31 srpnja 2010

Crvene gredice / The Red Rods

Pribor za rad se sastoji od deset crvenih štapova (gredica) koje se razlikuju u samo jednoj dimenziji - dužini. Najduža crvena gredica ima 1 m, a najkraća 10 cm. Glavni cilj ove Montessori vježbe je razlikovanje djetetu apstraktnih pojmova d u g a č k o  i  kratko. Kao i ružičasti toranj i smeđe stepenice, i ovu vježbu djeca rade od prvog dolaska u vrtić (mogu ju raditi od 2,5 godine).
Material for the work consists of ten red rods, which differ in only one dimension - length. Longest red rod is 1 m, and the shortest 10 cm. The main purpose of this Montessori exercise is to distinguish abstract concepts of  l o n g  and short. The children can work with this material from their first arrival at school (from 2.5 years). 

Kratke gredice na tepih donosimo s obje ruke, ispruženih dlanova. Dugačke gredice nosimo na isti način (dijete gredicu uhvati dokle može dosegnuti s rukama: mala djeca nisu u mogućnosti dohvatiti krajeve), ili okomito ispred sebe (ja sugeriram taj način zbog sigurnosti u grupi - da ne bi bilo ozljeđenih; naime najčešće imamo 20 ili više prisutne djece pa je malo prostora). Moram priznati da je bolji prvi način zbog osjećaja za dužinu, ali sve ovisi o uvjetima:
We bring short rods on the carpet with both hands, palms outstretched. We are carrying long rods the same way (the child reach with hands where she can: very young children are not able to reach ends), or vertically in front of you (I suggest this way for the safety of the group - to prevent injuries; in fact, we have 20 or more children every day present, so there is a little space). I must admit it is better the first way because of feeling for the length, but it all depends on the conditions: 

Kad crvene gredice donosimo na tepih, polažemo ih bez nekog reda:
When we bring the red rods on the carpet, we lays them on the carpet strewn: 

Kad su sve gredice na tepihu, slažemo ih po dužini - od početka tepiha (počinjemo s najdužom gredicom uz gornji rub tepiha. Ostale slažemo nakon nje, prema sebi).
Gredicu koju ćemo složiti ne stavljamo odmah uz prethodnu, već ju stavimo na malu udaljenost od prethodne (već složene) gredice i dlanom prelazimo duž cijele gredice. Tada ju prislonimo uz prethodnu. Ovo je dobar način da dijete uoči razliku u dužini između gredica (i komparira: npr. dugačak, duži, najduži)ako ih je nosilo do tepiha u okomitom položaju (kao što sam opisala iznad).
When all the red rods are on the carpet, we put them by the length from the beginning of the mat (start with the longest red rod along the upper edge of the carpet. We put other upon it, to ourself). 
We do not put next red rod right by the previous, but put it on a small distance from the previous (already arranged) red rod  and cross with palm along the entire length of red rod. Then we lean it to the previous. This is a good way for the child to see and feel the difference in length between the red rods (and compared: eg. long, longer, longest) when they were carried to the mat in a vertical position (as I described above). 

Kad su sve gredice složene, dijete obilazi tepih i gleda kako pribor izgleda iz ptičje perspektive.
When all the beams are done, a child is walking around the carpet and watch how this material looks from a bird's perspective. 

Kontrola pogreške se (osim vizualnim putem) obavlja i s najkraćom gredicom. Njome klizimo uz ostale gredice kako bismo vidjeli da li razmak odgovara duljini najkraće gredice.
Control of error is (except visually) done also with the shortest red rod. We slides with it along with other red rods to see if a space corresponding to the length of the shortest red rod. 

Na kraju, gredice vraćamo na policu počevši od najduže.
In the end, we put red rods back on the shelf, starting with the longest.

Djeca vole razne dodatne vježbe:
Kids love a variety of additional exercises:
  • mjerenje različitih predmeta ili dječje visine pomoću crvenih gredica / measurement of various items or children's height with red rods 
  • slaganje crvenih gredica na udaljenim tepisima / working on two distant carpets
  • slaganje labirinta - djeca kroz labirint hodaju ili puze. Budući da nije velik razmak, usavršavaju kontrolu pokreta, osjećaj za ravnotežu, balansiraju:  /  setting up a maze - kids walking or crawling through the maze. Since there is not much space, improve control of movement, sense of balance:
  • slaganje crvenih gredica s povezom na očima / working blindfolded
  • kombiniranje crvenih gredica sa smeđim stepenicama (ovaj način slaganja djecu najčešće podsjeća na bor ili antenu):  /  combine red rods with brown stairs (usually, this way often reminiscent of pine or antenna): 

25 srpnja 2010

Rješavanje sukoba među djecom / Dealing with conflict

Pilar (Montessori Matters) je napisala članak na MariaMontessori.com o tome kako riješiti konflikte među djecom. Članak je po mom mišljenju koristan i opisan način rješavanja konflikta među djecom se može primijeniti i kod kuće i u vrtiću.
Ako vas zanima, pročitajte: Conflict: Break It Up And Break It Down

Pilar (Montessori Matters) wrote an article on MariaMontessori.com on how to resolve conflicts between children. In my opinion, this article is useful and that way of resolving conflict between children can be applied both at home and kindergartens.
If you are interested, read: Conflict: Break It Up And Break It Down

24 srpnja 2010

Planet Zemlja II.

Već sam prije pisala o nekim aktivnostima na temu Planeta Zemlja. Ovaj put ću predstaviti knjige i dječje enciklopedije koje smo najčešće koristili.
I have already written about some activities on planet Earth. This time I will present children's books and encyclopedias, which we commonly used. 

Priča, priča, pričica... je knjiga s pričama o divljim životinjama iz cijelog svijeta. Ilustracije mi se nisu svidjele (djeci su se svidjele, ali nisu kvalitetne), ali su priče zgodne:
Priča, priča, pričica... is a book with stories about wild animals from around the world. I did not like illustrations (the kids liked, but illustrations are not of high quality), but the stories are nice: 

Kolegica je kupila ovu kvalitetnu knjigu koja opisuje običaje i način života širom svijeta. Fotografije su također predivne:
Colleague has purchased this high quality book that describes the customs and lifestyles around the world. The photographs are also beautiful: 

Poster povodom Dana planeta Zemlje (iz časopisa Zvrk) - gornji dio je čist i nezagađen, a donji je zagađen, pun tvornica:
Poster on the occasion of Earth Day (from the magazine Zvrk) - The upper part is clean and unpolluted, and the bottom is polluted, full of factories: 

Praktični život: nizanje kontinenata (kontinenti su izrezani od kolaž papira i plastificirani). Djeci se ova aktivnost jako svidjela:
Practical life: stringing of the continents - instead of beads (the continents are cut from paper and laminated). The children are really liked this activity: 

2 nove nagrade.../2 new awards...

Zahvaljujem Colleen (Sunrise Learning Lab) na ovoj zgodnoj nagradi koju je sama napravila. Njezina djeca su nacrtala životinje! Preporučujem svima da skoknu do njenog bloga i pročitaju o njezinim aktivnostima i dogodovštinama s djecom.
I thank Colleen (Sunrise Learning Lab) on this cute award which she did by herself. Her children are drawn animals! I recommend everyone to pop by her blog and read about her activities and adventures with children. 

Nagradu Wild about your blog prosljeđujem:


Nagradu A Blog With Substance su mi dale Sandy (Raising Ian) i Min (Joyful Learner).
Sandy (Raising Ian) and Min (Joyful Learner) gave me A Blog With Substance Award.
Here are the rules of the award: 
Rule number 1: Thank the blogger who awarded it to you.
Veliko hvala Sandy (Raising Ian). Tek sam nedavno otkrila njen blog. Zaista je zanimljiv, preporučujem da svratite tamo i pogledate zanimljive Montessori aktivnosti koje Sandy radi s Ianom.
Joyful Learner je odavno moj omiljen blog i većini ljudi koji čitaju Montessori blogove vjerojatno poznat. Ako još ipak niste nikad bili tamo, preporučujem da pogledate o čemu Min piše. Min, hvala na nagradi.
A big thank to Sandy (Raising Ian). I just recently discovered her blog. It is really interesting, I recommend you stop by there and look at interesting Montessori activities that Sandy is working with Ian. 
Joyful Learner has long been my favorite blog and most people who read Montessori blogs probably  known about it. If you still have never been there, I recommend you look at what Min writes. Min, thanks for the award. 

Rule number 2: Sum up your blogging philosophy, motivation, and experience using five words. 
Promatranje, inoviranje, kreiranje, uživanje, opuštanje.
Observation, innovation, creation, enjoyment, relaxation. 

Rule number 3: Pass it on to 10 other blogs which you feel have real substance.

Moj svijet salveta i cvijeća

Također zahvaljujem Montessori en el hogar jer sam i od nje dobila nagrade Sweet blog i Outstanding Blog Award o kojima sam pisala u prethodnim postovima.

I also thank Montessori en el hogar because I also received awards from her: Sweet Blog Award and Outstanding Blog Award. I wrote about these awards in previous posts. 

18 srpnja 2010

Outstanding Blogger Award

Discovering Montessori (The Work Plan) i Willandre (maman kangourou) su mi proslijedile Outstanding Blogger Award. Puno im se zahvaljujem i preporučujem svima koje zanima Montessori da svrate na ove, meni, jako zanimljive i poučne blogove.
Discovering Montessori (The Work Plan) and Willandre (maman kangourou) forwarded Outstanding Blogger Award to me. I thank them a lot and I recommend anyone interested in Montessori to check out these, to me, very interesting and informative blogs. 

Pravila ove nagrade su:
The rules are:
1. Say thanks to the person who gave me this award.
2. Share 7 things about myself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who I have recently discovered and think are fantastic!

Hvala, Discovering Montessori i Willandre. Aktivnosti na vašim blogovima su često inspiracija za aktivnosti koje radim s djecom u vrtiću.
Thanks, Discovering Montessori and Willandre. Activities on your blogs are often the inspiration for activities that I'm doing with "my" children in kindergarten. 

  1. Moje omiljeno godišnje doba je ljeto. / My favorite season is summer. 
  2. Volim fotografirati. / I love to photograph.
  3. Moj blog se zove Leptir jer se tako zove soba u kojoj radim u vrtiću. / My blog is called  Leptir (Butterfly) because it is the name of the room where I work in kindergarten.
  4. Izrada Montessori pribora me opušta (ako se ne trebam žuriti). / Making Montessori equipment relaxes me (if I do'nt need to rush).  
  5. Jako pazim na boje i estetiku kad osmišljavam Montessori vježbe (koliko mi moje financijske prilike dopuštaju), smeta me ako pribor nije oku ugodan. / I'm very careful in choosing colors and about aesthetics when I design my Montessori exercises (as my present financial circumstances allow), it bothers me if material doesn't look nice.
  6. Volim kupovati u shopping centrima. / I like to shop in shopping malls.
  7. Obožavam izlete i putovanja. / I love love love love excursions and travels.

Ovo pravilo, na žalost, isključuje mnoge izvrsne blogove koje dugo čitam. Nagradu dajem izvrsnim blogovima koje sam relativno nedavno "otkrila": 
This rule, unfortunately, excludes many excellent blogs that I read a long time. I'm giving The Outstanding Blogger Award to 15 outstanding blogs that I have relatively recently "discovered": 

17 srpnja 2010

Sweet Blog Award

Vratila sam se s prvog dijela godišnjeg odmora! U slijedećem postu ću staviti nekoliko fotografija s ljetovanja, a u ovom postu ću se pohvaliti s novom blogerskom nagradom.

I returned from the first part of my vacation! In the next post I'll put a few photos from vacation, and in this post I will boast a new blogging award. 

Kaća (Moj svijet salveta i cvijeća) me razveselila s nagradom Sweet Blog Award:
Kaća (My world of napkins and flowers) cheer me up with Sweet Blog Award: 

Pravila nagrade su:
-proslijedi nagradu na 10 blogera(ica), 
-napiši post o nagradi, tko ti ju je dodijelio i stavi slikicu, 
-blogere koje si nagradila obavijesti preko komentara na njihovom blogu.

The rules: 
- Give this award to 10 sweet bloggers.
- Make a post about the award including the picture and mention the person who gave it to you.
- Put the award on your blog.
- Let your nominated 10 know you’ve awarded them by leaving a comment on their blog.

Nagradu prosljeđujem ovim blogovima (opet sam nominirala više od 10, ali zaista se ne mogu ograničiti samo na toliko) / (again, I have nominated more blogs, but I really can not be restricted only to 10) :