08 svibnja 2011

New World Wide Montessori On-line Class

Već neko vrijeme pohađam Montessori tečaj koji vodi Karen Tyler (World Wide Montessori On-line), a koji sam dobila od Colleen (Sunrise Learning Lab). Hvala Colleen - jako sam zadovoljna :-)
Tečaj će trajati još dugo vremena jer idem na Standard Track, tj. dulju verziju edukacije, ali sve zainteresirane obavještavam da nova edukacija počinje 1. lipnja 2011. Ako ste zainteresirani, možete se prijaviti na ovu adresu: karen@amontessorimarketplace.com
I attend Montessori course by Karen Tyler (World Wide Montessori On-Line) for some time now. I got it from Colleen (Sunrise Learning Lab). Thanks Colleen - I am very pleased with the course, I'm so happy :-)
The course will last for a long time since I go to the Standard Track course, but to inform all interested - the new class begins on June 1st 2011.  You can contact Karen using this address: karen@amontessorimarketplace.com

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