Feliz Mamá (Somos una familia, nos queremos mucho...) mi je dala nagradu Nice blog! Feliz Mamá, puno ti hvala na ovoj nagradi. Preporučujem da prošvrljate po njenom blogu i sigurna sam da ćete pronaći zanimljive aktivnosti koje će interesirati djecu.
Feliz Mamá (Somos una familia, nos queremos mucho...) gave me Nice blog award! Feliz Mamá, thank you very much for this award. I recommend to my readers to pop over to this interesting blog - I'm sure you'll find interesting activities for your children.
Ova nagrada ima 2 pravila / This award has 2 rules:
- navesti 3 pjesme koje su važne za vas, i / specify 3 songs that are important to you, and
- ispričati san koji ste sanjali. / tell what you dreamed about.
Što se tiče sna, na žalost, ne mogu ispričati niti jedan jer se ne sjećam svojih snova.
As for sleep, unfortunately, I can not tell you anything because I do not remember my dreams.
And the award goes to:
Sunrise Learning Lab, Unfolding Creatively, Suncokret, Adventures in Mommydom, Škrinja kreativnosti, Wczesna Edukacja czyli Antka i Kuby swiata odkrywanie, The Homeschool Den, Joyful Learner, Izzy creations, Ecole et Cabrioles, Discovery Days and Montessori Moments, Mens Sana, Montessori Candy, Make and Play, about a girl, All Things Beautiful, Montessori at Home! blog, Buntmond