31 ožujka 2011

Giveaway at LivingMontessoriNow!!

Montessori Print Shop Deluxe CD Rom

Deb (Living Montessori Now) organizira giveaway (darivanje) u kojem možete osvojiti mnogo Montessori materijala od Montessori Print Shopa!
Požurite i sudjelujte - možda vam se posreći!

Deb (Living Montessori Now) organizes giveaway - you can win a lot of Montessori materials from Montessori Print Shop
Hurry up and participate - you may get lucky! 

23 ožujka 2011

Planet Zemlja III. / Planet Earth III

U ovom postu ću opisati nekoliko starih aktivnosti vezanih uz planet Zemlju koje nisam stigla ranije objaviti.
In this post I will describe some of the old activities related to the planet Earth, which I have not had time to publish them earlier. 

Djeca su uživala odijevajući lutke različitih rasa i svrstavajući ih na kartu s kontinentima:
Children have enjoyed dressing dolls of different races and classifying them on the continents map: 

Dob / Age: 3+ 

Još jedna vježba koja je djeci bila vrlo zanimljiva je sortiranje malih lutkica po kontinentima:
Another exercise that the children were very interested in is sorting small dolls on the continents

Prekrasne lutkice sam posudila od kolegice iz drugog vrtića, iz društvene igre Kinder Der Welt (Beleduc).
I have borrowed cute dolls from my colleague from other kindergarten, they're in the Kinder der Welt game (Beleduc). 
Dob / Age: 3,5+ 
Na razini manipulacije se može i ranije, a kao Montessori vježba kad dijete nauči imenovati i razlikovati kontinente.
At the level of manipulation may be even earlier, as a Montessori exercise when the child learns to appoint and distinguish the continents. 

Razvrstavanje djece u narodnim nošnjama po kontinentima:
Sorting children in national costumes by continent: 

Dob 3,5+  ili kad dijete nauči imenovati i razlikovati kontinente.
Age: 3,5+ or when a child learns to name and distinguish the continents. 

Traženje parova - djeca u narodnim nošnjama:
Matching pictures of children in national costumes: 

Dob / Age: 3+

Ovim putem se zahvaljujem Matei (kolegici iz Makarske) koja mi je poslala sličice djece u narodnim nošnjama.
I would like to thank Matea (colleague from Makarska) who sent me pictures of children in national costumes. 

Brojke i žetoni (učenje parnih i neparnih brojeva) - umjesto žetona sam pripremila male planete Zemlje (besplatan download među mojim Scribd dokumentima):
Numerals and counters (learning odd and even numbers) - instead of the usual chips I have prepared a small planet Earth (free download, my Scribd documents):

Dob / Age: 4/4,5+

Vježba nizanja kontinenata. Kontinente sam isprintala na papir odgovarajuće boje, izrezala, plastificirala, te probušila rupice za nizanje. Moram priznati da je ova vježba djeci bila zanimljivija s kontinentima nego s perlicama.
Stringing continents. I printed out the continents on colored paper, cut, laminated and punched holes for stringing. I must admit that this exercise were more interesting with the continents than with beads. 

Dob / Age: 2,5/3+

Više postova o planetu Zemlji možete pronaći OVDJE.
More posts about planet Earth can be found HERE

I'm linking up to:
SHARING TIME (Raising Memories)
MATH LINKS (Joyful Learner)
SHOW & TELL (ABC & 123)
PRESCHOOL CORNER (Homeschool Creations)
LINK & LEARN (No Time For Flash Cards)
GEOGRAPHY / HISTORY (Children Grow, Children Explore, Children Learn)

17 ožujka 2011

Što smo radili ovih dana... / What we did in kindergarten...

Napomena: jedna čitateljica mi je mailom poslala molbu da uz svaku vježbu napišem dob djece koja rade opisane vježbe. Na kraju svake vježbe ću se truditi staviti okvirnu dob u kojoj bi prosječno dijete moglo početi raditi dotičnu vježbu. Svako je dijete individualno, tako da se i djeca iste dobi jako razlikuju po svojim sposobnostima i interesima. Zato dob koju navedem smatrajte okvirnom. Vi najbolje poznajete djecu s kojom radite.

Note: a reader sent me a mail application to write the age of children in each exercise. At the end of each exercise I will try to put the approximate age in which the average child could begin to do the certain exercise. Each child is individual, so that the children of the same age vary greatly in their abilities and interests. So consider the age specified, approximate age of the child . You know the children with whom you work. 
Rezanje papira po crti (besplatan download u mojim Scribd dokumentima)
Cutting paper (free download in my Scribd documents):

Svako dijete koje radi ovu vježbu svoje izrezane papire sprema u kovertu...
Every child put her cut outs in an envelope...

...a nakon toga u svoju ladicu (svako dijete ima svoju ladicu s imenom, prezimenom i znakom):
...and then in her drawer (each child has her drawer with full name and her group sign): 
Od 3. godine./ Age: 3+

 Grabljenje žlicom / Spooning glass pebbles:

Od 2,5 godine (može i u ranijoj dobi, ali u vrtićke grupe se upisuju djeca od 3 godine tako da dob djece pišem u odnosu na vrtićku grupu).
Age: 2,5 + (may be earlier too, but the kindergarten in Croatia enrolling children from 3 years, so I write the age of children in relation to the Croatian primary class).

Prenošenje vode s kapaljkom u kalup za led. Slična aktivnost je bila velik hit među djecom za Valentinovo, pa sam ju odlučila ponovo staviti na police. Na žalost obje su se kapaljke razbile jer su staklene. Još nisam nigdje naišla na plastične. Ako netko zna gdje bih ih mogla pronaći, neka javi :-)
Transferring water with dropper into the ice mold. Similar activity was a big hit among the kids for Valentine's Day, so I decided to put it on the shelves once again. Unfortunately both of the dropper broke - they were made of glass. I still have not find the plastic ones anywhere. If anyone knows where I could find them, please tell :-)

Od 3,5 godina / Age 3,5+

Hvatanje s vrhovima prstiju. Dijete s vrhovima prstiju (pincetni hvat) prenosi pikule u stakleni vrč (djeca obožavaju slušati ovo "stakleno" zveckanje), a zatim ih iz vrča presipava nazad u posudu.
Transferring marbles with fingertips. A child with her fingertips (pincet grip) transferring a marble in a glass jar (kids love to listen this "glass" rattling), then she pouring them back into the bowl. 
Od 2,5/3 godine nadalje / Age: 2,5/3+

Prenošenje prstima (u svaki pretinac treba staviti po jednu gumenu lopticu - to su zapravo igračke za kućne ljubimce).
Transferring with fingers (one porcupine ball should be placed in each compartment - they are actually toys for pets).
Od 2,5 godine / Age 2,5+

 Presipavanje plastičnih perlica / Dry pouring (plastic beads):

Od 2,5/3 godine / Age: 2,5/3+

Nakon naučenog osnovnog načina rada, djeca počinju smišljati različite varijacije na temu. Jedan je dječak od geometrijskih tijela složio ovo (ovoid i elipsoid su s druge strane):
After learning the basic work mode, children begin to invent variations on the theme. One boy made this out of geometric solids (ovoid and ellipsoid are on the other side): 
Od 3 godine/ Age: 3+

Nastavljanje niza / Patterning (besplatan download na Montessori for everyone / free download at Montessori for everyone):

Slikovnica Uljuđeni vuk (Becky Bloom) o vuku koji se začudio kad je na farmi naišao na obrazovane domaće životinje. Poželio je i on naučiti čitati itd. Djeca ovu slikovnicu jako vole.
Picture book Wolf! (Becky Bloom) about the wolf who was surprised when he came on the farm and find educated domestic animals. He wished he can read, etc. The children really love this picture book. 

Prva pokretna slovarica - sadrži mala tiskana slova od plastike. Samoglasnici su plavi, a suglasnici ružičasti. U svakom pretincu ima desetak slova. Ovu vježbu su radila djeca od 4,5 do 6,5 godina:
Large movable alphabet - contains a small plastic printed letters. Vowels are blue, consonants are pink. Each compartment has a dozen letters. Children from 4.5 to 6.5 years worked with the material and write this: 

Pridruživanje rečenice slici. Djeca prvo slažu sličice jednu ispod druge, a zatim čitaju kartice s rečenicama i pridružuju ih odgovarajućoj slici. Teža verzija: prvo se slože rečenice kojima se zatim pridružuje sličica. Ovu vježbu djeca mogu raditi kad nauče čitati. Besplatan download na lernmaterial.at
Matching pictures and sentences. Children first put pictures one below the other, and then read the cards with the sentences and join them to the appropriate picture. Heavier version: put the sentences first and then pictures. Children can do this exercise when they learn to read. Free download at lernmaterial.at

Pridruživanje riječi slici. Djeca slažu fotografije s detaljima poznatih predmeta, životinja i dr. Zatim imenuju čega je to dio te pridruže odgovarajuću riječ. Sličice sam izrezala iz časopisa Tintilinić. Ovu vježbu djeca mogu raditi kad nauče čitati.
Matching pictures and words. Children puting close-ups (details of familiar objects, animals, etc.) on the table/carpet. Then appoint what is on the photo and join the appropriate word. I cut pictures from magazine Tintilinić. Children can do this exercise when they learn how to read. 

Trake sa sličicama. Dijete ovu vježbu radi kad zna pisati. Prepoznaje životinju na slici i u crtovlje upisuje njeno ime. Na fotografiji je rad djeteta od 6,5 godina.
Strips with the pictures. A child can do this exercise when he knows to write. She recognizes an animal in the picture and enter its name on the lines. Below is a work of a 6,5 yo child. 

I'm linking up to:

To all who celebrate: Happy St. Patrick's Day!