GEOGRAPHY / HISTORY (Children Grow, Children Explore, Children Learn)
Globus - kopno i voda / Globe of land and water
Globus pomoću kojeg djeca usvajaju pojmove kopno i voda, osnovne dijelove Zemljine površine, je glatko hrapav: kopno je napravljeno od brusnog papira. Globus djeca nose jednom rukom za vrh, a drugom za dno postolja. Odgajatelj im objasni da se predmet koji su donijeli zove globus i da on pokazuje planetu Zemlju. Zatim pokažemo plavu, glatku površinu i kažemo djetetu da je to voda. Nakon toga pokažemo smeđu, hrapavu površinu i kažemo djetetu da je to kopno. Zamolimo dijete da opipa svo kopno pa vodu (ili obrnuto) kako bi opipom (hrapavo/glatko) shvatilo razliku. Kad dijete nauči razlikovati i imenovati kopno i vodu, spremno je za slijedeći globus.
Globe through which children acquire concepts of land and water, basic parts of the Earth's surface, is smooth - harsh: the land is made from sandpaper. Children carry the globe with one hand on the top and one hand on the bottom of the base. Teacher explain to them that we are calling this Globe and it shows the planet Earth. Then show a blue, smooth surface and say this is water. After that show brown, rough surface and say this is land. Ask your child to touch all the land and water (or vice versa) to understand the difference (rough / smooth). When a child learns to distinguish and designate land and water, she is ready for the next globe.
Globus - kontinenti / Globe of the continents
Na ovom globusu je i kopno glatko.
Prvo zamolimo dijete da donese globus kopno-voda. Zatim odgajatelj donese globus s kontinentima. Djetetu treba objasniti da oba globusa prikazuju Zemlju. Na drugom globusu je kopno obojano raznim bojama. Dio kopna koji je obojan jednom bojom zove se kontinent. Zatim odgajatelj imenuje kontinente (npr. Ovo je Europa. Europa je crvene boje. itd.) Nakon imenovanja provodimo i ostale stupnjeve lekcije u tri stupnja. Kad dijete usvoji nazive kontinenata, možemo ga naučiti i nazive oceana i mora.
Kontinenti su u Montessori pedagogiji uvijek u istim bojama: Europa, Azija, Afrika, Sjeverna Amerika, Južna Amerika, Australija, Antarktika.
Nakon ove vježbe dijete je spremno za slagalicu Zemljinih hemisfera (umetaljka s kontinentima) putem koje se dijete priprema za apstraktne načine prikazivanja planete Zemlje (karte i sl.).
On this globe land is also smooth. First, ask your child to bring the globe of land and water. Then bring the globe of the continents. Child should be explained to both of the globes showing the Earth. On the second globe, the land is painted in various colors. Part of the land, which is painted in one color is called a continent. Then the teacher appoint continents (eg This is Europe. Europe is red. Etc.) After the appointment (first level) we are doing other levels (three period lesson). When a child learns the names of the continents, we can learn the names of oceans and seas. Continents are in Montessori pedagogy always in the same colors: Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Antarctica. After this exercise, the child is ready for the puzzle map (world parts) through which the child is preparing for an abstract way to represent Earth (maps, etc.).
Oblici kopna i vode / Land and water forms
Polica na kojoj se nalazi pribor za upoznavanje oblika kopna i vode izgleda ovako:
Shelf with the equipment for exploring the shape of land and the water looks like this:
Na lijevoj strani su makete, zatim pripadajuće velike karte, zatim kartice s prikazom kopna i vode kao na maketi i iz satelita te pladanj s vrčem i krpom za sušenje maketa.
On the left side of the shelf are land and water form trays, then big land and water form cards, two different sets of the land and water forms three part cards, and tray with a jug and cloth for drying land and water form trays.
Oblici kopna: arhipelag, poluotok, rt, otok, prevlaka. Definicije na hrvatskom jeziku možete skinuti ovdje.
Forms of land: archipelago ,peninsula, cape, island, isthmus. Definitions in the Croatian language can be downloaded here.
Oblici vode: sustav jezera, zaljev, uvala, jezero, tjesnac. Definicije na hrvatskom jeziku možete skinuti ovdje.
Forms of water: system of lakes, gulf, bay, lake, strait. Definitions in the Croatian language can be downloaded here.
Oblici kopna i vode bez velikih karata:
Land and water forms without cards:
Kartice s oblicima kopna i vode i definicijama na engleskom jeziku možete skinuti ovdje, ovdje i ovdje. Ja sam upotrijebila samo sličice, nazive sam napisala na hrvatskom jeziku.
Način slaganja kartica:
Three part cards with land and water forms and definitions in English can be downloaded here, here and here. I've only used the images, I wrote the names in Croatian language.
Mode of matching cards:
Pridruživanje kartica koje sadrže samo sličicu:
Matching cards that contain only a picture:
Pridruživanje naziva oblika kopna i vode:
Matching names of land and water forms:
Djeca koja znaju čitati i koja znaju imenovati oblike kopna i vode mogu pored kartica staviti i definicije.
Children who can read and know the names of land and water forms can put the definitions cards too.
Provjera ispravnosti putem kontrolnih točaka:
Control of error:
Osim ovih kartica, na isti način slažemo i satelitske snimke oblika kopna i vode. Možete ih skinuti ovdje.
In addition to these cards, we are matching the satellite images of land and water forms in the same way. You can download them here.
Thank you for adding the translation button to your blog. Now I can enjoy your blog even more!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYour'e welcome! I'm glad you like my blog :-)
Pozdrav Slavonskom Brodu! Baš mi je drago da ste me prepoznali :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiIznad, u postu, imam link za kartice, ali na engleskom (besplatan download):
Izrezala sam sličice pa sam sama napravila nazive na hrvatskom i zaljepila na bijeli papir sve zajedno. Link za besplatan download imam također u postu, ali evo ga još jednom:
Nadam se da sam pomogla. Uživajte!
Thanks Phyllis :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI like that globe and all that you have here to teach children about the Earth. Thank you for linking up this week.
OdgovoriIzbrišiNice! I really,really like your big land form cards. Thank you for the download. Thank you for sharing. Everytime I visit your blog it is so pleasing to my eyes.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI love those water form trays, and cards - it's got my imagination going for a make at home version!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you girls for your nice comments! Such comments make me happy :-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiAn Almost Unschooling Mom, welcome to my blog :-)
Thank you so much! These are beautiful! And I wouldn't have been able to enjoy this visit as much without the translate button. Thanks!
OdgovoriIzbrišiRachel, thanks for lovely comment and WELCOME to my blog :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiovo je prekrasno-toliko divnih ideja,od velike ste pomoći kako odgojiteljima tako i roditeljima
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala Ivanka :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis is a wonderful post with so many great photos and descriptions. And thanks for sharing your free printables as well! I featured your post and one of your photos in my Easy DIY Land and Water Forms at
OdgovoriIzbrišiDeb, thank you :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiThis is wonderful- thank you so much!!! I love the landform and water cards- we enjoy geography at my house, and these would be a great way to practice.
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you Becky :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiNatasa, pravo je zadovoljstvo pratiti vas. Pozdrav iz Beograda
OdgovoriIzbrišiI am struggling to download. Please let me know as I love the satellite images. Thank you.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHi, Amy! Cards are from edutc montessori, but they don't have download section anymore.