13 studenoga 2010

Stylish Blogger Award

Phyllis (All Things Beautiful) mi je dala Stylish Blogger Award! Velika mi je čast primiti nagradu od tako kreativne osobe i autorice mnogih zanimljivih aktivnosti. Hvala Phyllis!
Phyllis (All Things Beautiful) gave me the Stylish Blogger Award! It is my great honor to receive the award from such a creative person and the author of many interesting activities. Thanks Phyllis! 

Pravila ove nagrade su:
The Rules for accepting the award are:
Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award 
Share 7 things about yourself. 
Pass this on to 15 other great bloggers you recently discovered. 
Contact the selected bloggers and tell them about their awards. 

7 stvari o meni (nadam se da nisam isto napisala u prethodnim postovima):
7 things about me (I hope I did not write the same things in previous posts)
  1. Volim čitati komentare koje mi čitatelji bloga ostavljaju. Tko ne voli ;-) / I love to read comments my blog readers leave me. Who doesn't? ;-)
  2. Žao mi je što unazad tri godine nemam vremena za kreativno izražavanje i izradu ukrasa. To mi baš fali. / I'm sorry that last three years I have no time for creative expression, making ornaments...I really miss that.
  3. Imam malog nećaka kojeg obožavam. / I have a little nephew, whom I adore.
  4. Volim plavu boju. / My favorite color is blue.
  5. Obožavam sladoled. / I love ice cream.
  6. Nedavno sam bila u Bavarskoj gdje sam obišla predivne dvorce - kao iz bajke. / I was in Bavaria one month ago and I visited beautiful castles - like in fairy tale.
  7. Volim darivati obitelj i prijatelje. / I like to give presents to family and friends. 
Nagradu dajem ovim blogovima:

Broj komentara: 16:

  1. Iskrene čestitke na nagradi! I hvala ti što si mi ju dodijelila :)) S veseljem ću je preuzeti:)) Lijep pozdrav.

  2. Congratulations! You deserve it!

  3. Hooray! You made my day! Thank you. =) I'm going to put your link on my awards page. Thank you for passing this award on to me.

  4. Sandra, nema na čemu :-)

    Thanks Min!

    Nicole, you deserve the award :-)

  5. Čestitke na nagradi! Pozdrav!

  6. Congratulations!! Every time you post you show your style and grace. I so love your blog!!

  7. Thanks for reading our blog - comm Central Creatively.

  8. Thanks Discovering Montessori!
    Julie, you're welcome :-) And welcome to my blog!

  9. Hello my dear friend Natasha;
    Thank you for always thinking of my blog. I really appreciate all the love you send through the blog awards.
    Hugs and kisses from PR

  10. Thank you so much mi Amiga!!!, I'm honored!!. And let me told you something... YOU DESERVED!!

    Big Hugs!!

  11. Evelyn & Karen, thanks and you're welcome :-)

  12. Congratulations on the award. And thank you for passing it on to me. I am honored. (Sorry for the delay in contacting you about this, it will take me a few days to get it posted, but I am working on it..)

  13. Don't worry about the delay. You deserve a reward - you're doing a great job :-)

  14. Hvala na nagradi! Trebalo mi vremena da objavim post, ali sam konačno uspela da skupim sjajnu ekipu na jednom mestu.
    Svrati do mene da vidiš porukicu koju sam ti tamo ostavila. Pozdrav!

  15. Nevjerovatno, ali još nisam uspjela proslijediti nagradu dalje. :( Odoh napisati taj post!

  16. Ninočka i Michelle, bolje ikad nego nikad ;-)

    Obje ste zaslužile nagradu!
