22 studenoga 2010

Montessori i igra - članci / Montessori and play - articles

Željela bih s vama podijeliti članke i postove s drugih blogova koji govore o igri i kreativnosti u Montessori grupama. Ljudi često smatraju da u Montessori grupama uopće ne postoji kreativnost i igra, međutim to je zabluda. Ako ste zainteresirani, pročitajte članke koje sam navela. Sigurna sam da će vam biti zanimljivi.
I'd like to share with you articles and posts from other blogs that talk about the play and creativity in Montessori classrooms. People often believe that in the Montessori classroom doesn't exist creativity or play, but it is a misconception. If you are interested, read these articles - I'm sure it will be interesting. 

Marcy Hogan (life is good) je napisala zanimljiv članak na MariaMontessori.com - o Montessori pedagogiji i igri. U članku objašnjava (ono što i ja moram često ;-) ) da je uvriježeno mišljenje kako u Montessori vrtićima nema dovoljno prilika za kreativno izražavanje i igru zabluda. Stvar je u tome da se u Montessori grupama djeca zaista ne igraju na onaj način kako su to ljudi u pravilu navikli vidjeti. Ako vas zanima pročitajte članak Montessori and play.
Marcy Hogan (life is good) has written an interesting article on MariaMontessori.com - about Montessori and play. The article explains (that's what I often have to ;-) ) that the conventional wisdom, that in the Montessori kindergartens children don't have enough opportunities for creative expression and play, is one big  mistake. The point is that in Montessori classrooms children really don't play in the way that people are generally accustomed to see. If you are interested, read the article Montessori and play.

Zanimljiv članak na ovu temu je napisao dr. David Elkind za Montessori Teacher Training. U svom članku je razjasnio što je igra a što rad i kako su oni povezani u Montessori pedagogiji. Njegov članak: Play and Work in Montessori Education.
An interesting article on this subject was written by Dr. David Elkind for Montessori Teacher Training. In this article he made it clear what the play is and what the work is and how they are interrelated in Montessori pedagogy. His article: Play and Work in Montessori Education.

Cynthia Dyer je na svom blogu A Montessori Musing Place napisala članak pod nazivom Is there dramatic play in Montessori classrooms? koji mi je također zanimljiv.
Cynthia Dyer (A Montessori Musing Placewrote an article titled Is there dramatic play in Montessori classrooms? which I also found interesting. 

Basia (United Teaching) je također ponudila izbor članaka koji govore o Montessori pedagogiji i igranju u postu Montessori and Imaginative Play.
Basia (United Teaching) has also offered a selection of articles that talk about the Montessori pedagogy and playing in her post Montessori and Imaginative Play

14 studenoga 2010

Rimovanje / Rhyming

Nedavno sam napravila pribor za uočavanje rimovanja. Pribor se sastoji od 40 kartica. Dijete treba pronaći kartice na kojima se nalaze pojmovi koji se rimuju i složiti ih u par. 
Recently, I made material for rhyme recognizing. Material consist of 40 cards. The child should match cards on which there are objects that rhyme. 

Na poleđini kartica se, kao i uvijek, nalazi kontrola pogreške:
On the back of the card is the control of error:

Ako želite i sami napraviti nešto slično, evo pojmova koje sam koristila:
If you want to do something similar yourself, here are the terms that I used: 
list – kist, vuk – luk, most – kost, muha – juha, krava – trava, lula – frula, balon – slon, nos – kos, rak – vlak, čaša – flaša, lampa – rampa, pas – klas, grana – vrana, cesta – vesta, ruka – kuka, sat – bat, zec – perec, hlače – gaće, kotač – kolač, ptica – žlica 

Edit (20.2.2011.): 
Ako želite pročitati i drugi post o priboru za uočavanje rimovanja kliknite OVDJE.
If you want to read another post about material for identifying rhymes, click HERE. 

I'm linking up to:

Voćni obroci / Fruit snack

Sjećate li se posta o orašastim plodovima? Na kraju posta piše da će nam kuharice iz vrtića pripremiti nešto od oraha koje smo samljeli. Napravile su kiflice od oraha! I bilo ih je punooooo! Djeca su bila oduševljena - cijela soba mirisala je po kolačima, a jeli smo ih dok su bili još vrući.
Evo kako su kiflice izgledale:
Remember the post about nut fruit? At the end of the post says that our cooks from kindergarten will prepare something of the nuts we ground. They made cookies with nuts! And there were a looooot of them! Children were delighted - the whole room smelled of the cookies, and we ate them while they were still hot. 
Here is how the cookies look like: 

Voćna salata i voćni kompot za užinu / Fruit salad and fruit compote for a snack: 

U pravilu djeca iz naše grupe vole voće, pa i roditelji često voće donose od kuće umjesto keksa i sličnih grickalica. Svježe i suho voće također jedemo i za rođendane umjesto kolača i torte. Roditelji donesu voće od kojeg složimo oblik torte.
Također u vrtiću svakodnevno dobivamo voće uz neki obrok pa ga u toku dana djeca pojedu.
Children in our group like fruit, so the parents often bring fruit from home instead of cookies and similar snacks. We also eat fresh or dried friut for birthdays instead of cake and cookies. Parents bring the fruits and then we make form of cake of it. 
Also in the kindergarten every day we get some fruit with the meal, so children eat fruit during the day. 

13 studenoga 2010

Stylish Blogger Award

Phyllis (All Things Beautiful) mi je dala Stylish Blogger Award! Velika mi je čast primiti nagradu od tako kreativne osobe i autorice mnogih zanimljivih aktivnosti. Hvala Phyllis!
Phyllis (All Things Beautiful) gave me the Stylish Blogger Award! It is my great honor to receive the award from such a creative person and the author of many interesting activities. Thanks Phyllis! 

Pravila ove nagrade su:
The Rules for accepting the award are:
Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award 
Share 7 things about yourself. 
Pass this on to 15 other great bloggers you recently discovered. 
Contact the selected bloggers and tell them about their awards. 

7 stvari o meni (nadam se da nisam isto napisala u prethodnim postovima):
7 things about me (I hope I did not write the same things in previous posts)
  1. Volim čitati komentare koje mi čitatelji bloga ostavljaju. Tko ne voli ;-) / I love to read comments my blog readers leave me. Who doesn't? ;-)
  2. Žao mi je što unazad tri godine nemam vremena za kreativno izražavanje i izradu ukrasa. To mi baš fali. / I'm sorry that last three years I have no time for creative expression, making ornaments...I really miss that.
  3. Imam malog nećaka kojeg obožavam. / I have a little nephew, whom I adore.
  4. Volim plavu boju. / My favorite color is blue.
  5. Obožavam sladoled. / I love ice cream.
  6. Nedavno sam bila u Bavarskoj gdje sam obišla predivne dvorce - kao iz bajke. / I was in Bavaria one month ago and I visited beautiful castles - like in fairy tale.
  7. Volim darivati obitelj i prijatelje. / I like to give presents to family and friends. 
Nagradu dajem ovim blogovima:

07 studenoga 2010

Orašasto voće / Nut fruit

U prethodnom razdoblju smo radili vježbe s orasima, lješnjacima, kestenima, bademima, kikirikijem i pistacijama. Preskočili smo makadamijski orah, brazilski orah, indijski orah i japanski orah jer ne rastu u našim krajevima.
Djeci se od svih vježbica najviše svidjelo drobljenje i mljevenje oraha i lješnjaka :-)
In the previous period we have been doing exercises with walnuts, hazelnuts, chestnuts, almonds, pistachios and peanuts. We skipped macadamia nut, Brazil nut, cashew nut and Japanese walnut because they do not grow in our region. 
Children like the most crushing and grinding walnuts and hazelnuts of all exercises :-) 

Orasi / Walnuts:

Lješnjaci / Hazelnuts

Pitomi kesteni / Chestnut:

Divlji kesteni / Horse chestnut:

Bademi / Almonds:

Kikiriki / Peanuts:

Pistacije / Pistachios:

Predvježba za šivanje - kesten:
Introduction to sewing - I downloaded chestnut and other fruit from the Internet, cut, laminated and punched holes:

Drobljenje oraha (drobilicu je posudila kolegica iz vrtića):
Walnuts cracking (colleague from kindergarten has borrowed the crusher): 

Mljevenje oraha (stroj za mljevenje oraha nam je posudila mama od jednog dječaka iz grupe):
Grinding walnuts (we borrowed walnuts grinder from mom of one boy from our class): 

Mljeveni orasi: / Ground walnuts:

Drobljenje lješnjaka:
Cracking hazelnuts:

Mljevenje lješnjaka: proces je isti kao kod oraha. Ovo je rezultat.
Grinding hazelnuts: the process is the same as with walnuts. This is the result.

Razvrstavanje orašastog voća: badem, lješnjak, kesten i orah
Sorting nuts: almond, hazelnut, chestnut and walnut 

Razvrstavanje plastičnog orašastog voća:
Sorting plastic nuts:


Razvrstavanje pitomih i divljih kestena:
Sorting chestnuts and horse chestnuts: 

Slaganje sličica kestena po veličini (besplatan download kod Sarah Sellers):
Sorting chestnuts by size (free download at Sarah Sellers):

Brojke i žetoni (umjesto žetona trenutno imamo lješnjake):
Numerals and counters (we currently have hazelnuts instead of counters): 

Uparivanje fotografije i pravog orašastog voća:
Pairing the photos and the real nuts: 

Djeca koja znaju čitati mogu ispod kartica staviti natpis. Na poleđini kartica s fotografijom i natpisom su kontrolne točke.
Children who can read can put a label under the card. On the back of the cards with photo and on the back of the labels are checkpoints. 

Osim svega navedenog puno smo razgovarali o orašastim plodovima - zašto se tako zovu, kako i gdje rastu, zašto su važni i zdravi... Sva djeca (koja su željela) su jela lješnjake, orahe, pistacije, bademe i kikiriki. Većini se okus svidio. Mljevene orahe smo odnijeli u vrtićku kuhinju gdje će kuharice nešto pripremiti i donijeti nam u sobu dnevnog boravka.
Besides all this, we talked a lot about the nuts - why they call it that way, where and how they grow, why they are important and healthy ... All children (who wanted) were eating nuts, walnuts, pistachios, almonds and peanuts. Most of them liked the taste. Ground walnuts are taken in the kindergarten kitchen where cooks will prepare something to bring us in our classroom. 

Ako vas zanima, prošle godine sam OVDJE spomenula kestene a lješnjake OVDJE.
If you are interested, last year I mentioned chestnuts HERE and hazelnuts HERE.

I'm linking up to:
SUNDAY BEST LINK UP! (No Time For Flashcards)
WHAT'S OUT WEDNESDAY (Little Hands, Big Work)
PRESCHOOL CORNER (Homeschool Creations)