03 lipnja 2010


Ovako izgledaju police iz područja matematike:
Mathematics material on the shelves in "my" room in kindergarten:

Kao što vidite, od četvrte skupine pribora imam "samo" zbrajanje, a iz treće skupine pribora iz matematike mi nedostaju lanci. Igru točkanja imam (fotokopiranu), ali ju još nisam stavila na policu jer djeca još nisu zrela za tu vježbu. Moram priznati da imam većinu pribora za matematiku. Iduće godine ću imati dosta predškolaca pa se nadam da će vrtić kupiti i četvrtu skupinu pribora iz matematike.
As you can see, I don't have 4th group of material in math area ("only" addition), from 3rd group -  chains are missing. I have dot exercise (photocopied), but I still didn't put it on the shelf - kids aren't mature for this material yet; but I must admit that we have most of the material. Next year I'll have a lot of preschoolers ( 6 yo - in Croatia, the children enter first grade in the 7th year of life), and I hope that kindergarten will buy 4th group of materials.

Broj komentara: 10:

  1. Natasa, I love your math area!! so beautiful,... well I love your Classroom!!! but thanks for posting math!! I ask you about it, remember???
    Big Hugs!!

  2. Croatia is very sensible in waiting until the children are 7 until they go to school. We start them off when they are 4 here. My school tries to make the school experience as light as possible until they get to 7. I hope you get your materials. Don't bother with the subtraction board though. I find it to be the only Montessori material I really cannot get on with.

  3. Hej, vratila si nam se :))) Možemo li ti mi pomoći napraviti lance???? :)))) Pusa, papa!

  4. Looks great, thanks for sharing. I love seeing shelves ready to go.

    Thanks so much for the award I'll try to pass it on over the next week. :)

  5. Karen, thanks! More posts about math materials are coming this month!

    Annicles, wow, I think 4 yo are really too young to go to school!

    Tea, lance se može napraviti, ali je vrlo skupo (čak i ako se ne naručuje iz Nizozemske) jer lanci imaju jaaaako puno perlica (ovdje se otprilike može vidjeti o čemu se radi: http://www.nienhuis.com/en/bead-material-individual-beads-nylon.html ).
    Ali hvala na ponudi! Baš si draga :-)

    Kylie, thanks for kind words :-) And - you deserved the award with such a nice and interesting blog!

  6. I always like to look at your classroom pics. They are always so nice. When I get the budget to really invest in my classroom, I will be definetly using your pictures as a great reference. Thanks for sharing !!

  7. Thanks Discovering Montessori :-)

  8. Beautiful shelves - everything is so nice and orderly, just as it should be!

  9. Your math area is so inviting! I love it!

  10. Mari-Ann & Melissa Joanne, thanks! I'm glad you like my math area :-)
