - Cree Indian Proverb

17 travnja 2011

Međunarodna Montessori konferencija u Splitu / The International Montessori Conference in Split (2)

Međunarodnu Montessori konferenciju koja se održala u Splitu sam najavila još u siječnju. Organizirala ju je gđa. Ligija Krolo iz Dječjeg vrtića Montessori dječja kuća (Split), Filozofski fakultet iz Splita te Hrvatsko Montessori društvo. Tema Konferencije je bila Pedagogija Marije Montessori - poticaj za razvoj pedagoškog pluralizma. Prošli tjedan sam prvi put sudjelovala na jednoj međunarodnoj konferenciji i moram reći da mi je to bilo vrlo zanimljivo i lijepo iskustvo. Družila sam se sa "starim" kolegicama koje rijetko viđam, upoznala neke čitatelje ovog bloga koji su me ugodno iznenadili svojom podrškom i pohvalama za blog, te uživala slušajući predavanja i prezentacije raznih kolegica :-)
I announced back in January International Montessori Conference which was held in Split. It was organized by Ms. Ligija Krolo from Montessori Children's House kindergarten (Split), the Faculty of Philosophy in Split and the Croatian Montessori Association. Theme of the Conference was "The Pedagogic Method of Maria Montessori - Stimulus for the Development of Pedagogic Pluralism" . Last week I first participated in an international conference and I must say I found it very interesting and nice experience. I hung out with the "old", rarely seen, colleagues, met some readers of this blog and I have been pleasantly surprised by their support and praise for the blog, and enjoyed listening to lectures and presentations of various colleagues :-) 

Ali, krenimo redom...

Odmah po dolasku u Split sam se iznenadila kad sam došla u prekrasan hotel Luxe (iskreno, nisam očekivala da ću odsjesti u tako luksuznom, novom, hotelu):
But, first things first... 

Immediately upon arrival in Split, I was surprised when I came to the beautiful Luxe Hotel (honestly, I did not expect to stay in such luxury, new, hotel): 

Recepcija / Reception

Moja soba / My room

Čitanje u hodniku / Reading in the corridor 

Odmah po dolasku u Split otišla sam s kolegicama iz jednog drugog zagrebačkog vrtića razgledati Montessori vrtić Mali cvijetak u koji nas je dovela i ljubazno ugostila ravnateljica Elizabeta Rakidžija. To je zaista krasan mali prostor u kojem se osjeća prava obiteljska atmosfera, a moram reći da sam uočila i neke prekrasne materijale koje ću sigurno napraviti za "svoju" grupu.
Immediately upon arrival in Split, I went with colleagues from another Zagreb's kingergarten on the tour of "Little Flower" Montessori kindergarten, in which has led us, and kindly hosted by director Elizabeta Rakidžija. It was really nice small place where you can feel real family atmosphere, and I must say that I noticed some beautiful materials that will surely make for "my" classroom one day. 

Slijedeća dva dana slušala sam predavanja, pohađala radionice i prezentacije praktičnog rada putem multimedijalnih prezentacija, a izlagači su bili mnogi ljudi koji su značajni za Montessori pedagogiju u Hrvatskoj i Europi jer promiču Montessori pedagošku koncepciju:
The next two days I listened to lectures, attend workshops and presentations, practical work through multimedia presentations, and exhibitors were many people who are important for Montessori Education in Croatia and Europe because they promote pedagogical concept of Maria Montessori: 
Milan Matijević (Zagreb, Hrvatska, Croatia), Alfred Hinz (Friedrichshafen, Njemačka, Germany), Ulla Wikefeldt (Švedska, Sweden), Karin Kortschack - Gummer (München, Njemačka, Germany), Elisabeth Christl (Pfaffenhofen, Njemačka, Germany), Isidor Graorac (Novi Sad, Srbija, Serbia), Alma Tasevska (Skoplje, Makedonija, Macedonia), Joachim Dattke (München, Njemačka, Germany), Hicela Ivon (Split, Hrvatska, Croatia), Sandra Pokos (Zagreb, Hrvatska, Croatia), Dunja Špoljar (Hum na Sutli, Hrvatska, Croatia), Narcisa Buczynski (Zagreb, Hrvatska, Croatia), Silvija Philipps Reichherzer (Zagreb, Hrvatska, Croatia), Ligija Krolo (Split, Hrvatska, Croatia), Renate Hipp i Dania Nikisch (Konstanz, Njemačka, Germany), Valerija Majsec-Vrbanić (Zagreb, Hrvatska, Croatia).

Također sam posjetila i jednu grupu u Dječjem vrtiću Montessori dječja kuća koji je prvi Montessori vrtić u Hrvatskoj.
I also visited a classroom in Montessori Children's House kindergarten, which is the first Montessori kindergarten in Croatia. 

8. travnja sam prezentirala tri projekta koje sam provela s djecom. Izradila sam plakat i powerpoint prezentaciju pod nazivom Mikrosvijet u makrosvijetu:
8th April I presented three projects that I did with the children. I made a poster and a PowerPoint presentation called Microcosmos in the macrocosmos: 

Također sam se jako razveselila kad mi je gđa. Sandra Pokos kod koje sam završila jednu od Montessori edukacija uručila MEPI diplomu.
I was also very happy when mrs. Sandra Pokos in which Professional Development Centre for teacher training of educators I graduated handed me a MEPI diploma. 
Hvala! Thank you!

Uz sva predavanja, prezentacije i radionice (budući da sam išla na sve što sam stigla ;-)), za izlazak u grad sam našla vrijeme samo navečer, što je šteta jer je vrijeme bilo sunčano i toplo. Ipak - više su me interesirala predavanja. Zadnji dan konferencije sam obišla Split po danu:
With all lectures, presentations and workshops (since I went to all that was offered ;-)), I had time only in the evening to go into town, which is a shame because the weather was sunny and warm. However - I was more interested in lectures. Last day of the Conference I visited Split during daylight: 

Pogled iz moje hotelske sobe / The view from my hotel room


Rekonstrukcija Dioklecijanove palače / Reconstruction of the Diocletian's palace

Najuža ulica u kojoj se ne mogu mimoići dvije osobe koju lokalni stanovnici zovu Pusti me da prođem :-)
Narrowest street in town, in which two people cannot pass by and local residents call it Let Me Pass :-)

Kraj sv. Ivana

Grgur Ninski: ako ga protrljate po nožnom palcu donijet će vam sreću - naravno da sam to napravila :-)
Gregory of Nin: if you rub the thumb of his foot it will bring you luck - of course I did it :-) 

Zlatna vrata (jedan od ulaza u Dioklecijanovu palaču)
Golden Gate (one of the entrances to Diocletian's Palace) 

plaža Bačvice / Bačvice beach

zvonik Katedrale sv. Duje po danu i po noći / tower of the Cathedral of St. Duje by day and by night

Iznad podruma Dioklecijanove palače, uz Peristil, je vestibul:
Above the cellars of the Diocletian's Palace, is the vestibule:

 Peristil / Peristyle

 pogled na Peristil

Zaista sam uživala u šetnji splitskom rivom... / I really enjoyed walking on the Split Riva ... 

U podrumima Dioklecijanove palače sam kupila suvenire:
In the cellars of Diocletian's Palace I bought souvenirs: 

Splitske ulice sam istraživala dvije večeri:
I "investigated" Split streets for two nights: 


...i prisustvovala na kulturnom događanju na jednom od gradskih trgova:
...cultural events on one of the Split squares: 

modna revija s balerinama / fashion show with ballerinas

Zadnji dan Konferencije organiziran je izlet u Salonu:
Last day of the Conference is organized lovely trip to Salona

... i Biblijski vrt Stomorija u Kaštelima (botanički vrt u kojem su posađene razne biljke koje se spominju u Bibliji):
... and the Biblical Garden Stomorija in Kaštela (botanical garden where they planted many plants that are mentioned in the Bible): 

akantus (akantus se pojavljuje na kapitelu korintskih stupova)
acanthus (you can find acanthus leaves on corinthian capital)

 rogač / carob

lovor / laurel

biblijsko voće / skulptura jabuke u bronci
Biblical fruit / apple sculpture in bronze

kadulja / sage

 Na kraju izleta, prije povratka u Zagreb ručali smo u dražesnom restoranu uz more:
At the end of the trip, before returning to Zagreb, we had lunch in a lovely restaurant by the sea: 

Nakon ručka sam s prijateljicom Barbarom u Splitu popila sok, poslala razglednicu svojim Leptirićima i puna dojmova otputovala u Zagreb.

To bi bilo sve o Konferenciji. Idući post će biti o Montessori vježbama!
After lunch I drank the juice with my friend Barbara in Split, sent a postcard to my Butterflies in kindergarten and went to Zagreb full of impressions

That would be all about the Conference. The next post will be about the Montessori exercises! 

LIJEP POZDRAV do idućeg posta!
GOODBYE until the next post!