06 svibnja 2010

Pločice u boji / Color tablets

Prva kutija s pločicama u boji / First box of color tablets

Pločice vadimo iz kutije pincetnim hvatom: dominantnom rukom držimo za bijeli dohvatnik.
We extract the tablets from the box using the pincet grip: the dominant hand is holding the white edge of the tablet. 

Na stol ih stavljamo bez reda.
We put tablets on the table without order.

Kad sve pločice izvadimo, zaklopimo kutiju. Prvo od svake boje uzimamo po jednu pločicu i slažemo ih odozgo prema dolje.
When all the tablets are removed, we close the box. Take one tablet of each color and place them from top to bottom.

Nakon toga tražimo parove iste boje. Par stavljamo pored pločice (bijeli dohvatnik je granica između različitih boja).
After that, we are looking for couples of the same color. We put the couple next to the tablet (white edge is the boundary between different colors). 

Pitamo dijete zna li kojih su boja pločice. Ako ne zna imenovati boje, provodimo lekciju u tri stupnja. Tada od svakog para po 1 pločicu vratimo u kutiju (ostaju nam 3 pločice različite boje). Kad vraćamo pločice u kutiju, slažemo ih u parovima (crvenu pored crvene,...).
We ask the child if he know what is the name of the color. If she does not know the color name, we are doing a three period lesson. Then we put back in the box 1 tablet from each pair (three tablets of different colors is left). When we return tablets in the box, we put them in pairs (red next to the red,...). 

Kad je dijete dobro usvojilo osnovni način rada, možemo mu predložiti da radi istu vježbu na udaljenim stolovima - na prvom stolu je jedan dio para, a na drugom stolu je drugi (npr. donesi mi s drugog stola ovakvu pločicu...), da traži predmete iste boje u prostoriji, da nešto nacrta u tim bojama i dr.
When a child have learned the basic mode, we suggest that she does the same exercises on distance tables - on the first table is one of the pair, and on the second table is the second (eg, bring me the same tablet from that desk ...), search items of the same color in a room, draw something in those colors, etc. 

Druga kutija s pločicama u boji / Second box of color tablets

Od djeteta tražimo da iz kutije izvadi pločice u bojama koje poznaje (način vađenja pločica iz kutije je opisan iznad). Ako dijete ne izvadi pločice u paru, kažemo da izvadi i parove od boja koje poznaje.
We ask  from a child that she take out of the box tablets in colors she know (the way we are removing tablets from the box is described above). If child does not take away tablets in pairs, we say that she does it, too. 

Kažemo mu da u kutiji izabere još jednu boju koju ne zna, a koja mu se sviđa / koju bi željelo naučiti... Pločice koje je dijete izvadilo su (kao i kod prve kutije) pomiješane na radnoj površini.
We say to the child that she choose another color from the box - the one she doesn't know / the one that she like / the one that she would like to learn ... Tablets that the child has removed are (as in the first box) mixed on the desk.

Dijete slaže po jednu pločicu od svake boje odozgo prema dolje. Zatim slaže parove.
The child put tablets one by one, from each color, from top to bottom. Then the child match couples.

Kad je sve parove složilo, u kutiju spremamo sve pločice osim tri pločice različite boje (jednu od one boje koju ne zna imenovati i dvije pločice različitih boja koje zna imenovati). Provodimo lekciju u tri stupnja.
 When all the tablets have a match, we put back in a box all tablets except for three of different colors (one tablet of the color that she doesn't know and two tablets of different colors whose color she knows). We are doing three period lesson.

Nakon toga spremimo pločice u kutiju.

Treća kutija s pločicama u boji / Third box of color tablets 

Djetetu kažemo da iz kutije izvadi pločicu koju želi ili koja mu se najviše sviđa. Kad dijete izabere (npr. crvenu pločicu) kažemo mu da izvadi sve pločice iz tog pretinca (od svake boje u jednom pretincu nalazimo 7 nijansi). Dijete vadi pločice iz kutije na već opisani način (prva kutija).
The child is said she can took the tablet she like the most from the box. When a child chooses (eg. red tablet), we tell her to pull out all the tablets from that compartment (there are 7 shades of each color in one compartment). The child takes the tablets out of the box like I already described above (first box). 

Kad je izvadilo sve pločice, slažemo ih od najtamnije do najsvjetlije, uspoređujući nijanse, odozgo prema dolje ili slijeva na desno. Bitno je da se nijanse mogu dobro uočiti, tj. bijeli dohvatnik se ne smije nalaziti između nijansi.
When she pulled out all the tablets, we put them from darkest to brightest, from top to bottom or from the left to the right. It is important that the shades can be well observed - white edge on the tablet shouldn't be placed between the shades.

Kad su sve pločice složene od najtamnije do najsvjetlije provodimo lekciju u tri stupnja (prvo s 3 najrazličitije pločice - tamno crvena, crvena, svijetlo crvena; zatim radimo komparaciju s ostalim pločicama, svjetlija od..., tamnija od...).
When all the tablets are placed from the darkest to the brightest, we are doing three period lesson (first with three most different tablets - dark red, red, bright red; then a comparison with other tablets - brighter then..., darker than...).

Pločice u kutiju vraćamo tako da slažemo po redu, od najtamnije do najsvjetlije nijanse.
We are puting tablets back in box in order, from darkest to brightest shade.

Postoje dva načina slaganja (kad izaberete jedan način slaganja, uvijek provodite vježbu na taj način):
There are two ways of doing this exercise (when you choose one way, always do so):
1. (na koji ja radim) Prvo se stave najtamnija i najsvjetlija pločica. Između se slažu ostale nijanse.
1. (I work that way) First take the darkest and the brightest tablet. Than match other shades between them.

2. Nijanse se odmah slažu po redu, od najtamnije do najsvjetlije.
2. Match the shades immediately from the darkest to the brightest.

Kad dijete nauči raditi vježbu, možemo mu predložiti dodatne vježbice: traženje nijansi određene boje u prirodi, izrezivanje kolaž papira u raznim nijansama, slikanje nijansi vodenim bojama ili pastelama, slaganje nijansi više boja istovremeno, npr. sunce od svih pločica:
When a child learns to do exercise - basic mode, we can suggest additional exercises: search for a particular shade of color in nature, cut paper collage in various tones, paint the shades with watercolors or crayons, work with shades of multiple colors at the same time, like the sun shape for example:

Ako nam je teško prepoznati koja je pločica tamnije ili svjetlije nijanse, gledamo ih prema svjetlu (suncu ili lusteru).
If it is difficult to recognize darker from lighter shade, we look toward the light (sun or lamp).

I'm linking up to:

Broj komentara: 10:

  1. Your Blog Rocks!! Thank you for all of the comments you made at my new blog. I can see after reading yours I have a lot more to learn. The work you do on here is so beautiful. And Thank you for todays' beautiful illustrated presentation.

  2. Thanks Discovering Montessori :-)
    And welcome to my blog! I'm so glad you like my activities.

  3. great post! very informative.
    I will be linking,

  4. They are really beautiful and nice to play and learn!
    Thanks, Leptir!

  5. Thanks Jo!

    Africa, you're welcome! I'm glad you like it. :-)

  6. Nice post about the color tablets! We need to get these back out on our shelves. they have been tucked away, due to lack of space and interest, but think that if we pull them back out and if I share your post, that it will surely spark interest in them again.
    Thank you for sharing. As always, love your posts.

  7. Thanks Sunshine Crew! I'm glag you like my posts ;-)

  8. I really appreciate the care you took in describing how to present the color boxes and your lovely photos! Here's the link where I featured your post and photo: http://livingmontessorinow.com/2011/08/01/montessori-monday-diy-color-tablets/

  9. Thanks for linking up to Montessori Monday! I always enjoy reading your posts! :)
