26 rujna 2010

Djeca u prirodi - Grad mladih / Children in the nature

Idućih tjedan dana neću raditi u grupi s djecom, nego ću 5 dana provesti u Gradu mladih s predškolcima iz svoje i još nekoliko grupa - u sklopu programa Djeca u prirodi
Next week I will not work in my classroom, but I will spend 5 days in "The city of youth" with preschoolers from my and several other classrooms, as part of the "Children in the nature" program. 

Kad se vratim, pisat ću vam o dojmovima.
When I return, I'll write about impressions. 

OVDJE je post o boravku u Gradu mladih.
HERE is my post about our vacation in the City Of Youth. 

25 rujna 2010

Nova nagrada

Fantastic hobby me razveselila s ovom nagradom. Njen blog je pun kreativnih ideja za uređenje doma i izradu ukrasa. Sigurna sam da će vam se svidjeti!
Pravila nagrade:
1. napišite post o nagradi  
2. napišite od koga ste dobili nagradu i stavite link tog bloga 
3. nagradu proslijedite na 12 blogova i stavite link na njih  
4. dobitnicima ostavite obavijest o nagradi u komentaru zadnjeg posta

1. Write a post about  The Sunshine Award. 
2. Link to the person from whom you received this award.
3. Pass the award onto 12 bloggers. Link the nominees within your post. 
4. Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

Nagradu dajem ovim blogovima: 
about the girl, Sunbeams and Sanity, Sunrise Learning Lab, Con la cabeza en las nubes, 2 Pequenos Traviesos, Descobrim el món, Et si on apprenait...a la maison?!, Joyful Learner, LivingMontessoriNow, Montessori en el hogar, The Work Plan, The Learning Ark

Boje jeseni... / Autumn colors...

Prenošenje lješnjaka prstima:
Transferring hazelnuts with fingers:

Otvaranje i zatvaranje kvačica u obliku kukuruza:
Opening and closing corn shaped pegs:

Hvatanje vrhovima prstiju: muhare (djeca obožavaju ove male gljive)
Transferring with fingers: fly amanita (children love these small mushrooms)


Grabljenje žlicom (narančasti plastični grah):
Spooning (plastic orange beans):

Grabljenje žlicom (lješnjaci):
Spooning (hazelnuts):

Nastavi niz (jesenske sličice) - besplatni dovnload kod Sarah Sellers
Patterning (autumn pics) - free download at Sarah Sellers

kontrolne točke:
control of error:

Još neke vježbice koje nisu tematski vezane uz jesen, a koje su nove u našoj sobi:
Some exercises not thematically related to the fall, which are new to our room: 

Pogađanje motiva na slici na osnovu detalja (Montessori for everyone), ja sam neke fotografije zamijenila s onima koje su mi bolje odgovarale i prevela sam riječi s engleskog jezika na hrvatski:
Guessing the motives of the picture (Montessori for Everyone); I have replaced some photos to those that are better suited to me and I translated the words from English to Croatian: 

 kontrolne točke:
control of error:

Umetanje gumba u staklenku (izvrsno za pincetni hvat i usavršavanje motorike):
Inserting buttons in the jar (excellent for pincet grip and motor development):

Prelijevanje vode s lijevkom:
Pouring water with spout:

Combing hair:

Još jesenskih aktivnosti možete pronaći OVDJE.
You can find more autumn related activities HERE.

I'm linking up to:
PRESCHOOL CORNER (Homeschool Creations)

02 rujna 2010

Hrvatsko Montessori društvo / Croatian Montessori Society

Hrvatsko Montessori društvo od jučer ima stranicu na internetu! Ponosna sam što sam bila urednik, i obavila velik posao tražeći linkove, prikupljajući fotografije na kojima je Maria Montessori... još se trebaju dodati mali detalji i to je to :-)
Nadam se da vam se sviđa ;-)

Croatian Montessori Society  has a page on the internet, since yesterday! I am proud that I was editor, and done a great job asking for links, collecting photos with Maria Montessori ... still need to add small details and that's it :-) 
I hope you like it ;-)