19 lipnja 2010

Nekoliko aktivnosti.../ Several activities...

Povodom Međunarodnog dana vatrogasaca (4. svibanj) sam napravila ovaj mali plakat s važnim brojevima telefona:
Regarding International Firefighters' Day (May 4th), I made this little poster with important phone numbers:

Uglavnom su sva djeca naučila važne brojeve telefona. Osim toga razgovarali smo i o tome kako se ponašati u opasnim situacijama. Kolegica i ja smo djeci zadavale razne problemske situacije kako bi možda bolje razumjela što učiniti ako se nađu u nekoj opasnoj situaciji.
Basically all children learn important phone numbers. In addition, we talked about how to behave in dangerous situations. Colleague and I were inflicted various problem situations to children, because they might better understand what to do if they find themselves in a dangerous situation. 

Čitali smo i slikovnicu Uh, kako prži! koju nam je posudila baka od jedne djevojčice. Ovu slikovnicu sam pronašla i na internetu - možete ju besplatno skinuti: Uh, kako prži!
We also read a book What scorching weather! loaned to us by a grandmother of one little girl. This picture book, I also found on the Internet - you can download it for free 
in Croatian language: Uh, kako prži! 
in English language: What scorching weather! 

Djeca jako vole ovakve matematičke igre, pa sam im ponudila slaganje cvijeta. Šablone besplatno možete skinuti na Play 2 Learn Printables.
Children really love these math games, so I offered them new one: Roll a flower. You can download it for free at Play 2 Learn Printables.

Grafomotorička vježba koja stoji u području jezika (iako bi se mogla staviti i u senzomotoriku). Također ste sličnu aktivnost mogli vidjeti ovdje.
Graphomotoric exercise - I put it in language area, but it can be in sensorial area, too. You can see here a similar activity (heart shape).

Broj komentara: 12:

  1. It is so interesting to see the different phone numbers in other countries. Are fires a big problem in Croatia in the summer?

    We use those boards too. They have been especialy beneficial for children who have slight learning difficulties and after some really hard thinking work. We use a series of exercises called Brain Gym and these really compliment them.

  2. Yes, evry summer we have a lot of fires in Dalmatia, but the Kornat Island Tragedy in 2007. was the worst:



  3. My word, I had no idea. Hopefully you've had as wet a spring as we have and there's less of a chance of it happening this year.

  4. Redovno čitam tvoje postove mada rijetko komentiram.
    A rijetko komentiram iz razloga što bih se samo ponavljala, kako je dobra ideja, kako je poučno, kako se može primjeniti i kući...
    Upravo plakat sa važnim telefonima su primenjivi i u kući...
    Super ideja...Hvala ti što ih dijeliš sa nama.

  5. Phoenix, puno ti hvala. Drago mi je da moje aktivnosti / ideje nekom dobro dođu (osim djeci u mojoj vrtićkoj grupi) :-)

  6. Nataša, možda bi mogla dodati ovdje na blog svoj plakat kao free printable... Previše pričam i pišem engleski, više se ne mogu sjetiti kako se što kaže na hrvatskom! :(

  7. Tvoj hrvatski je odličan :-)

    Na žalost plakat ne mogu staviti kao free printable jer fotografije nisu moje vlasništvo - nemam dozvolu za dijeljenje.

  8. love how you teach the kids about the emergency numbers! How old are they? Im thinking if i can teach my son that too!

  9. Odlično, edukativno sve pohvale!!!

  10. Homeschool@sg, thanks!
    I have 24 kids in my class, 2 little girls just turned 3, but mostly 4-6yo.

    Zondra, hvala :-)

  11. I am interested in the tracking
    boards....where did you find those?

  12. Kathy I'll let you know who is the manufacturer when I start to work in my classroom. I have taken over these boards from the regular kindergarten program.
