05 studenoga 2010

Jabuke / Apples

Rezanje jabuke s rezačem za jabuke. Djeca ovu aktivnost rade vrlo često i jako ju vole. Kad narežu jabuku na kriške, zovu prijatelje da se s njima časte :-)
Desni tanjurić s crvenim obrubom služi za otpatke, a na bijelom tanjuriću se reže jabuka.
Slicing apples with an apple cutter. Children are doing this activity very often and really like it. When they finish cutting, they invite friends to eat with them. :-) 
Right plate with a red border is used for waste, and white plate is for cutting apples. 

Rezanje voćke. Na fotografijama je prikazano rezanje kruške, ali isto smo radili i s jabukama.
Fruit cutting. The photographs demonstrate how to cut pear, but the same is done with apples.

Prenošenje jabuka s pincetom:Transferring apples with tweezers:

Kartice s jabukama. Dijete treba pronaći koja sličica na kartici je različita i objasniti zašto. Kartice je izradila Karen (Prekinders).
Apple Same & Different Cards. The child should find which picture on the card is different and explain what makes it different, compared to the others. Karen (Prekinders) has produced the cards

Aplikacije iz slikovnice Stara voćka (Ruth Hürlimann). Djeca su naučila prepričavati cijelu priču - tekst možete pronaći ovdje:
Applications from the picture book "Old fruit" (Ruth Hürlimann). Children are taught to recount the whole story - the text (Croatian) can be found here: 

Djeca su upoznala dijelove ploda jabuke putem kartica (Montessori for everyone) i uživo:
Children are taught names of apple fruit parts with 3 part cards (Montessori for everyone) and live:

Životni ciklus jabuke (besplatan download kod Lori, Montessori for everyone):
The life cycle of an apple (you can download them for free at Lori, Montessori for Everyone):

Kontrola pogreške / Control of error:

Prošlogodišnje aktivnosti o jabukama možete vidjeti OVDJE.
Last year's activities about the apples can be seen HERE.

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Broj komentara: 6:

  1. Iskoristila sam neke ideje za svoju oglednu aktivnost! Stvarno ti je super stranica! Meni omiljena! Samo tako nastavi! :))))

  2. Hvala, baš mi je drago da ti se sviđa ;)
    Nadam se da je ogledna aktivnost uspjela.

  3. Your work is very interesting, thank you!

  4. Wow, amazing! Congratulation for your post! I love it!

  5. dulceameacasa, WELCOME to my blog... And I'm glad you like my activities :)
    Thanks for leaving a comment!
