29 prosinca 2010

Naš adventski kalendar / Our Advent calendar

Ove godine je adventski kalendar u našoj sobi izgledao ovako:
This year's Advent calendar looked like this: 

Kućice sam izradila od debljeg kolaž papira prema šabloni iz časopisa. Svaka kućica ima krov koji se s jedne strane može nadignuti. Ispod krova se nalazi otvor za poruku iz adventskog kalendara:
I made cottages out of thick paper. I used a pattern from the magazine. Each cottage has a roof that can be raised on one side. Beneath the roof there is an opening for a message from the Advent Calendar: 

Budući da nismo imali dovoljno slatkiša ili voća koje bismo mogli staviti u kućicu adventskog kalendara (a i da djeci bude zanimljivije), svaki dan smo pronalazili poruke putem kojih smo otkrivali božićne običaje diljem svijeta. Za informacije i slikovni materijal smo iskoristili knjigu Božić u svijetu, koju sam vrlo povoljno kupila na Interliberu.
Since we didn't have enough candy or fruit that we could put in a cottage of Advent calendar (and to be more interesting to children), every day we are finding the message, through which we discover the Christmas traditions around the world. For information and visual material we have used the book Christmas Around the World, which I bought at a very affordable price on Interliber. 

I'm linking up to:
PRESCHOOL CORNER (Homeschool Creations)

Broj komentara: 18:

  1. Koristim prevoditelj, ja ne govore vaš jezik ja govorim francuski, pa se nadam da to nije učinio previše štete! Vaš dolazak kalendar je lijepa!

  2. What a great idea! Those little houses are adorable:)

  3. la fée papillion écolo!, thanks! Translator did not translate perfectly, but I can understand what it says.

    Andrea, thank you! I'm glad you like it :-)

  4. The houses are so cute, and I bet the children loved learning about celebrations around the world.

  5. Natasa, ovo je preslatko :)

  6. Thanks Evenspor! You are right :-) They loved it!

    Sandra, hvala!

  7. So beautiful Natasha!! just lovely!!

  8. What pretty houses, a lot of work I imagine! And a great idea learning about christmas world wide!

  9. Those are super cute. Do you have a link to the pattern at all? I would love to make some for L. Thanks for the Christmas wishes we had a wonderful time and are now looking forward to celebrating Macedonian Christmas soon. All the best to you and your family over the holiday season.

  10. Originalno, maštovito, šareno, zanimljivo i jako lijepo :)))

  11. Divna ideja za originalan adventski kalendar pun iznenađenja :))

  12. Natasa, I love it!! it's sooooo beautiful :)

    meni :*

  13. Natasa,

    Dear friend, was a gift for your friendship, for me this year. Wishing you and your family a New Year full of blessings, health, peace and much love. And keep in favor with their beautiful creations.


  14. This is so beautiful and creative! I love it. Thanks for sharing. You have so many great ideas. Your students are so lucky to have you. I bet you spoil them.

  15. Thanks girls! I would like to thank everybody for the nice comments. It's great to hear nice words and praise for the great effort invested in working with children.

    about a girl, I'll look for a template, but I'm not sure I have it because it is from very old magazine. I will notify you.

  16. What a beautiful Advent calendar! I added your post and photo to my 50+ December Family Activities at http://livingmontessorinow.com/2011/11/29/50-plus-december-family-activities/ I hope you have a wonderful Christmas season.
