16 svibnja 2010

Od svega po malo...

Prenošenje gumenih cvjetova s pincetom (cvjetovi su gumice iz Turbo Limača)
Transferring rubber flowers with tweezers (flowers are from Turbo Limač)

Prenošenje gumenih dinosaura s pincetom (ovo su dinosauri koji narastu kad se namoče u vodu, ali za vježbice su idealni ovako sitni; dinosaure nam je poklonila mama od djevojčice iz grupe)
Transferring rubber dinosaurs with tweezers (these dinosaurs grow if you put them under water, but for Montessori exercises are ideal small; one parent gave us dinosaurs)

Grabljenje pom pom loptica s dubokom žlicom
Spooning pom pom balls

Grabljenje čokoladnih bombona (umjetni su, ali mmmm..., izgledaju kao pravi) - umjetni čokoladni bomboni su iz MBM rasadnika.
Spooning chocolates (not real, but mmmm..., looks like real ) - "chocolate candies" are from MBM

Presipavanje staklenih kamenčića (djeca  o b o ž a v a j u  njihovo zveckanje po staklenom vrču)
Pouring glass pebbles (kids  l o v e  them rattling in a glas jar)

Razvrstavanje po boji (cvjetovi od filca su iz Interspara)
Sorting by color (felt flowers from Interspar)

Slaganje ključeva po veličini (ključeve sam stavila u skener, odabrala stvarnu veličinu i isprintala) - ova vježba bila je pravi hit među mlađom djecom u grupi.
Matching size of the keys (I put the keys in a scanner, I have chosen the actual size and printed) - this exercise was a real hit among the younger children in the class.

Brojanje cvjetova (kartice sam našla na Play 2 Learn Printables)
Counting flowers (cards are from Play 2 Learn Printables)

Kartice za čitanje (1. jednosložne riječi, 2. dvosložne, 3. trosložne, 4. kombinacija jednosložnih, dvosložnih i trosložnih riječi)
Cards for reading (1. monosyllable words, 2. dissyllable words, 3. threesyllable words, 4. combination monosyllable, dissyllable and threesyllable words)

Zaduženja: svaki dan (po abecednom redu) odabirem znakove osmero djece koji pri dolasku u sobu biraju što taj dan žele raditi. Zatim jednostavno svoj znak pričvrste za kvačicu ispod naziva zaduženja. 
Ponudila sam: pospremanje garderobe, dijeljenje čaša/šalica, dijeljenje žlica/vilica, dijeljenje salveta, točenje iz vrča, zalijevanje cvijeća, pospremanje likovnog pribora, šiljenje.
Na fotografijama sam izbrisala imena djece zbog privatnosti.
Duty: every day (in alphabetical order) we select eight children and they choose what they want to do that day. Then, they simply attach their card with name and group sign below the duty sign. 
I offered: cleaning wardrobe, sharing (I don't know how to say otherwise) glasses/cups, sharing spoons/forks, sharing napkins, pouring from a jug, watering flowers, cleaning/sorting art supplies, sharpening pencils.
I erased the names of children on the photos due to privacy.

 One Hook Wonder

Broj komentara: 18:

  1. This is such a great post! I LOVE the size activity! WONDERFUL!
    You have such an inspiring blog! Thank-you!

  2. J'adore toutes les idées que tu as pour les exercices de versés et transferts!!
    Je vais les mettre en application!

  3. Thanks Jody! I'll be linking on your blog later today.

    Feepoussiere, thanks!

    Jo, thanks for the compliment :-)
    You can feature my posts whenever you want. Tnanks :-)

  4. Blago tvojim klincima na takvoj kreativnoj teti i blago tebi jer je više nego očito da obožavaš svoj posao. Sretnice!

  5. Hvala Ivana na prekrasnom komplimentu. Da, istina je da jako volim svoj posao.

  6. As always, I love your post!
    The variety is so nice...the work looks so interesting and colorful...very cool ideas. Thank you for sharing. My sons would love to do the one with the different sized tools...we could do that for a variety of tools...when we do, I will track back and give you credit to your great idea:)

  7. Such wonderful activities! I love the glass jars. I saw these a while back and they were very inexpensive. But I had 2nd thoughts on buying them. Is this still appropriate for a 3.5 yo? I need to wise as to where I spend my budget. :)
    Oh, thanks so much for leaving me a comment over my blog. So sweet of you!

  8. Jars are made of thick glass, so even if they fall on the floor they'll not break. But you can use plastic jars if you have doubts.

  9. Thank-you so much for linking up to Monday's Montessori Moment! Like I already mentioned, GREAT post!


  10. Natasa!!! So nice you're back!!! I LOVE you blog's new look!!! So beautiful!!!, I love all the activities you post here!!!! The flowers!!!! I love it!!! I'm preparing them to use it TODAY!!!LOL

    Thanks for you great post!!

    Big hugs, from Puerto Rico!!

  11. Hey Karen :-)
    Thanks for beautiful comment!

  12. Thanks for participating in Montessori Monday! I really like the size lesson with the wrenches as well - I'll have to make one of those for my boys soon - thanks for the great idea!

  13. You always have such great ideas!

  14. Thanks Nicole & Jenny :-)
    You always leave such a nice comments!

  15. Wonderful, as always!!! Love your trays and the key sizing activity is fantastic!

  16. Thanks Mari-Ann; I'm surprised how many people like the key sizing activity.
