12 siječnja 2010

Još jedna nagrada

Ovu nagradu za kreativnost mi je dala Africa. Pogledajte izvrsne aktivnosti na njenom blogu Un desert a casa.
Zaista mi je drago kad vidim da ljudi iz raznih dijelova svijeta cijene moju kreativnost. Hvala svima koji čitaju ovaj blog :-)

Pravila ove nagrade su:

CreativOnline wants to reward blog friends that during the 2009. have been dedicated with a lot of creativity and love to share all their works. This prize should be exposed on your blog and should be delivered to 5 of your bloggy friends.

ili u originalu:
CreativOnline quiere premiar blogs amigos que durante el 2009 se han dedicado con mucha creatividad y amor a compartir todos sus trabajos. Este premio, humildemente es un aliciente para que el 2010, sigan con el mismo animo y compartiendo mas. Este premio se deberá exponer en su blog y tambien deberá ser entregado a 5 de sus blogs amigos que no se encuentren en la lista, no olviden dejar su comentario en este post.

Dakle, ovu nagradu prosljeđujem ovim blogovima (prekršila sam pravilo i nagradila šest Montessori kolegica):

  1. Montessori Beginnings
  2. Montessori Moments
  3. Counting Coconuts
  4. Mi escuelita Montessori
  5. itty bitty love
  6. Making of a Montessori Mum
Hvala vam na inspiraciji u radu ;-)

Broj komentara: 10:

  1. Wow! Thank you so much - you put me up there with some other amazing Montessori mamas! I'm honored! :)

  2. Thank you so much for the wonderful AWARD!
    You have made my day!

  3. Girls, you deserved this award!
    Thank you for great posts you are sharing.

  4. THANK YOU!! Leptir!! You're so sweet!! Thanks for placing my blogg with the Best Montessori's Blogs!!! I'm too excited!!!! A big Hug!!!

    Un abrazote y un beso!!!!! Gracias

  5. thanks for the award! i really enjoy doing yoga too- but i HATE driving!! i am always so worried about getting in an accident! your blog is amazing!

  6. Thank you for the award! YOU always inspire me!!!

  7. Hey there! Thanks so much for the fab award. Means so much getting it from you - I lurve your blog and ideas. big bloggy hugs and thanks and sorry did not pop by earlier to say all this. (:

  8. Anne, you're so kind :-) I often find some great ideas on your blog and use them in my classroom. And kids are always happy and content with it :-)

    Making of a Montessori Mum, I'm flattered :-) Your blog is amazing. I find a lot of activities that I can use with little ones in my class (I have two 2,5 y.o.).

    Thanks girls ;-)
