11 rujna 2011

Award: Me gusta tu mentalidad

Feliz Mamá (Somos una familia, nos queremos mucho...) mi je proslijedila nagradu Me gusta tu mentalidad. Hvala ti Feliz Mamá!
Feliz Mama (Somos una familia, nos queremos mucho...) gave me an award: Me gusta tu mentalidad. Thank you Feliz Mamá! 
Gracias por el premio :-)

Ovu nagradu je osmislila autorica bloga Pequena Budda Islandesa.
This award was created by the author of the blog Pequena Budda Islandesa. 

Da biste preuzeli nagradu morate odgovoriti na ova pitanja:
1.  Koju pjesmu volite i zašto? / A song that excites you and why?
Nemam pjesmu koju najviše volim. Volim mnoge pjesme, ali prve koje mi padaju napamet su If you don't know me by now (Simply Red), Change the world (Eric Clapton), Feel (Robbie Williams), The Miracle of Love (Euritmics), Hey Soul Sister (Train), Last Friday Night (Katy Perry), U2... Bolje da sad stanem, mogla bih nabrojati još petnaestak pjesama koje svakodnevno pjevušim u sebi.
I don't have my favorite song. I like many songs, but first I can think of are If you don't know me by now (Simply Red), Change the world (Eric Clapton), Feel (Robbie Williams), The Miracle of Love (Euritmics), Hey Soul Sister (Train), Last Friday Night (Katy Perry), U2... I better stop now, I could count another fifteen songs that I sing every day. 

2.  U kojoj državi bi željela živjeti da možeš birati i zašto? / Country where you want to live and why?
Ostala bih u Hrvatskoj. Ovdje su ljudi koji mi puno znače i koji me usrećuju.
I would stay here, in Croatia. Here are the people who mean a lot to me.  

3.  Opiši se u 5 riječi. / Describe yourself in 5 words.
Znatiželjna, ljubazna, odana, uporna, optimist (uglavnom)
Curious, kind, loyal, persistent, optimistic (mostly)

4.  Da li ti je netko proricao budućnost? / Has anyone ever predicted your future?
Ne. / No.

5.  Koji predmet ti je važan i zašto? / An important object for you and why?
Kompjuter. Više ne mogu zamisliti život bez njega jer mi je neophodan za posao i komunikaciju s ljudima koje rijetko viđam, a puno mi znače.
Computer. I can't  imagine life without it because it's important in my work and I need it to communicate with people I rarely see, but mean a lot to me. 

6.  Tvoj omiljeni parfem? / Your favorite perfume?
Envy me.

7.  Odakle dolazi sreća? / Where do you think luck is coming from?
Ovisi - kako za koga. / It depends.

Nagradu prosljeđujem svim čitateljima koji ju još nemaju, a žele ovu nagradu. Slobodno ju preuzmite! Naime, vidjela sam da već mnogi blogeri imaju ovu nagradu, ne želim ponavljati.
I will forward this award to all readers who don't have it yet, but want this award. Feel free to grab it! In fact, I saw that many bloggers already have this award, I do not want to repeat. 


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