Sretna nova 2010. godina svim čitateljima bloga. Neka bude bolja od prethodne.
Mari-Ann ima vrlo zanimljiv i zabavan blog Counting Coconuts (provjerite njezine aktivnosti i dogodovštine na Bermudskim otocima). Danas sam na njenom blogu naišla na ugodno iznenađenje!! Proslijedila mi je nagradu - The Sunshine Award!! Lijep kraj 2009. :-).
Pravila ove nagrade su:
The Sunshine Award is awarded to bloggers whose positivity & creativity inspires others in the blogworld. The rules for accepting these award:
- Put the logo on your blog or within your post.
- Pass the award onto 12 bloggers.
- Link the nominees within your post.
- Let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
- Share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award.Ovu nagradu dajem sljedećim blogovima:
- Mi escuelita Montessori
- Dio mene...
- What DID we do all day
- Laboratory of unique creations
- Hobbychic
- Dalle un colino
- Montessori Spanish
- Teaching Montessori
- Nasmijano nebo
- Un desert a casa
- Once upon a day in preschool
- Kathy's Montessori Life
PS - Kathy (Kathy's Montessori Life) nisam uspjela poslati poruku na njenom blogu. Ne znam zašto. Kathy, slobodno preuzmi nagradu i proslijedi ju dalje :-) Kathy (Kathy's Montessori Life), I couldn't send a message on your blog. I do not know why. Kathy, please take the award and pass it on :-)