Pa, evo kratkog izveštaja o tome kako smo se proveli u Crikvenici.
~Well, here's a brief report on how we spent our vacation in Crikvenica.
Bili smo smješteni u hostelu Stoimena koji je star ali dobar za prenoćiti i ostaviti stvari - ionako smo većinu vremena proveli vani - vrijeme je bilo prekrasno.
~We were staying in the Stoimena hostel who is old but good for the night and leave our things - anyway, we were on the beach most of the time - the weather was sunny.
Stoimena je smještena u šumarku / Stoimena is located in a grove:
Ovako izgleda odmaralište:
~The hostel where we stayed looks like this:
Pogled s našeg balkona / The view from our balcony:
Prilaz restoranu u kojem smo jeli sve obroke:
~Access to the restaurant where we ate all meals:
Restaurant (jeli smo na terasi) / We ate on the terrace:
Paviljon u kojem su boravila djeca iz drugog vrtića:
~The pavilion in which stayed children from other kindergarten:
Već smo prvi dan boravka u Crikvenici otišli u potragu za mušmulama koje su rasle pored našeg balkona. Vrijedni animatori su nam nabrali mnogo ovog slatkog i ukusnog voća koje sam probala prvi put u životu.
~We have already the first day of our stay in Crikvenica went in search of mušmule that grew next to our balcony. Valuable animators picked a lot of sweet and tasty fruit that I ate the first time in my life.
Napomena: neki ljudi ovo voće zovu mušmule, a neki nešpule. Također sam čula da se ovo voće zove japanska nešpula.
~Note: Some people call this mušmule, and some nešpule. I also heard that this fruit is called Japanese medlar.
Pogled od odmarališta Stoimena prema plaži.
~The view from the Stoimena hostel toward the beach.
Odmaralište ima i svoju plažu, ali je more na tom mjestu puno morskih ježeva. Zbog toga smo boravili na zgodnoj šljunčanoj plaži, udaljenoj stotinjak metara od odmarališta.
~The resort has its own beach, but a lot of sea urchins settled there. That's why we stayed in nice pebble beach, cca hundred meters away from our hostel. "Our" beach:
Djeca su s animatorima radila bazene na plaži...
~Children and animators built pools at the beach...
...a poslije su i sama kreirala razne bazene i građevine od kamenja iz vode.
~...and later they created a variety of swimming pools and buildings of stones from the water themselves.
Svaki dan smo prije jutarnjeg i popodnevnog odlaska na plažu djeci kupile sladolede.
~Every day, before going to the beach, we bought ice cream for kids.
Prije odlaska na ljetovanje, za svako dijete sam ukrasila limenu kutiju od kave. Sva sreća da je samo desetero djece išlo na ljetovanje :-)
Vrlo brzo sam pretvorila 10 limenki u kutije za sakupljanje morskog "blaga". Obojala sam ih akrilnom bojom, stavila lak za raspucavanje, obojala još jednom, isprintala dječja imena ukrasnim slovima i zalijepila običnim lakom za salvetnu tehniku.
~Before going on vacation, I decorated tin box of coffee for every child. Luckily, only ten children went on vacation :-)
Very quickly I turned 10 cans in a boxes for a collection of marine "treasure". I painted them with acrylic paint, applied the crackle medium, painted with acrylic paint once again, printed childrens names with decorative letters and glued with decoupage lack. These are some of them:
Ako se pitate što su djeca donosila u svoje kutije, evo odgovora: kamenčiće, školjkice, stakalca i sl.:
~If you're wondering what the children are brought into their boxes, here's the answer: stones, shells, glass, etc.:
Turisti i dječji animatori su nam izronili i morske životinje. Evo samo nekoliko primjera:
~Tourists and a children's entertainers (animators) dived some marine animals. Here are just a few examples:
Pretpostavljam da možete zamisliti koliko su djeca bila uzbuđena promatrajući i opipavajući životinje koje prvi put vide uživo!
~I suppose you can imagine how excited the children were watching and touching the animals that they seen live for the first time in their lives!
Osim sakupljanja kamenčića i traženja morskih životinja, djeca su se svakodnevno igrala u vodi, dva puta dnevno. Imala su i trenere plivanja koji su ih učili plivati, a kad su se treneri bavili djecom iz drugog vrtića, plivali su sa mnom i kolegicom. Već su drugi dan sva djeca u ruksacima ostavila plivalice i krenula u avanturu s daskama za plivanje i ostalim rekvizitima za plivače početnike. Uz našu pratnju plivali su i u duboku vodu a petero djece koja nisu znala plivati su proplivala bez ikakvih pomagala.
~As well as collecting pebbles and search of marine animals, the children were playing in the water every day, twice a day. Children had the swim coaches who taught them to swim. When the coaches were dealing with children from other kindergarten, they were swimming with me and my colleague. The second day all the children left their arm floats in backpacks and went on an adventure with boards for swimming and other sports equipment for beginners. With our companion were swimming in deep water and the five who did not know how to swim are they learned to swim.
Svaku večer na košarkaškom igralištu u sklopu odmarališta održavao se mini disco, sportske igre i ostali zabavni i rekreativni sadržaji. Voditelji su bili dječji animatori, a djeca su se za disco svaku večer uređivala, odijevala odjeću sa šljokicama, kragnicama, radile su se frizure...
~Every night on the basketball court in the resort held a mini disco, sports games and other entertainment and recreational facilities. Leaders were children entertainers / animators. Children were beautifly arranged every night for the mini disco, dressed clothes with sequins, collars, we did a nice hairstyles...
Osim plesanja i ostalih navedenih sadržaja, imali smo i večer slikanja. Slikali smo na plaži, gledali zalazak sunca, a kad je već pao mrak i veći dio slika na platnu bio završen, otišli smo na spavanje.
~Besides dancing and other listed facilities, we had an evening of painting. We painted at the beach, watching the sunset, and when darkness fell, and most of the painting on the canvas was completed, we went to sleep.
Crna riba je morski pas / Black fish is a shark :-)
posjeta Aquariumu, prošetali smo se Crikvenicom, i poigrali u jednom dječjem parku na plaži:
Također smo otišli i na panoramsku vožnju brodom od Crikvenice do Kačjaka, pa do Šila na Krku.
We also went on the scenic boat ride from Crikvenica to Kačjak, and Šilo on island Krk.
Vozili smo se u katamaranu koji je imao stakleno dno, pa su djeca u Šilu mogla promatrati morsko dno.
We drove in the catamaran, which had a glass bottom, so the kids could look at Šilo seabed.
Pogled na Crikvenicu:
Pogled na Šilo:
Osim promatranja podmorja, djeci je bilo zanimljivo hraniti galebove za vrijeme vožnje katamaranom.
~In addition to observing the underwater world, it was interesting for the children to feed the seagulls.
Svako dijete je imalo priliku sjesti u kapetanovu stolicu i "upravljati" katamaranom.
~Each child had the opportunity to sit in the captain's chair and "manage" catamaran.
Roditelji su svojoj djeci poslali razglednice i djeci je bilo jako drago kad smo ih čitali. Djeca su također poslala razglednice svojim obiteljima, a na kraju su za uspomenu kući ponijeli i magnete s motivima iz Crikvenice koje su sami odabrali u lokalnoj suvenirnici.
~Parents sent postcards to their children and they were very happy when we read them. Children are also sent postcards to their families, and eventually they brought a souvenir magnets with motifs from Crikvenica which they selected by themselves in a local souvenir shop.
Na kraju boravka u odmaralištu, animatori su svoj djeci i odgajateljima podijelili diplome i ogrlice s kamenčićima iz mora.
~At the end of our stay at the resort, animators gave certificates and necklaces with stones from the sea to all the children and teachers.
Ljetovanje u Crikvenici je bilo lijepo iskustvo - bilo je malo djece pa smo se svakome mogle lijepo posvetiti, ravnateljica, zdravstvena voditeljica i dječji animatori su uvijek bili ljubazni, dobre volje i na usluzi djeci i nama, odgojiteljima. Vrijeme je bilo prekrasno svih sedam dana.
~Vacation in Crikvenica was a nice experience - there were only 10 children present, so we could devote enough attention to every child; director, head nurse and children's entertainers / animators have always been friendly, they were always in a good mood and were constantly at the service of children and educators. The weather was beautiful all week.
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