
Amy (Child Central Station) mi je dala ovu nagradu koju sam već spomenula kad sam ju dobila od Deb.
Amy (Child Central Station) gave me this award, which I mentioned when I got it from Deb.
Amy (Child Central Station) gave me this award, which I mentioned when I got it from Deb.
Pravila ove nagrade su:
The rules are:
- Thank the person who nominated you.
- Share 7 things about yourself.
- Pass the award on to 10 other bloggers.
- Contact the other bloggers to let them know they have been nominated.
Amy, hvala ti na ovoj nagradi. Preporuka za moje čitatelje: svratite do Amynog bloga Child Central Station i naići ćete na mnogo zanimljivih ideja koje ćete moći primijeniti u praktičnom radu s djecom.
Amy, thank you for this award. Recommendation for my readers: visit the blog Child Central Station and you will find many interesting ideas that can be applied in practical work with children.
Amy, thank you for this award. Recommendation for my readers: visit the blog Child Central Station and you will find many interesting ideas that can be applied in practical work with children.
Povremeno imam problema s glasnicama (profesionalna bolest), željela bih naučiti talijanski jezik, volim more, obožavam slušati glazbu dok sam u autu, unazad godinu dana ustanovila sam da volim s djecom ići na višednevne izlete (do prošle jeseni sam bila samo na jednodnevnim izletima), obožavam čokoladu i Coca Colu (ne volim čokolade s voćnim okusima), ponekad me opterećuje činjenica da sam perfekcionist.
Occasionally I have problems with the vocal cords (professional disease), I would like to learn Italian language, I love the sea, I love listening to music while I'm driving a car, I love to go to multi-day trips/ vacations with kindergarten children (up to last fall, I was only on 1 day trips), I love chocolate and Coca Cola (I do not like chocolate with fruity aromas), the fact that I am a perfectionist sometimes is the burden for me.
Occasionally I have problems with the vocal cords (professional disease), I would like to learn Italian language, I love the sea, I love listening to music while I'm driving a car, I love to go to multi-day trips/ vacations with kindergarten children (up to last fall, I was only on 1 day trips), I love chocolate and Coca Cola (I do not like chocolate with fruity aromas), the fact that I am a perfectionist sometimes is the burden for me.
Nagradu prosljeđujem ovim blogovima: / The Versatile Blogger Award goes to:
Zondra Art, What DID we do all day?, Un petit coin de ciel bleu, ...tres chic!, A la douce, Crunchy and Green, Olives and Pickles, One Hook Wonder, JADA ROO CAN DO, ElleBelle's Bows
Congratulations! I agree with Amy!
OdgovoriIzbrišiPhyllis, thanks :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiCongratulations girl!!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou are very kind on passing this award to me. Thank you friend!!
Your blog is lovely and full of great ideas.love it.
Dobro ti jutro!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI hvala ti na ovoj nagradi.
Lijep pozdrav :))
Čestitam in hvala, ker si nam zaupala nekaj drobtinic o sebi.
OdgovoriIzbrišiLep teden ti želim!
Hvala ti Jožice :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiNatasha! Congrats! You deserve many awards for all of the inspiration on your blog! Thanks so much for passing it on to me!! Big hugs from across the way!
Kerri, thanks for sweet comment! You deserve the award ;)