31 prosinca 2011
Best Blog Award

Feliz Mamá (Somos una familia, nos queremos mucho...) mi je proslijedila nagradu Best Blog. Muchas gracias Feliz Mamá :)
Jedino pravilo ove nagrade je da se proslijedi dalje!
Feliz Mamá (Somos una familia, nos queremos mucho...) forwarded the Best Blog Award to me. Muchas gracias Feliz Mamá :)
The only rule for this award is to pass it on!
And the award goes to: Madre Dziecko, To the Lesson, Wczesna Edukacja czyli Antka i Kuby, Montessori Print Shop Blog, Suncokret, Mi Escuelita Montessori, Homeschool@SG, Škrinja kreativnosti, Homeschool Escapade, JADA ROO CAN DO, ...so chic!, All Things Beautiful, Living Montessori Now, Child Central Station, The Learning Ark, Sunrise Learning Lab, Montessori At Home! blog, Montessori Tidbits, Montessori en el hogar, The Work Plan, handmade beginnings, Un desert a casa, Counting Coconuts, Art Drops, Best Toys For Toddlers, Buntmond, creatissimo, Descobrim el món, Discovery Days and Montessori Moments, Explore and Express, Förskoleburken, Hobbychic, Izzy creations, Kathy's Montessori Life, Mama Jenn, Mamma Felice, Mame ne rade na "repeat", Mens Sana, montessorimaterial, about a girl, Šestinčanka, Škrabalica, The Activity Mom, The Adventures of Bear, The Education Of Ours, The Homeschool Den, Walk Beside Me, Zondra Art, Strašilo
24 prosinca 2011
16 prosinca 2011
05 prosinca 2011
Božićne aktivnosti u vrtiću / Christmas activities in kindergarten
Evo malog podsjetnika na božićne aktivnosti koje smo radili prošlih godina:
Here is a reminder of the Christmas activities that we did in past:
- Adventski kalendar 1 / Advent calendar 1
- Adventski kalendar 2 / Advent calendar 2
- Ukrasi za božićno drvce, čestitke / Christmas tree ornaments and greeting cards
- Kićenje božićnog drvca / Decorating Christmas tree
- Što čitamo ovih dana? - Božićne teme / What do we read these days? - Christmas themes
- Srebrna i zlatna boja / Silver and gold
- Zamatanje poklona / Wrapping gifts
- Brojke i žetoni - božićno izdanje / Numerals and counters - Christmas edition
- Razvrstavanje po obliku i veličini - božićno izdanje / Sorting by shape and size - Christmas edition
- Božićne aktivnosti u vrtiću 1 / Christmas activities in kindergarten 1
- Božićne aktivnosti u vrtiću 2 / Christmas activities in kindergarten 2
I'm linking up to:
Montessori Monday (One Hook Wonder, Living Montessori Now)
Sharing Time (Raising Memories)
Show and Tell (ABC & 123)
Preschool Corner (Homeschool Creations)
The Play Academy (Nurture Store)
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