Vretena spadaju u prvu skupinu pribora za matematiku (upoznavanje količine i simbola od 0 do 10). Radeći s ovim priborom dijete uči da se količina sastoji od pojedinačnih dijelova te upoznaje nulu. Učeći o nuli, tj. pojmu o "ništa" dijete pojačava utisak o količini. Dijete senzornim putem spoznaje količinu koju drži u ruci puno jednostavnije nego da to uči napamet. Ova vježba se u pravilu pokazuje od 4. godine na dalje.
Ako radite sa slabovidnim djetetom, možete mu zalijepiti brojeve od brusnog papira ili crvene točke koje će zamijeniti brojeve.
Spindles are in the first group of mathematics materials (introduction of quantity and symbols, from 0 to 10). Working closely with this material your child learn that quantity consists of individual parts and introduces zero. By learning about zero, the notion of "nothing" child reinforces the impression of quantity. A child is learning by sensory cognition the amount held in the hand a lot easier than to learn by heart. This exercise is usually shown from 4 y. o. onwards.
If you are working with visually impaired child, you can paste sandpaper numerals or red dots, which will replace the numbers.
Pribor se sastoji od kutije s pregradama iznad kojih su brojevi od 0 do 9, od 45 vretena i od 8 vezica ili gumica za kosu.
Material consist of a box with compartments (above are the numbers 0 to 9), a 45 spindles and 8 laces or headbands.
Child traces the numbers with finger and read it aloud (numbers above the boxes), starting from 1 (we skip zero).
Then teacher shows the child how to take the spindles out of the box and put them in compartments. We take a spindle with dominant hand, put it in the palm of the other hand, clench our fist and say "One." The child repeats it, if she wants, and put a spindle in a box with compartments, under the numeral 1. We work with other spindles in the same way..
When we need more spindles, we take a spindle with our dominant hand, put it in the palm of the other hand, clench our fist and say "One", then take the second spindle (repeat) and say "Two." So we continue to the desired number. Spindles lay in the compartment below the appropriate number.

Kada popunimo sve pregrade pitamo dijete da li je neki pretinac prazan. Dijete pokazuje pretinac ispod broja nule. Kažemo mu da je taj pretinac prazan i da u njemu nema ništa. To zovemo nula (pojam nule je djeci apstraktan).
When we fill out all the compartments we ask a child whether she see an empty compartment. The child shows a compartment below the number zero. We tell her that this compartment is empty, that there is nothing. This is called a zero (the concept of zero is very abstract for children).
Zatim se uzimaju vezice ili gumice i vežu se vretena - počevši od broja 2 (1 vreteno ne vežemo, vežemo samo više vretena. To je indirektan uvod u skupove.). Vretena iz pretinca uzimamo jedno po jedno i naglas brojimo. Kad smo ih sve izvadili, položimo ih na vezicu i vežemo vezicu oko vretena u mašnu.
Budući da imamo puno male djece, pripremila sam gumice za kosu umjesto vezica.
Then take the laces or headbands and connect the spindles - starting from number 2 (1 spindle does not tie, you tie more spindles together. This is an indirect introduction to the sets.). We take spindles from the compartment one by one and count aloud. When we have them all out, place them on the laces, and we tie the shoelace into a bow around the spindle.
Because we have a lot of very young children, I prepared headbands instead of laces.
Before untying the spindles, we compare the weight of spindles. In one hand we have a small number of spindles, in the second lot of spindles. We are weighing spindles so that the child can experience an increase in the number of spindles in weight and volume - it is difficult to wrap your fingers around a large number of spindles.
Na kraju, vretena odvežemo i vraćamo u kutiju iz koje smo ih uzeli te gumice spremam u njihovu posudu.
Finally, we untie the spindles and put them back into the box from which we took them out and the laces in their container.
Kontrola pogreške je ako u kutiji ostane više vretena ili ako nedostaje vretena. Potrebno je ponovo prebrojati.
Control of error is if the box remains more spindles or missing spindles. It is necessary to re-count.
Prijedlog dodatnih vježbi / Extensions:
- lekcija o nuli (nulu ne prezentiramo u osnovnoj prezentaciji). Ja ju obično pokazujem nakon što je dijete više puta radilo s ovim priborom. Djetetu kažem (npr.) Molim te, daj mi broj četiri. Kada mi je dijete dalo četiri vretena, pitam ga što je ostalo u pretincu. Dijete kaže da nije ostalo ništa. Kažem mu da je to nula. Četiri minus četiri je nula. Isto možemo ponoviti s još nekim brojevima. Također, nulu možemo pokazati i iz brojki od brusnog papira. Podsjetimo se na koji način se opipava. Dijete će se tako prisjetiti da se s nulom susrelo već ranije. / lessons about zero (zero does not present to the children in the first presentation). I usually show it after a child is repeatedly involved with this material. Tell the child (for example) Please give me the number four. When she gave me four spindles, I asked her what was left in a compartment. The child says that nothing was left. I tell her that it is zero. Four minus four is zero. The same can be repeated with some other numbers. Also, we can show the zero from the sandpaper numerals. Recall how we trace the number of zero. The child will also recall that she encountered the zero previously.
- razne igre u vezi s brojem nula. Djeca rade po nalogu: npr. pljesni dva puta, pljesni četiri puta, pljesni šest puta, pljesnu nula puta. Umjesto pljeskanja možemo stupati, pokazivati brojeve prstima i sl. / various games in conjunction with the number zero. Children work by order: for example, clap your hands twice, clap your hands four times, clap your hands six times, clap zero times. Instead of clapping, we can march, show the numbers with our fingers, etc.
I'm linking up to:
MONTESSORI MONDAY (One Hook Wonder, Living Montessori Now)
MATH BOX (love2learn2day)
PRESCHOOL CORNER (Homeschool Creations)
LINK & LEARN (No Time For Flash Cards)
Baš mi se svidja sve ovo, samo mi deo sa gumicama i skupom nije jasan, zašto da se ne koristi za jedan štapić? Može čak da se koristi i za skup bez štapića, ne znam samo koliko to deca u ovom periodu shvataju.
OdgovoriIzbrišiJoš su premali za skup bez štapića, a i više vretena lakše odjednom uhvate kad su zavezana. Za jedno im to nije potrebno.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThose spindles look so pleasing to hold, too. Love the lesson about 0.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks Phyllis :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiLove all the details you put into this post! Your postings always teach me something new. Thank you for sharing.
OdgovoriIzbrišiDiscovering Montessori
wonderful explanation. Thank you for sharing.
OdgovoriIzbrišiDiscovering Montessori & martianne, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiGreat explanation and photos, as usual, Natasa! Thanks so much for linking up with Montessori Monday and We Teach: Montessori! I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/LivingMontessoriNow
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks Deb :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI loved revisiting your post! I featured your post and photos in my DIY Spindle Boxes post at http://livingmontessorinow.com/2012/09/03/montessori-monday-diy-spindle-boxes/
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you Deb :)