05 rujna 2009

Sortiranje ptica po kontinentima

Za ovu vježbu izradila sam veliku kartu svijeta. Kontinente (filc) sam pričvrstila za plavu pamučnu tkaninu. Također sam za svaki kontinent izradila kartice s fotografijama karakterističnih ptica i nazivom. Djeca kontroliraju svoj rad putem podloge fotografije (npr. afričke ptice su na zelenoj podlozi, australske na smeđoj podlozi itd.).

Broj komentara: 8:

  1. What a beautiful new look!!! nice.... I love this work!! later you can do it with important cities, places, monuments!!! I's a great idea and you can keep using it!!! I love it!!

    Thanks for share....

  2. Thanks for ideas. We have plastic wild animals in classroom, so children are placing them on their continent (on this world map, it's really big - about 2m x 1,5m).

  3. I love your map. Was it simple to make? I am not good with a needle but we NEED this in our classroom!

  4. I magnified continents with overhead projector on the wall and trace over on the felt. Then I cut out continents and fasten on the blue material.
    It takes a lot of time, but it's easy to do.

    I hope you can understand what I wrote because I don't speak (or write) English properly.

  5. That's very clear! Now, if I could just find an overhead projector.....great way to do it though. I am impresed.

  6. I have overhead projector in my kindergarten.
