Davno smo proveli projekt o našoj državi,
Republici Hrvatskoj. Žao mi je što nisam fotografirala više predmeta, pribora i aktivnosti kojima smo se bavili. Sad vam predstavljam dio onog što smo radili:
Long ago, we had a project about our country, the Republic of Croatia. Here is the small part of what we did in our classroom:
Hrvatska zastava / Croatian flag:
Brojke i žetoni: umjesto
žetona sam korisila male zastave (ova vježba služi za upoznavanje parnih i neparnih brojeva)
Numbers and counters: instead of chips I used small flags (this exercise serves to introduce the odd and even numbers to the children)
Iz redovitog programa ostao nam je memory: Hrvatska, lijepa naša. Sadrži male kartice s fotografijama različitih znamenitosti iz Republike Hrvatske. Ovu društvenu igru pretvorila sam u kartice za uparivanje.
We have memory: Croatia, our beautiful country. It contains small cards with photos of various Croatian landmarks. I turned this game into matching cards with control of error.
Davno sam izradila kartice s fotografijama zaštićenih biljaka u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ovu vježbu posebno vole predškolci.
Long ago, I made 3 part cards with photos of endangered plants in the Republic of Croatia. Preschoolers love this exercise.
Za vrijeme provedbe projekta, ostvarili smo izvrsnu suradnju s roditeljima, koji su nam donosili različite predmete iz svih dijelova Hrvatske.
During our project about Croatia, we have achieved excellent cooperation with parents, who have brought a variety of items from different parts of Croatia.
Jedna mama nam je donijela
tartufe i posudila ribež za tartufe koji su djeca (kao i odgajatelji ;)) vidjeli prvi put. Najviše tartufa se može pronaći u
One mom has brought us truffles and lent us a truffle grater. We saw it for the first time. Most truffles can be found in Istria. 

Na otvorenom dijelu zagrebačke tržnice
Dolac svi suncobrani su izrađeni u bojama šestinskog kišobrana.
Umbrella from Šestine is characteristic for the Zagreb surroundings. In Zagreb, capital of Croatia, you can find various souvenirs with Šestine umbrella motifs. Our umbrella was a stimulus for a variety of art activities, discussions with children and reading stories by Nada Iveljić: Šestinski kišobran. In the open part of Zabreb market Dolac all parasols are made in colors of Šestine umbrella.
Anima Croatica je zbirka CD-a s hrvatskom glazbom (folklor, sakralna glazba i sl.)
Anima Croatica is a collection of CDs with Croatian music (folk music, sacred music...)
"Dođi i vidi Zagreb" je jedna od slikovnica pomoću koje djeca na zgodan način uče o Zagrebu.
"Come and see Zagreb" is one of the picture books by which children in a convenient way learn about Zagreb.
"Dragi naš Zagreb" je slikovnica za stariju djecu, ali su i naši vrtićanci uživali listajući.
"Our dear Zagreb" is a picture book for older children, but preschoolers enjoyed reviewing the contents.
If you are interested in more picture books about Zagreb, we also read "Žganček i ara" about the parrot and sparrow who learn about the city of Zagreb, and "One morning in Zagreb" about the child who is lost in big city.
Također smo čitali različite enciklopedije:
We also read a variety of encyclopedias:
Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić je najpoznatija hrvatska spisateljica za djecu. U nastavcima smo čitali roman "Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića"...
...i "Priče iz davnine" koje su inspirirane slavenskom mitologijom.
...and "Croatian Tales of Long Ago", inspired by Slavic mythology.
Proveli smo još mnogo zanimljivih aktivnosti koje nisam uspjela fotografirati, ali ovo će biti dovoljno za početak.
We did more interesting activities, but I didn't take pictures. I think this will be enough to start.
This post is part of Leanns Montessori Tidbits' Continent Boxes bloghop. Please, go to her interesting blog to see more geography activities :)
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