U prethodnim postovima sam spomenula da su djeca istraživala različite kontinente. Ovaj put na redu je Australija. Kao i za ostale kontinente, djeca su crtala znamenitosti i ostale posebnosti vezane za kontinent Australiju:
~In previous posts I mentioned that children have explored the different continents. This time, about Australia. As for other continents, the children drew monuments and other special features related to the continent of Australia:
Zastava Australije, Opera u Sydneyu, Bumerang, Uluru
Flag of Australia, Sydney Opera House, Boomerang, Uluru

Most u Sydneyu, životinje: klokan, čudnovati kljunaš, koala
Sydney bridge, animals: kangaroo, platypus, koala

Mom of a girl from our class has borrowed us a beautiful and interesting book about Australia:
Kao i za ostale kontinente, i za Australiju sam izradila kartice za upoznavanje tipične hrane...
~As for other continents, I made cards for the introduction of typical food in Australia ...

...australskih građevina, i...
...famous buildings in Australia, and...
...animals that are typical for Australia.
Kartice sa životinjama su djeca kombinirala s plastičnim životinjama koje sam predstavila u postu o razvrstavanju životinja po kontinentima.
~3 part cards with animals the children combined with the plastic animals that I presented in a post about sorting animals by continent.
Post o Aziji pročitajte ovdje.
You can read post about Asia here.
Post o Antarktici pročitajte ovdje.
You can read post about Antarctica here.
I'm linking up to:
HISTORY & GEOGRAPHY (All Things Beautiful)
PRESCHOOL CORNER (Homeschool Creations)
SHARING TIME (Raising Memories)
THE PLAY ACADEMY (Nurture Store)
SHOW & TELL (ABC & 123)
LINK & LEARN (No Time For Flash Cards)