Knjiga "Montessori igre i aktivnosti" autorice Maje Pitamic je nedavno prevedena na hrvatski jezik. U njoj se može pronaći pregršt aktivnosti za bebe i djecu do treće godine, a sve su nadahnute Montessori metodom.
Sigurna sam da ćete uživati u ovim aktivnostima sa svojom djecom ili s djecom s kojom radite u jaslicama.
Knjiga je prvobitno izašla na engleskom jeziku pod nazivom Child's Play:
The book, "Montessori games and activities" by Maja Pitamic has recently been translated into Croatian. You can find plenty of activities for babies and children up to three years in it, and all are inspired by the Montessori method.
I'm sure you will enjoy these activities with your children or with children with whom you work in a nursery.
The book was originally released in English under the title Child's Play: