Pišite, slobodno koristite ideje za rad s djecom, komentirajte, ali prije korištenja ideja i fotografija s ovog bloga pitajte za dozvolu, navedite izvor i stavite link ove stranice.
Hvala ;-)
Knjiga koju preporučujem: .Book that I recommend to everyone:
by John Bowman
U ovoj knjizi su i moje aktivnosti / I'm contributor :)
Dobrodošli! Osamnaestu godinu sam odgojiteljica u jednom zagrebačkom gradskom vrtiću, jedanaestu godinu sam odgojiteljica u Montessori grupi 3-6.
Welcome! I'm the 18th year kindergarten teacher in the public kindergarten, and I'm the eleventh year primary Montessori teacher.
What are the captions they have to match about? It looks lovely. Real photos are always a winner!
OdgovoriIzbrišiFor example: they put sentence Dijete plače. (A child is crying.) next to photo showing where the child is crying (example for first photo).