Pa, krenimo redom...
I do not know if you remember the post about the cards for rhyming identification that I wrote in November 2010. Children liked this exercise so much that I made more cards, and children are very proud because I made some cards with terms that they themselves have come up with! I also pulled out of the closet material that I used while I was working in the regular program, and I came up with new exercises too - and the goal is to train children to notice rhymes.
Well, here we go ...
Na fotografijama su kartice (još 12 parova) s kojima sam nadopunila pribor iz starog posta o rimovanju.
Photos show cards (another 12 pairs), which I added to the material from the old post about rhyming.

Novi pojmovi koje sam koristila su:
New terms that I use are:kapa - šapa, balerina - mandarina, val - šal, vila - pila, palica - šalica, tvor - bor, kula - nula, lonac - konac, gljiva - šljiva, voda - roda, žir - sir, gol - sol
Slijedeća vježba je Što ne pripada? - dva pojma se rimuju, a na treći pojam (koji se ne rimuje s ostala dva) djeca stavljaju crvenu karticu na kojoj je X:
The next exercise is What doesn't belong: the two terms rhyme, and on the third term (which does not rhyme with the other two) children put red card, X:

Vjerojatno ste primijetili mali trik - da je pojam koji ne pripada uvijek tematski povezan s jednim od dva pojma koji se rimuju: mrav - tigar - lav (tigar i lav su divlje životinje, ali se rimuju mrav i lav), ili globus - kamion - autobus (kamion i autobus su vozila, ali se rimuju globus i autobus).
Iza sličice koja ne pripada nizu se nalazi kontrolna točka.
You've probably noticed a little trick - a term that does not belong is always thematically related to one of two concepts that rhyme. Behind the picture that doesnt belong is checkpoints, control of error.
Krugovi u rimi je vježba preuzeta iz knjige Igrom do čitanja koju je napisala Mira Čudina Obradović. Iz iste knjige sam fotokopirala i sličice koje sam obojala s flomasterom. To je pribor koji sam davno izradila za potrebe djece iz redovnog programa. Sastoji se od dva niza kartica koje se slažu na slijedeći način:
Rhyme circles is an exercise taken from the book Igrom do čitanja, written by Mira Čudina Obradović. From the same book I photocopied images that I colored with felt pen. It's the material that I developed for children from the regular program long ago. It consists of two sets of cards that match the following way:
Pairs which is rhyming make a circle (on the back of the semicircles are the control points):
Zadnja vježba je nadopunjavanje riječi koje se rimuju u poetskom tekstu. Ideju za ovu vježbu sam dobila u vrtićkoj Montessori grupi koja se nalazi u sklopu Osnovne Montessori škole u Zagrebu (imaju mnogo prekrasnih ideja pa mi je drago da sam bila tamo na stručnom skupu i naučila nešto novo). Odabrala sam poetske tekstove koji su povezani s biljnim svijetom (u skladu s ovogodišnjim projektom o biljkama) i ljubavi (ususret Valentinovu).
Last exercise is to complement the words that rhyme in a poetic text. The idea for this exercise I got in primary Montessori classroom, which is located within the primary Montessori school in Zagreb (they have many wonderful ideas and materials, and I am glad that I was there at a professional conference and learned something new). I chose poetic texts that are associated with the plant world (in accordance with this year's project about plants) and love (in accordance with the Valentine's day).
Lijeva kartica je okrenuta na drugu stranu jer je to kontrolna kartica - dijete ju okreće na kraju vježbe kako bi provjerilo ispravnost rada.
The left card is turned the other way because it's control card - a child turns this card at the end of exercise to verify if her work is correct.
I'm linking up to:
- PRESCHOOL CORNER (Homeschool Creations)
- SUNDAY BEST LINK UP! (No Time For Flash Cards)